(A/N): Just to clarify, Union Academy and Union City are located in Japan. Tokyo and Union City border each other and Japan is part of Vale.
A few weeks had passed since I started learning how to use my cursed energy. So far, I've learned how to imbue cursed energy with my Katana to fight against curses.
Meanwhile, Gojo taught me to channel my cursed energy through unorthodox methods. The first lesson involved watching many movies while concentrating my cursed energy into a cursed doll that would attack me if energy flow was disturbed. I learned a move known as Black Flash, which allows me to use my cursed energy more physically should the need ever arise.
My harem and I have been getting along well enough. Initially, it was rather rough having eleven girlfriends, with potentially more on the horizon, considering Rio and Hinano also have feelings for me. I'm pretty sure Miwa might have developed feelings for me, but I'm not entirely sure.
Currently, I have just finished up a sparring match against Miwa.
Miwa: Impressive, You've really gotten the hang of it, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): It's all thanks to you, Miwa.
Miwa: Aww, thanks.. but I'm rather quite useless compared to some of the other students...
(Y/N): I disagree. I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without your help. You've supported me since we started training, and I'm glad to have met you.
Miwa blushed while I smiled at her.
Miwa: Oh, thanks (Y/N), you always know what to say to make me feel better. Gosh, he's so cute...
(Y/N): No problem, keep your chin up, okay?
Miwa: Right, so, you heading back?
(Y/N): Yeah, Gojo wanted to see me about something.
Miwa: Alright, well, take care (Y/N)
(YN): Yeah, you too.
After parting ways with Miwa, I met up with Gojo, who was with two other students. The first of which had short spiky pink hair styled in an undercut. More noticeably, he had slits underneath his eyes.
Yuji Itadori
The other boy had spiky black hair and looked rather unamused by everything.
Megumi Fushiguro
Gojo: Ah, good, you're finally here! You two, I would like you to meet (Y/N)!
???: Yo, I'm Yuji Itadori!
???: Megumi Fushiguro...
(Y/N): Hello, a pleasure to meet you two.
Gojo: I'll reiterate what I told you two yesterday since (Y/N) 's here. Basically, we're going out to pick up the fourth first-year student.
(Y/N): Oh, alright.
Yuji: How are there only four first-years? Isn't that too few
(Y/N): From what I understand, not many people can see curses. That's why Union's jujutsu curriculum is hidden from everyone else.
Megumi: Jujutsu sorcerers are just a minority when it comes to people who have quirks or semblances.
Yuji: Didn't you say that I was the fourth, Fushiguro?
Megumi: Her entrance was decided a while ago, apparently. The people who study jujutsu sorcery each have their own mitigating circumstances.
Gojo finally arrived while the three of us were talking.
Gojo: Sorry for the wait!
Gojo noticed that all of us were wearing our Jujutsu uniforms.
Gojo: Oh? Your uniform made it in time, I see.
Yuji: Yeah, it's a perfect fit. Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro and (Y/N) 's. It even has a hood!
Gojo: That's because the uniform can be customized on request.
Yuji: Huh, but I never put in any requests?
Gojo: I was the one who put in the custom order.
Yuji: Whatever, I guess.
(Y/N): Gojo-sensei tends to do things like this, so be careful.
Megumi: More importantly, why are we meeting up in the city? Shouldn't we be back at the academy?
Gojo: She said she wanted to meet us here.
We started walking for a few minutes while Yuji looked around at the food stalls.
Yuji: Oh, I want some popcorn!
We continued walking until we noticed a girl with ginger hair styled into a bob cut. She was harassing some random dude who was trying to get away from her
Nobara Kugisaki
(Y/N): Is that her, Gojo-sensei?
Gojo: Yeah.
Yuji came up, wearing glasses that said "ROOK" while eating popcorn and crepes.
Yuji: That's kinda embarrassing.
Megumi: So are you.
Gojo: Hey! Over here!
The ginger woman walked over after getting a good look at us.
???: Nobara Kugisaki. Be happy that I'm the only woman in your group.
