Chapter 17 - The Heavenly Principles

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10 Years Later

(Y/N) woke in his human form after a very "steamy" night with Miko and Ei. After carefully getting out of his bed, (Y/N) got dressed, making sure not to wake the two sleeping women.

After transforming back into his base form, (Y/N) made his way to the kitchen in Tenshukaku to make breakfast for himself and the others. A few minutes later, both Ei and Miko walked into the kitchen.

(Y/N): Hmm, oh, good morning, ladies!

Ei: Good morning (Y/N). Are you making us breakfast?

(Y/N): Yeah, I figured since I was up, I might as well.

Yae Miko: Ah, trying to get even after we gave you last night's "dessert," hmm?

(Y/N) became flustered

(Y/N): N-no, that's not what I was doing at all.

Yae Miko: My my, there's no shame in admitting the pleasure you felt. I'm sure Ei agrees as well.

Ei covers her face while blushing.

Ei: M-Miko, stop teasing us. Though I can't lie, last night was incredible.

Yae Miko: I do agree. I knew I was right when picking you to form a contract with.

(Y/N): Alright, alright, calm down. Breakfast is almost ready.

After breakfast, (Y/N) and Ei went to help Instruct Miko to utilize her newly acquired Electro Vision. Afterward, Miko and (Y/N) were waiting in the dining room because Ei said she had a surprise for them.

Walking into the room, (Y/N) got a nervous look when he saw Ei carrying a platter with a covering on top of it.

(Y/N): Hey, um Ei, what's with the platter?

Ei sat down the platter on the table. Then, looking toward the two, she held her hands together and smiled.

Ei: Well, after that delicious breakfast you made, I figured I would make you two lunch to return the favor.

Ei lifted the cover off of the platter to reveal a giant mess of something that even Ritsu couldn't explain.

Ei: I spent so much time preparing it. I do hope you enjoy

Ei blushes at (Y/N) and smiles.

(Y/N): Oh, umm.... Thanks....

Ei: Miko, would you like any?

Miko: N-no, no, I'm still full from breakfast earlier. But I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't mind having more. He's always going on and on about how he loves your cooking.

(Y/N) grew a tick mark on his forehead. He looked at Miko in annoyance while Ei kept smiling, blissfully unaware.

(Y/N): Miko, you traitor!

Miko looks at (Y/N) and sticks her tongue out at him.

(Y/N) hesitantly looked at the food while Ei patiently waited for him to eat it.

Ritsu: [Warning: Consumption of Ei's cooking will result in death]

(Y/N): D-death?! Wait, aren't I immortal?

Ritsu: [Answer: Correct, but not even your immortality will save you from her cooking]

Ei: Well, aren't you going to eat, (Y/N)? I made this meal, especially for you.

(Y/N) picked up a small spoonful of the abomination before him, and much to his horror, the food, if you could even call it that, had a face

Ei's Cooking: Please.... Kill..... me....

(Y/N): What the fuck...

(Y/N) pleadingly looked at Miko, who sighed in defeat.

Yae Miko: By the way, have either of you seen Makoto around lately?

(Y/N) mouthed off thank you to Miko, who nodded in response. While Ei looks toward Miko, (Y/N) quickly dumps the spoon back into the bowl and mimics swallowing sounds.

(Y/N): Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her in the past few days. What about you, Ei? Have you seen her around?

Ei: No, she said she had some business to take care of with the other archons. It's unusual for her to be gone this long, especially without me by her side.

Suddenly, (Y/N) looks down as he feels a strange sense of dread in his body and is quickly overcome with anxiety.

(Y/N): Something's not right...

Miko looks at (Y/N) and smirks.

Yae Miko: Oh, can't handle how good Ei's meal tastes?

(Y/N): No... it's something else... something sinister... It feels like something terrible is about to occur...

Suddenly (Y/N)'s head snaps up.

(Y/N): Ei, we have to go now! Makoto is in trouble.

Ei: W-what are you saying?!

(Y/N): There's no time to explain.

(Y/N) quickly jumps out of his chair, knocking Ei's meal to the ground, which starts to melt through the floor.

Opening his blue star-shaped portal, (Y/N) grabs Ei's hand and runs through it to the other side.

To Ei's horror, the land around them is being destroyed as streams of red cubes spew across the sky.

Ei: W-what's going on? What is this place?!

(Y/N) looks on in shock as he remembered what had happened all those years before he died.

(Y/N): I know this hell...

Looking around, (Y/N) looks toward the numerous corpses littering the devastated landscape. To His and Ei's horror, they spot the body of Makoto lying on the ground.

Ei's eyes widen as she rushes toward her sister while (Y/N) remains motionless with his hair covering his eyes. Finally, Ei kneels to her sister to see her bleeding and badly burnt.


Makoto: E-Ei? Is that... you?

Ei: It is. I'm here, sister.

Makoto: I'm sorry... Ei... I should've told you...

Ei: I don't understand!

Makoto: It's up to you now...

Makoto holds up a small purple chess piece...

Ei: Why are you giving me this? You're going to be okay, and we'll get you back home!

Makoto: No... Ei... my time has come... it's up to you to become the Raiden Shogun and bring eternity to Inazuma...

Ei: No! I can't do it without you!

Makoto: Tell (Y/N)... tell him the Heavenly Principles came for Khaenri'ah...

