Walking through the roads of Liyue, (Y/N) had decided to make his way towards the lands of the Anemo Archon, Mondstadt.
Despite his time in Teyvat since he reincarnated, he had never been to the City of Freedom because he spent most of his time in Liyue during the archon war and Inazuma afterward.
(Y/N) finished explaining to Morax what had seen during Harvest Festival.
Morax: So you're saying the goddess who killed you trapped two blonde travelers from another world?
(Y/N): Yeah, she said that in time she would release them in Teyvat, but I don't know where and when she will. It seems I've hit a dead end here...
Morax: That might not be the case.
(Y/N): Hmm? Do you have any ideas?
Morax: Well, If I recall correctly, I have heard tell of a blonde outlander from another world who usually resides in Mondstadt. Now I can't say for sure that she's one of the people you're looking for, but it seems that you don't have any other options.
(Y/N): I've never actually been to Mondstadt before. What's it like?
Morax: It's much more laid back than Liyue and Inazuma. Similar to how Liyue values the concept of contracts and Inazuma values the concept of eternity, Mondstadt values freedom granted by the anemo archon, Barbatos.
(Y/N): Freedom, huh?
Morax: Indeed. A couple of hundred years ago, Mondstadt was under the oppressive rule from the corrupt aristocracy. Barbatos could not stand for the suffering of his people, and alongside the hero Venessa, the two led a rebellion and liberated Mondstadt from the iron grip of the aristocrats.
(Y/N): Well, I can see why they value freedom above all else
Morax: Yes, Barbatos wished for his people to live their lives as they wished to, as long as it never impeded the freedom of others. Since the fall of the aristocracy, Mondstadt has prospered due to its lucrative wine industry. So much so that alcohol is a big part of its culture.
(Y/N): Hmm, well, it's not like I can get drunk anyways. But regardless, This outlander you mentioned is the only lead I have... I guess this is goodbye, for now, old friend.
Morax: Take care (Y/N). I wish you good fortune on your journey.
(Y/N): Thank you, Morax. I'll be sure to come back to visit whenever I can.
*Flashback End*
Of course, (Y/N) could've flown to his destination, but he felt it was better not to rush in case any nearby towns needed help. Although the situation in Khaenri'ah had subsided, the fallout had a massive effect. The monsters had spread across Teyvat, building encampments and raiding settlements along the way, posing a threat to those who lacked combat ability.
As he continued down the road, he noticed a small village in the distance. Approaching the village, he saw a directional signpost that denoted the location as Springvale.
Additionally, the sign showed that the city of Mondstadt was just ahead. Eventually, he reaches a large lake with a city situated on a small island in the middle.
As he approached the stone bridge connecting the city to the mainland, he noticed a blonde-haired woman sitting on the railings as if she was waiting for someone.
???: Ah, so you've finally arrived. I was beginning to wonder when you would show up.
(Y/N): I'm sorry, do I know you?
???: Not yet, my dear, but I certainly know about you. The mighty warrior who took down the mighty dragon, Tiamat. The demon who stood alongside both the Geo and the Electro Archons. I must say, you are very intriguing to me. But there is one thing I wish to ask you.
The woman got uncomfortably close to (Y/N) and whispered into his ear.
???: You're not from this world... are you?
(Y/N) shudders as he feels uncomfortable
(Y/N): H-how do you know so much about me?
The woman giggled and cheerfully smiled at (Y/N).
???: Astrology, my dear. I had foreseen our meeting for a long time now. Ah, but where are my manners? I believe introductions are in order. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
(Y/N): It's been over 2000 years since I last saw them... yet I'm still unable to move on from the past...
Alice looks at (Y/N) with concern as she snaps her fingers to get his attention.
Alice: Hello? Yoohoo! Are you there?
(Y/N): Huh? Oh, right, ehe, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. I'm (Y/N) Kaslana by the way.
Alice: Hehe, It's alright. It's a pleasure to meet you in person (Y/N). But I'm getting sidetracked. You're here to find someone, correct?
(Y/N): Uh yeah, the Geo Archon mentioned that there was an outlander with blonde hair who resides in Mondstadt. Do you know them?
Alice: Well, of course, I do. You're looking at her!
Alice does a playful courtesy to which (Y/N) deadpans.
Alice: Oh, come on, don't give me that look!
(Y/N): Sorry, It's just you're so much younger and a lot more childish than I expected for a veteran adventurer.
Alice looks offended and pouts.
Alice: Hey! I'll have you know we're about the same age!
(Y/N): Eh?? Are you serious?
Alice: Yep, I was around 17 when I left my homeworld and traveled to Teyvat. From what I've seen in your stars, the time you arrived in this world was around the same as I did.
(Y/N): Wait, so you're also from another world. You're the outlander I'm looking for?
Alice: Indeed I am! Come come. We have much to discuss!
Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) and Alice terrorizing a Cryo Regisvine with bombs.
Alice led (Y/N) to the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, Mondstadts military force so that they could speak in privacy.
After entering Alice's private workshop, (Y/N) explained the situation during the calamity while Alice held her chin as she processed all the information.
Alice: I see... so you've gone through Harvest Festival and transformed into a demon lord?
(Y/N): Yeah, why do you ask?
