23. Breathe

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Adonis »

"You...do? You have it too?"

"I do..I've never met someone who experienced the same thing."

"I haven't either. Farrah..I was so afraid to tell you because I was worried you'd think I was weird or unable to be in a relationship."

"No no, I don't think that at all."

"I know I- I feel a lot better. Since...you know what it feels like."

This was a weight lifted off of my shoulders. This was the first time I'd told anyone, the last thing I expected to hear was she knew exactly what I was going through.

After talking a bit more about it, she suggested we head back to the train station.

"You know, you never really told me about your date with Ivy."

"It was bad.."

"Everyone has bad dates." She laughed.

"Very bad. She just wanted to have sex, and I didn't."

"So you left her?"

"She left me. She said cause I didn't wanna have sex with her, I must be gay."

"What a dumbass." She rolled her eyes.

"But it's okay..I've forgotten all about it, there's plenty better things to think about."

"You're right about that..." She smiled.

She started to say something, but stopped herself. 

"Adonis..I just thinking...would you maybe want to come over to my house? Sometime after school this week? Just to hang out? I won't try anything on you." She chuckled.

It would have been easiest to say no, that way I wouldn't have to worry about making myself seem normal in front of multiple people. But it was hard to say no to her, seeing how nervous she was to ask.

"Oh..yeah. Definitely."

"I'm sure my mom would love to meet you, she'd like to see me have a good influence."

"That sounds nice. My mom uh..doesn't like you."

"Yeah..I figured that, you know, since she told you to block my number." She said, not really sounding like she cared much.


Farrah »

After a lengthy train ride, we made it back to the station. A successful date with Adonis. No awkward silence, no panics, just a nice time.

I never intended on sharing the things I shared with him...I never intended on sharing that with anyone. But when he told me he had the same thing, it just came out.

A lot of times it's hard to understand Adonis, but today..it felt like we were the same person.

"If you're not down that's fine, just don't flake on me. I'd really love for you to meet my parents. They're kind of lame...but it'd be nice for you to visit."

"I won't Farrah. I'd like to meet them. I'm just kind of nervous. I don't want your mom to think I'm....weird."

"They're as weird as they come, so they have no room to talk. I'm not tryna throw you into an awkward dinner with them or anything. You can just meet them, then we go to my room."

"Oh..cool. And then..?"

"And then...watch a movie or something. Unless you wanted to do something else?" I chuckled.

He smiled, his face tinting a bit red.

"A movie sounds nice."


When we got back to the rec center, there were other teens standing outside waiting for their rides. Just on time.

"I had a lot of fun today." Adonis told me.

"I did too. I guess..signing up for this club wasn't such a bad idea after all."

"Yeah. I'm not used to doing stuff like this but it's so much fun. Are you worried about getting caught though Farrah?"

"Why would we be caught? Don't worry so much. And your mom's here, so I'll call you later."

"How did you notice- okay..I guess I should go. My mom uh probably shouldn't see us together."

"I understand, go ahead."


Adonis »

When I got into the car with my mom, there was a feeling of relief. I always like being around Farrah, but no matter what, just being in her presence makes my heart race.

"How was it?" My mom asked.

"It was okay."

"I'm so glad you're doing this Adonis. I think it's great for you to meet new people your age and open up."


"While we're here Don, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."



"I just..I want to know what you did with your medications."

I decided to stay quiet.

"Don you have those for a reason. I replaced your anxiety medication but I won't be able to get the rest until the end of the week. I don't know what you did to the ones you have, but it was irresponsible of you."

"I know."

"So after the end of this week, I'm gonna make sure you're taking each one everyday. You're getting older, I guess you think you're too old to listen to me. I hear you talking on the phone with that girl I told you to block, you're not taking your pills, I won't even mention the things I found on your lapto-"

"Why don't you treat Eden like this? He does way worse things than I'd ever do. But you don't go through his stuff, you don't spy and listen to his conversations."

"You know that you and Eden are not the same. I just want to protect you."

"I don't need you to protect me!"

"Adonis don't raise your voice at me. I'm your mother and I know what's best for you."

"No. You don't. Sometimes it feels like you keep a closer watch on me then you do Noel, and she's four!"

"I'm not gonna argue with you. You will take your medicines, I will watch you do so. You won't speak to Farrah anymore and I definitely will be putting parental controls on your devices."

"See if that stops me." I mumbled.

"Adonis- what has gotten into you? What would your father think of this behavior?!"

"Dad wouldn't let you treat me like this in the first place!"

I know he wouldn't.


flashback » June 3 2012

"Don..don't cry." Ellis spoke, wiping the tears off his youngest son's face.

"I hate all these medicines dad."

"I know, I know. And I don't care what your mother says, I don't care what the teachers say. You are fine the way you are."

"So why do I have to-"

"Because your mother got the diagnosis and the prescriptions from professionals. Her and I aren't together and definitely don't see eye to eye, but I have to follow that."

Adonis sighed, thinking of a time when his parents lived happily in one home.

"I hate mom."

"Don't say that, Adonis. Sometimes I get really mad at Sade, but I can't hate her, and neither can you." Ellis said, trying to convince his son, and partially trying to convince himself that he doesn't hate the mother of his children.

Seeing his son upset broke his heart more than his cheating wife ever could have.

With Ellis only having limited custody rights, Adonis being with him on the weekends was supposed to be the highlight of his week. However, ever since that trip to the doctor..Adonis' happy smiling self seemed to be covered by a dark rain cloud over his head.

No matter how hard he tried for it not to, Ellis' resentment toward his children's mother built.

"All of this is her fault. She..she should've never left you alone at that family's house-" Ellis began.

"Dad..it's okay." Adonis interjected, now offering comfort to his father instead of the other way around.

Ellis snapped out of his thoughts, realizing they were beginning to consume him. He hadn't even noticed the tears falling from his eyes.

Are flashbacks confusing? Let me know

Ellis = Adonis' father
Sade = his mother
I'm assuming y'all didn't remember that cause I sure didn't. (And I'm the one who wrote it! lol)

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