Yuji pointed towards himself while Nobara kept staring at us.
Yuji; I'm Yuji Itadori. I'm from Sendai!
Megumi: Megumi Fushiguro
(Y/N): Hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure to meet you.
Nobara continued to stare at us, looking rather unimpressed. First, she looked at Yuji.
Nobara: He looks like a potato. He's definitely the type that ate his own boogers as a kid.
Nobara turned to stare at Megumi
Nobara: And only a name here? I can't stand high and mighty dudes. I bet he likes setting oil-slicked seagulls on fire.
Nobara then turns to stare at me.
Nobara: He's polite but doesn't look like he's capable of much... though he is a little cute.
Nobara lets out an exasperated sigh.
Nobara: I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances
(Y/N): She took one look at us and sighed...
Megumi: Are we going somewhere from here?
Gojo: Hehehe, We do have all four of you together. Not to mention that two of you are from the countryside, so, of course, we're going on a tour of Union.
Yuji, Nobara, and I had stars in our eyes while we joyfully cheered.
Yuji + Nobara + (Y/N): Union, Union, Union, we love Union!
Megumi: Huh?
The three of us jumped around Gojo while Megumi just looked at us, confused.
Nobara: I wanna go to Disneyland!
Yuji: You dummy, Disneyland is in Chiba. Let's go to Chinatown, Sensei!
Nobara: Chinatown is in Yokohama!
Yuji: Yokohama's part of Union. Don't you know that? Look at a map!
(Y/N): Actually, it's in Tokyo...
Yuji: Oh, right, ehe...
Gojo: I will now announce our destination!
Yuji and Nobara take a knee, leaving Megumi and Me standing there.
Gojo: We're going to Roppongi
Upon hearing about our destination, Yuji and Nobara had stars in their eyes.
Yuji and Nobara: Ro...ppon...gi!
*TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi (Y/N), Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo dancing to Lost in Paradise*
Our group arrived at a deserted building that radiated eerie energy.
(Y/N): I'm guessing there's a cursed spirit in here?
Yuji and Nobara looked frustrated and upset about the current situation while Megumi had his usually stoic face and Gojo smirked.
Nobara: You liar!
Yuji: This isn't even Roppongi!
Nobara: You were toying with us country folk!
Gojo: (Y/N) 's Right. There's a big cemetery nearby. The double whammy of that and an abandoned building brought out a curse.
Yuji: So they really do pop up more often around graves?
(Y/N): More likely, it's about people's negative emotions around cemeteries.
Megumi: Most people associate cemeteries with fear.
Yuji: Oh, so it's the same as what happened at school, right?
Nobara: Hold up. He didn't even know that yet?
Megumi: To be honest, it's because he swallowed a special grade cursed object
Nobara looked shocked and started to back away in disgust.
Nobara: He swallowed a special grade cursed object?! Gross! Unbelievable! That's so unsanitary and disgusting. No way! No way! No way! No way!
(Y/N): It is pretty nasty...
The revelation piqued my interest. Gojo had told me a bit about the two boys before the three of us had officially met. Most notably was how the boy named Yuji Itadori had become the vessel for the Ryomen Sukuna, also known as the King of Curses.
(Y/N): So, that's Sukuna's vessel, huh? No wonder I detected high amounts of cursed energy on him. He seems to be able to control it, though. interesting...
Yuji: What?!
Megumi: I agree with them.
Gojo: I want to know what you're capable of. Just think of this field test. Nobara, Yuji, and (Y/N), you three go exorcise the curse inside that building.
Yuji: Huh? But I thought only curses could exercise curses, right? I can't use any jujutsu yet!
Gojo: You're basically a half curse already. There's cursed energy flowing through your body. Though controlling that energy isn't something you can learn overnight, so use this.
Gojo handed Yuji a dagger that radiated cursed energy.
Gojo: It's the cursed tool, Slaughter Demon. It's a weapon imbued with cursed energy, similar to (Y/N) 's sword. It'll work on curses too.
Nobara: Lame.
The three of us started walking towards the building when Gojo called out.