Alice: Because I went through the same process when I was younger
Alice: Back in my original home world, many demon lords existed. Occasionally, they would meet up at an event called the Walpurgis banquet. I attended one when I became a demon lord, but most of the others wouldn't recognize me as a true demon lord, so they tried to execute me for being what they deemed a faker.
Alice solemnly looked down while (Y/N) looked at her with sympathy.
(Y/N): Trust me, I know the feeling...
Alice: However, I had a feeling that the other demon lords would reject me, so I devised a contingency plan under the circumstances that they would kill me.
(Y/N): Let me guess, It was traveling here.
Alice: You catch on quickly. Yes, I planned to make them think I had perished when I had fled to another world instead. However, when I arrived in Teyvat, I found that there were no demon lords of any kind, which greatly relieved my paranoia that they would find me.
(Y/N): I see, so we're the only demon lords in Teyvat?
Alice: Yep, but enough about me, you mentioned that this god, what was her name again?
(Y/N): Asmoday
Alice: Oh, right, right! Anyways Asmoday captured these twin travelers from another world and will eventually release them into the world?
(Y/N): Yes, though I don't know when or where. Morax thought you would have some insight, seeing as you're also an outlander.
Alice looks at (Y/N) and sighs.
Alice: I'm afraid I don't have any information regarding the twins. I've never encountered anyone that matches your description.
(Y/N): Damn... you were my only lead. I guess coming here was a waste of time...
Alice: Now, hold on! Just because you didn't find what you were looking for doesn't mean this was a waste of time. So let's go over the situation again. Is there anything else that Asmoday said to you that stood out as odd?
(Y/N): Hmm, well... she mentioned something called the Genesis Pearl, though I have no idea what it is?
Alice looks down as she tries to recall her memory.
Alice: Hmm, Genesis Pearl... where have I heard that before?...
Alice's head jolts up as her eyes go wide.
Alice: I remember!
(Y/N): Really, wha-
Alice quickly grabs (Y/N)'s hand and drags him off to the library in the Knights Headquarters.
(Y/N): H-hey, wait!
(Y/N) watches on as Alice rummages through the many bookshelves in the library.
Alice: No... no... Ugh, where could it be?!
Eventually, she finds a scroll and grabs it.
Alice: Aha!
(Y/N): What is it?
Alice unrolls the scroll and lays it flat down on a nearby table.
Alice: An old poem... They called it the Gnostic Chorus.
Looking at the old scroll out in front of him, (Y/N) quietly read the poem's contents to himself.
"Once, there was a glorious kingdom established among the heavens."
"From that kingdom came a crowned heir, tasked with seeking out the Genesis Pearl from the Kingdom of Darkness."
"The first crowned heir began her journey of seeking the pearl. But she was deceived, and the memory of her noble origins faded."
"She now believed she was the queen of the Kingdom of Darkness."
"But take heart, a second crowned heir had already taken up the path where the first had stumbled."
Alice: The story tells of two siblings... The first was tasked with finding the Genesis Pearl, but in doing so, she was deceived into thinking she was someone she was not.
(Y/N): But how does this help us? It's just an old legend!
Alice: There's always a bit of truth in legends. Besides, after rereading it, I might have a theory...
(Y/N): Care to elaborate?
Alice hesitates for a minute while (Y/N) waits.
Alice: Well... now that I think about it... I'm not sure how you'll react. Are you sure you want to know?
(Y/N): We don't have much else to go on at the moment, so yes.
Alice: Very well. You told me that Asmoday wants you to become stronger to unlock the powers of the Genesis Pearl. Meanwhile, the Gnostic Chorus states that the first crowned heir was corrupted while searching for the pearl... What if Asmoday and the first crowned heir are the same people?
(Y/N): Huh?!
Alice: But that's not all... I think you're the second crowned heir mentioned in the Gnostic Chorus...
(Y/N): W-wait, you can't be serious?!
Alice: Well, as I said, it's only a theory... We don't have anything concrete enough yet, but we shouldn't rule out the possibility.
(Y/N): Do you know where the story originates from? Maybe we could find answers there?
Alice shakes her head, much to (Y/N)'s disappointment.
Alice: I'm afraid not... this story is older than either of us. It would be impossible to trace it back to its point of origin.
(Y/N): Unless...
(Y/N) grabs the Gnostic Chorus and absorbs it into his body.
(Y/N): Ritsu, are you able to analyze this to find its place of origin?
Ritsu: [Answer: Yes, analysis process will now begin.]
Alice: You have an idea?
(Y/N): Yes, one of my skills allows me to analyze any item or being that I've ingested to obtain the information or skills attributed to it.
Ritsu: [Analysis of Gnostic Chorus complete]
(Y/N)'s eyes went wide as he learned the origin place of the Poem
Alice: (Y/N) what's wrong?
(Y/N): The point of origin is in Khaenri'ah...
(A/N): *Kicks down door* BOOM BABY!
But in all seriousness the next three chapters will finally reveal the backstories of both Asmoday and (Y/N)... something I've been building to since the start of this book. There's been a few hints and foreshadowing about what is going on in previous chapters.
Also I was planning on introducing Alice as a major player in (Y/N)'s story for a while now. Sort of as his new mentor (despite them being around the same age in this canon) for his time in Mondstadt. I also knew I wanted her to be originally from one of the worlds that (Y/N) will travel to in the future, so I had her come from Tensura.
Anyways this was a shorter chapter again but I hope you all enjoy.
Word Count: 2146
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