Jeongin walked about three feet away from Deviless, as she walked with him towards the exit of the school, evilly smiling. That looked suited her, though (obviously bruh).
She then turned to face him, and he visibly flinched.
"What? Are you that scared of me?" she enjoyed watching him cower away in fear.
"Stop lying."
Jeongin kept quiet, and she was completely okay with the very dearly needed silence until a thought appeared in his head.
"You're just, uh... from hell?" he questioned, and she looked forward, nodding.
"What else can you do?"
Eunha halted right there, "What?"
Jeongin cautiously asked, "You must have superpowers, right?"
"Well, I do..." she trailed off, not understanding where this conversation was going.
"Show me!" he beamed, showing his Colgate white teeth smile again.
"U-Uh? Weren't you just scared of me?" for the first time, a human had managed to get the Deviless stumped. She didn't like this feeling.
"I still might be, but how can I deny a good magic show?"
"THIS IS NOT A MAGIC SHOW!" Eunha scoffed, "I am crowned in the entirety of the hell, and this mere human dares to call my powers a magic show?!"
"I bet you'll be better than Dynamo, b-babe," dude, he was trying so hard, I'm gonna cry, what is this.
"Wha- Are you trying to flirt while you're scared? Do you have no conscience?"
"You can call it a coping mechanism," he nervously laughed.
Eunha narrowed her eyes at him, "Strange."
"O-Only for you, babe- why is this happening to me?!" Jeongin cried out, "I shouldn't have learned this from the guys!"
"You're so weird."
"I have a pick-up line brewing inside me, so I'll just keep my mouth shut," he sighed in disappointment, "But... okay, show me something cool."
"Why should I?"
"Hey hey hey, I ain't asking you to kill- what do you even do in hell?"
"Torture, kill, feast."
Jeongin gulped, "Scary. I ain't asking you to torture someone, but, like, how about a prank? They're always fun."
Eunha side-eyed him; he was right and low-key relatable (WHY, SATAN, WHY?), because all her life, she had spent her powers trying to prank others in her homeland. Torturing wasn't her thing, even though she was crowned as the Deviless. That was just the impression of her dead father — he was cruel. Like, take Ursula from The Little Mermaid and Thanos from the MCU. Combine them and add more evilness. That still couldn't match her father's cruelty.
Long story short, she found herself sighing and giving in to the boy's demand, "Alright... on one condition, human."
"Which is?" his eyes lit up.
"If you stop calling me 'babe'," her face reddened slightly as she admitted that.
He winked at her, "You got it, babe."
She glared at him once before motioning something randomly in the air, moving her hands around like Wanda from MCU, and everyone around them halted. No one moved except Jeongin and Eunha, and he warily looked around to look at the people.
All of a sudden, the people started yelling, "FUCK HUMANKIND!"
And then started slapping themselves. One cheek at a time, coordinated, and in sync. It almost seemed like a crowd clapping... except those were cheeks. Clap that cheek, I guess?
Jeongin snickered, "What the heck?"
"Mind and body control," she smiled smugly, "This is kinda funny."
She moved her hands again, and the people stopped slapping themselves and commenced laughing comically, sounding like Kim Namjoon's forced laughter in American interviews, except louder.
Jeongin laughed heartily, "Okay, you can stop it now!"
Eunha dragged her hands down slowly, making the sorry, random people regain their senses. They all looked at each other, confused, and Eunha and Jeongin made a run for it before it became too suspicious.
"See? I have powers. Now would you finally stop calling me that shitty name?" she huffed after running a lot. Teleporting couldn't be possible in the middle of so many people, and that is exactly why she hated how humans multiplied like mosquitoes and increased the population. Like, use condoms, please?
Jeongin panted beside her, smirking slightly and saying, "Okay, babe."
"S-Sorry, ma'am."
"Dom energy," he blurted out, and upon realizing what he had said to the Deviless, after having seen the power she possessed, he squealed and turned away, and ran with whatever strength was left in him. Yang Jeongin really needs help, like for real.
Watching him run away like a scared puppy made Eunha chuckle. Somehow, that didn't sound so evil.
(a/n: i slept at 4 last night and woke up at 9 am by myself because I couldn't sleep. Now, im overdosing on coffee because i have an exam tomorrow and i need to study. But yeah, i read hyunchan all night long and im crack-soft rn, so i MIGHT/MIGHT NOT post another chapter. idk .
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