Gojo: Oh, one more thing. Don't let Sukuna out. If you use him, you'll get rid of all the curses nearby in a flash, but you'll also drag everyone around into it.
Yuji: Got it. I won't let Sukuna out.
Nobara: Hurry it up!
Yuji: Yeah, Yeah.
Gojo: Go on, now!
The three of us entered the building. Yuji started to take cover while Nobara was tutting around. I just stared at Yuji, confused.
(Y/N): What are you doing?...
Yuji: I'm looking out for the cursed spirits- oh, never mind...
Yuji kept cautiously looking for curses while Nobara kept speed walking, clearly annoyed by her situation.
(Y/N): Those two remind me of Ruby and Weiss when they first met... I wonder how they're doing.
Megumi and Gojo were sitting on a nearby bench, waiting for the other three students to finish their mission.
Megumi: I think I'll go too...
Gojo: Don't push yourself. You're still recovering.
Megumi: But someone needs to keep an eye on Itadori, right?
Gojo: True, but the ones we're testing are Nobara and (Y/N). I want to see how Nobara fairs and how (Y/N) 's training has come along.
Megumi: Speaking of that, there's something off about him...
Gojo: Ah, so you picked up on it as well, huh?
Megumi: His cursed energy is unlike anything I've ever seen...
Gojo: You're not wrong... (Y/N) is an interesting case in that he possesses an unstable technique that had to be sealed away by the headmasters back at Union. Despite that, he still has access to his immense cursed energy and his immense aura. It's pretty interesting, isn't it? His power could far surpass that of Sukuna, even in his prime.
Megumi: That's a scary thought... having someone with that much cursed energy running about...
Gojo: Originally, he was supposed to be executed, much like Itadori... but we managed to convince Union's council to suspend it as long as he remains under my supervision.
*WITH (Y/N)*
The three of us continued up the flight of stairs to the next level of the cursed building.
Nobara: What a pain. Why do I have to deal with curses after coming all the way to Union?
Yuji: Huh, didn't you come to exercise curses?
Nobara ignored Yuji's question while I got an idea to save some time.
(Y/N): Maybe we should split up? We might be able to cover more ground that way.
Nobara turns to both of us.
Nobara: Good idea. (Y/N) and I will start at the top and go floor by floor while you start at the bottom
Nobara points to Yuji.
(Y/N); Uhh, maybe I should stay with Yuji... you seem more capable than he is at the moment...
Yuji: Hey, are you implying that I'm not capable in a fight?!
Nobara pouted with a slight blush on her face while Yuji looked at me, slightly annoyed.
Nobara: Tch, fine. Let's get this over with quick and grab some sushi after.
Yuji: Hold on, let's take this a bit more seriously. Curses are dangerous, you know?
Nobara got angry as she charged at Yuji, kicking him in the gut.
Nobara: I don't want to hear it from somebody who was a normie until recently! Now get moving!
(Y/N): Note to self, don't get on Kugisaki's bad side...
Nobara storms off up the stairs, leaving the two of us behind.
Yuji: Your emotions have been all over the place today
Nobara: This is why girls don't like you!
Yuji: How did you know they don't like me!? Are you even popular enough to talk, bitch?!
Out of about, a cursed spirit that looks like a humanoid crab attempts to pounce on Yuji.
(Y/N): Yuji, look out!
Yuji quickly dodged the incoming ambush, slicing the limbs of the curse in the process. Yuji lands next to me while the curse regains its footing.
Cursed Spirit: Do... you need... a receipt?
Yuji: It's a curse!
Drawing my Katana, Yuji and I charged towards the curse, slashing it in the chest. The two of us bisect the creature's legs. The curse can do nothing as the two of us jump over it, stabbing it in the head.
Yuji: Wow, we can really move!
(Y/N): I'll say, that's the first cursed spirit I've ever exorcised.
Yuji: Same here, we make a great team! But anyway, we should move on. We don't want to keep our majesty waiting.
Yuji bows in a sarcastic manner, causing me to laugh.
Gojo: Those two...
