Chapter 33: What Is A British Person?

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(a/n: tw: OFFENSIVE FOR BRITISH PEOPLE! If you cannot handle some roasting, pLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER) 

"You're still sleep-deprived," Eunha spoke, looking at Jisung, whose eyes were bloodshot and red, and a huge, psychopathic smile was present on his face. 

"Iced Americano is the best," he spoke, not even blinking, "I swear I saw my sleep paralysis demon in school today. He wore a neon mini skirt and looked sexy as fuck."

They heard snores from Hyunjin beside them. She sighed. 

"Okay, so Eunha," Jisung instructed a bored Eunha, "You can play the Powerpoint presentation, and change the slides when I tell you to. And you, Hyunjin," he spoke to Hyunjin, who was dozing off on his chair, "You... just don't fall asleep while I'm speaking." 

"Mm," Hyunjin put up a lazy thumbs-up, half asleep. 

The Literature teacher walked in, and after taking the attendance, she asked, "Which group is ready with their presentation?" 

"Us?" Eunha doubtfully spoke. 

"Okay. So Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, and Jung Eunha," the teacher spoke, "Please come up to the podium." The teacher went to sit at the first desk, and giving the stage to the three presenters, she opened her register to give them the marks based on their presentation. 

Jisung carried the laptop to the podium and connected it to the projector, and told Eunha how to change the slides -- one click of a button, it was, but she was as good as a boomer. Hyunjin leaned against the podium, trying to hold his head up to stand straight and not fall asleep while standing. He wasn't Nobita, now, was he? 

Oof, you thought. 

"You may start now," the teacher commanded, and they began. 

"Since ma'am gave us the freedom to choose our own topics, here is ours..." 

The class gaped at the screen, as Jisung shot, "Hah, gotcha! You might be thinking that we can't possibly be presenting on this topic, right?" 

The class, including the teacher, nodded. 


Eunha changed the slide. 

"As explained, a British person is a human," Jisung spoke, eyes never closing, "And a British one at that. I mean, how amazing is that?!" 

He motioned her to change the slide. 

"This is an important topic for highschoolers," he spoke, "Sex is not an orgy. An orgy is not sex." 

"What...?" Eunha whispered, and Jisung blinked, and corrected himself, "Oh! I meant that Harry Styles' music videos delude the youth's expectations. Stream Watermelon Sugar, though." 

"I don't need to say much. Don't die, people. Next." 

"Let's do a case study. Here, we have a Britisher. And there, we have Hyunjin," Jisung spoke, and Hyunjin woke up with a start, suddenly starting to pose for a Vogue photoshoot. 

"Hyunjin eats sweets, but he doesn't call people 'love'. You can say that he is rude, but hey, he has good teeth!" Jisung clapped, "And on the other hand, the Brit eats sweets and calls everyone 'love'. Therefore, the result. Next slide, please!" 

Jisung looked at the screen for a second and then spoke, "I forgot what scrumptious meant. We're skipping, sorry." 


"Oh, Heavens," the teacher rubbed her temples, getting tormented like the rest of the class. 

Jisung continued anyway, "You might think I'm mining, but I might be snogging your girl, bitch!" he did a little noodle dance, "Don't use these on me, though. I will sue you in a British court." 

"We're actually here," Jisung spoke solemnly, "RIP Queen. You'll be missed, even though you barely affected my life. Anyways, you can read what is on the screen, I guess. Say with me, 'Harreh Pottah'!" 

"Harreh Pottah!" the class repeated. 

"Gimme a glass of wotah!" 

"Gimme a glass of wotah!" Even the teacher was forced to comply. 

"Next!" Eunha forced up the next slide. 

"Ah, the Avengers cast!" Jisung cried, "I cannot tell you guys how much I love Tom Holland and his character in the movies! Spiderman is, like, my number one crush, and all I want is for him to swing me in the air and stick his web on me and toss me to another dimension. Oh, and stream Ed Sheeran's music." 

"And that was the presentation!" Jisung exclaimed, and for a minute, nobody moved. That's when Hyunjin lost his balance while sleeping, and he saw the screen, and started hooting and loudly clapping. The class followed suit, and suddenly, the entire room was roaring with applause. 

"What... did I just witness?" the teacher asked. 

"I'll get the grade changed," Eunha whispered to Jisung. 

And she saw the Grim Reaper whistling at the back of the class, clapping his boney hands. The dude wasn't that bad, now that she came to think of it. 



It is 6 AM and I have yet again impressed myself with my abilities of crack 

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