It's the next day and Deku is VS Aizawa today, infront of the schools faculty. It's the afternoon and Deku and Aizawa are walking to the school for the Exam of his power. Aizawa is scared but curious about Deku's fighting style. Deku is Pumped to actually go against Aizawa this time.
A few minutes later: They are both in the gym with cementos and midnight near by so they can intervene if something goes wrong. The rest of the teachers/pro hero's are watching from the sidelines. Deku is on one end and Aizawa is on the other getting ready to fight.
3-2-1 GO! Deku is going to use his Vampire form to keep his cover. He has fangs that hangout of his mouth, glowing eyes, black scale claws, and black scale armor that go up to his elbows. He could have the armor surround his full body but he's going easy on his opponent because he likes Aizawa. The hero's freak in disgust and fear at the sight of his body transforming infront of their very eyes. Aizawa looks at Deku with his quirk trying to deactivate Deku's ability but it's not working on the fangs and glowing eyes, but everything is going away. "Awww you spoiled my fun before it began, tsk tsk tsk Aizawa." Deku smirks devilishly at Aizawa. "Well I just wanted to make it a little bit more fair." He smirked at Deku evily. They both chuckle to themselves as they are walking in a circle clockwise, looking for a moment to attack. "Fair enough Aizawa, well how about we get this started eh?!" Deku stops in place and dashes towards Aizawa with intense speed. Aizawa stops in place too and dashes towards Deku as well. Deku jumps and tries to drop kick Aizawa. But he sees it coming and uses his scarf to grab him mid air and spin him in a circle for a few seconds. Finally throwing him into the air towards the ceiling. Deku grows his claws back for a quick second as Aizawa blinks and stabs the ceiling with his claws allowing him to hang their from upside-down. "I'm just hanging out up here." Deku giggles and Aizawa facepalms in disappointment, "Really more puns Deku, *sighs* get down here and fight me all out and show the pros that you are as scary as you look. Don't worry I can take it." Deku smiles impressed with Aizawa's guts. "Sure thing friend, I'll go all out, but I'm pretty scary looking, prepare for anything." Deku drops down from the ceiling. He starts transforming as soon as he lands. He has fangs that hangout of his mouth, glowing Iris and sclera is all black, black scale claws, black scales that cover his whole body and covers over his clothes. Has spikes on the shoulders, elbows, knees, back of his shoes, Black rigged horns that twist in a swirl and compliment his white hair. And a Black Demon like tail that moves like a tail of a animal. The tail is wagging and sharp at the end, Deku can impale someone if he wanted to. This is all the quirks that he took in the year of being in prison, he has completed his Vampire Demon look almost to the T. The whole room went silent as Deku is transforming into a real Vampire Demon, in front of their very eyes. They are all shaking in fear that they are in the same area of this monster. Even Aizawa is very scared, but he isn't shaking in fear like the rest of them.
Aizawa is more impressed with Deku than scared, of course he's scared but he's only feeling that way because he's going against that creature. Deku's voice is now deeper in tone, and he is keeping a few trump cards close to his chest. Deku walks over to Aizawa looking like pure evil incarcerate. Deku is now speaking I'm a deep voice in this form,"Wow I haven't gone in this form when going against someone in a fight before. This is the first time I've ever tried it out against a hero too. Aizawa you wanted my all and here it is. Wow your friends are shaking in fear but you aren't, very impressive." Deku walks closer to Aizawa with a deadly intent to kill. Aizawa tries to use his quirk but it doesn't work like last time with Deku when he just met him. He panics and takes a step back in fear."Why isn't my quirk working against you!!" Aizawa looks scared but curious. Deku smirks devilishly,"Well you see I was experimented on as a child so now I can be a true Demon. Or The devil its self, it hurts every time I transform, but that man tortured me everyday until I don't feel the pain anymore, so I'm a evil Devil." Deku looks a little sad for a few seconds, then goes back to looking emotionless and scary. The hero's on the sidelines try to get their stuff together and save Aizawa from this monster. Cementos puts cement walls all around Deku trapping him inside. Aizawa looks at cementos concerned,"No don't do that, get rid of the wall!!" It's too late, Deku smashes all of the walls in one hit and he continues walking towards Aizawa,"How rude I'm still in a duel. Don't test me or I'll kill you." The whole room goes silent and then they all rush towards Deku to stop him with force, without even saying the fight was over. Aizawa looks at Deku and tells him in a serious tone,"The match over so transform back, before you kill them." Deku listened to his new friend and transformed back in a matter of seconds before the hero's could touch him. As soon as he transformed back he almost gets hit by cementos but then Aizawa uses his scarf and Yanks him towards his side. "I have Deku undercontrol so calm down everyone." Aizawa says in a serious tone. Deku struggles and he can't move with Aizawa's scarf around his waist and whole body. "They didn't even say that the fight was over, if they did I would of stopped ages ago. But thanks for letting me know and saving me from going on a rampage, I guess I'm not used to that form yet, my bad Aizawa." He says with a nervous laugh. Principal Nezu walks over to Deku and Aizawa and speaks in a serious tone," Now we all know you are as strong as All Might or The top hero's in the world. Just use what ever form Aizawa says to use, he's your boss from now on, whatever he says goes. Now get out of here and don't come to school until a week from now. Aizawa take care of this Monster very carefully." Nezu walks away and leaves the gym with the rest of the heros. Deku and Aizawa wait until they leave to talk.
A few moments later: Deku and Aizawa have a short talk before they head home. Aizawa tells Deku that he will follow everything he says for the next three years and keep a close eye on what he does, so he knows what is wrong and right, but when he gets to teach Aizawa's students the 4th year on he has to still ask him permission to do most of the things. They talked about what just happened in the fight today. Jokes and compliments, and impressed comments..ect...
To be continued..
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