Gojo motions towards the top of his head
Gojo: They're missing a few up there. Yuji has no hesitation in killing these things that take the form of living creatures, albeit bizarre-looking ones, to try to kill him. On the other hand, (Y/N) was raised as an assassin who shows no remorse when fighting for those he cares about. It's not like they have been familiar with curses for a long time, unlike you. Up until now, Yuji was just a normal kid going through high school, while all (Y/N) had to worry about was fighting creatures of Grimm. The two of them are boys who thought they were powerless in a world that values power, suddenly having their worldview flipped upside down. You've seen plenty of jujutsu sorcerers, even those with talent, give up in frustration because they couldn't conquer their fear or disgust, haven't you? So today, I want to see how crazy they really are.
Megumi: But Kugisaki has experience, right? Little late for that now, isn't it?
Gojo: Curses are born from human minds, so their strength and numbers grow in proportion to the population. Do you think Nobara understands that curses in Union are on a different level than those in the countryside? When I say "level," I don't just mean the amount of cursed energy they have. It's their cunning. Monsters that have gained wisdom will often force cruel choices upon you with the weight of human lives in the balance.
Nobara continued up the stairs of the building, looking for any signs of a cursed spirit.
Nobara: Tch, why did I have to be the one who's by themselves... I was hoping to get to know (Y/N) a little more... wait a minute, why do I even care?
Nobara walks into a room filled with mannequins.
Nobara: Hey, you, curse... I mean you, mannequin in the center. You
actually think you're hidden there?
Nobara pulls out her hammer and a nail, brandishing them in her hands.
Nobara: If you won't come out, I'll just have to exorcise you there
Nobara imbues her cursed energy into two nails and quickly fires them off with her hammer into the face of the mannequin, which stumbles backwards. Suddenly, multiple red eyes start to form on the figure's head as it stands back up.
Nobara: You might want to pull those out...
Nobara snaps her fingers, causing the two nails to burrow further into the mannequin.
Nobara: Or my cursed energy will flow into you.
The cursed energy from the nails causes the head of the figure to explode. As the dummy's body slumps to the ground, Nobara smirks in satisfaction.
Nobara: Nailed it.
Suddenly, the whimpers of a child could be heard, catching Nobara by surprise.
Nobara: A child? Must have snuck in for some fun and encountered the curse.
Nobara walks over to the cowering child to reassure him.
Nobara: Hey, it's all right now. Come on out.
The kid reluctantly shakes his head no, which shocks Nobara
Nobara: Huh?!
Recomposing herself, Nobara stands up and turns away from the small child.
Nobara: I guess it's true that kids don't warm up to beautiful women. Guess I'll call (Y/N) and Itadori.
Child: Wait! Don't leave me here!
Nobara notices that a hairy cursed spirit appears from the wall, grabs the child by his head, and waves him around. Nobara goes to exorcise the curse but hesitates as she realizes that the child is being used as a shield.
Nobara: It's taking him hostage?
The curse pokes the panicked child's neck with its claw, drawing blood as it laughs.
Nobara: This curse has intelligence?! Damn it, damn it, damn it! DAMN IT!!! This curse isn't even that strong... Grade 4... Maybe even lower, like a grade 3... But it's aware of that... That's why it chose to take a hostage! Calm yourself down... If I die, the child dies, too... But if the child dies, I won't die. Logically speaking, it's better if I survive, at least!
Nobara drops her hammer and nails while raising her hands in defeat.
Nobara: I'm unarmed. Let the boy go.
The cursed spirit smirks at Nobara, which frustrates her even more.
Nobara: I'm such an idiot! See? It's not letting him go at all!
Nobara looks down, accepting her fate.
Nobara: Damn it, I wish I could've gotten to know (Y/N) a little more and see Saori-Chan one last time...
Suddenly, Itadori's fist, narrowly missing the curse, comes through the wall.
Yuji: Huh, I missed?
Yuji and (Y/N) break through the wall while the startled spirit holds the boy out in defense. However, the curse's defensive strategy becomes futile as (Y/N) amputates its hand with his sword,
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