Ei: Heavenly principles?! What are you talking about? We have to get you back quickly!

Makoto: I love you... goodbye... sister.

Ei starts to sob as Makoto takes her last breath and goes limp.

(Y/N): Ei... we need to get out of here...

Ei: I'm not leaving her!

(Y/N): We're taking her back, but we have to leave now... it's too dangerous.

Ei solemnly nods, picks up Makoto's body, and heads for (Y/N) 's portal back to Tenshukaku.

Upon returning, Miko looks concerned as the two return with Makoto's corpse.

Miko: W-what happened?!

Ei: M-Makoto... she's gone... she said the Heavenly Principles came for Khaenri'ah...

(Y/N) started walking away from the two, not saying a word. Miko wanted to say something, but the blank expression on (Y/N) 's face told her everything she needed to know. She had never seen (Y/N) this furious before.

Ei: (Y/N)? Where are you going?!

(Y/N): Liyue...

Yae Miko: You're just going to leave?!

(Y/N): I don't have a choice. The longer I stay here, the more danger you two will be in

Ei: Please! Don't leave me! I love you!

(Y/N): I know... which is why I have to... the Heavenly Principles are after me... this is the only way to keep you both safe... Miko... look after Ei for me...

Yae Miko: I will.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Ei... but this is for your own good...

(Y/N) walks through his portal and disappears, leaving Miko and a heartbroken Ei behind.

*Meanwhile in Liyue*

On the outskirts of the Chasm, Ganyu, Xiao, and Morax were fighting alongside the Liyue Millelith as thousands of monsters kept coming out of the Chasm.

Ganyu: What are these things?

Ganyu fires off continuous ice arrows.

Xiao: I don't know, but they won't stop coming.

Xiao slashes at the monsters with his Polearm, killing them.

Morax: Just keep fighting, everyone. We need to stop this!

Ganyu and Xiao: Right.

A horde of monsters attempted to attack Ganyu, but she dodged out of the way and created a giant orb of ice that floated in the air.

Ganyu: All hail!

The orb of ice starts to drop sharp icicles that kill the monsters.

Meanwhile, Xiao imbued his Polearm with Anemo as his Yaksha mask appeared on his face.


Xiao leaps high into the skill and slams down into the horde of monsters, killing them.

Their fight continues but starts to look hopeless as thousands of monsters keep coming out and surround the remaining Millelith soldiers and the three Adepti.

Ganyu: There's just no end to it!

Xiao: So this is it, huh...

Meanwhile, up in the sky, (Y/N) looked down on the battlefield with a blank expression, but inside, he was furious.

Ritsu: [Notice: Calculations complete and targets acquired. Ready to activate at any time.]

(Y/N): Then, let's begin...

(Y/N) holds his arm out as hydro pools appear above him and drip orbs of water below them. Meanwhile, on the ground, orbs appear all across the battlefield.

Xiao: Hydro? But where is it coming from

Ganyu looks up and notices (Y/N) in the sky.

Ganyu: Xiao look, it's (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Die....  MEGIDDO!

(Y/N) lowers his arm as the pools drop hydro into thin beams that direct to the droplets on the ground, redirecting the rays to pierce the heads of the surrounding monsters.

Ganyu looked at (Y/N) in amazement as the monsters stopped and at (Y/N) in fear.

Ganyu: (Y/N)... just how strong have you gotten...

Ritsu: [Unique Skill: Merciless acquired]

(Y/N): Merciless?

Ritsu: [Analysis Complete: If one loses one's will to fight in the face of the user, it will mean their death]

(Y/N): I see... I guess it would be helpful in certain situations...

Ritsu: [Use Unique Skill: Merciless?]

(Y/N): Yes

Blue and purple orbs quickly flew out of the remaining monsters, causing them to slump to the ground, dead.

Ritsu: [Notice: Requirements met. Harvest Festival will now begin]

(Y/N): Harvest wha-

(Y/N)'s eyes dropped as he began to fall out of the sky. Ganyu rushes towards where (Y/N) is in an attempt to catch him, but he lands on the ground, creating a crater beneath him.

Ganyu: (Y/N)! Are you alright?!

(Y/N)'s eyes open, but instead of the usual amber color, they're purplish blue which catches Ganyu off guard

Ganyu: (Y/N)?

Ritsu: I have temporarily taken over (Y/N)'s body to keep him safe will Harvest Festival commences

Ganyu: Who are you?

Ritsu: I am Ritsu (Y/N)'s unique skill that processes information and abilities.

Ganyu: Is he going to be alright?

Ritsu: As long as we get him to a place where he isn't vulnerable.

Ganyu: Then quickly, let's get him to Cloud Retainer as soon as possible

Ganyu picks up (Y/N)'s body which has transformed into its slime form. As the two made their way back to Cloud Retainer's abode alongside Morax and Xiao.

Cloud Retainer: Lord Morax, one felt your presence return, and with Ganyu and Xiao, and (Y/N)... one wishes to inquire what is going on.

Morax: There's no time to explain. Ganyu set him down on the table!

Ganyu: Right!

Ganyu sets the slime on the table as the rest of the group wait patiently while Morax explains the day's events to Cloud Retainer to catch her up to speed.

Suddenly, (Y/N) begins to glow a gold color as the four turn their attention back to him.

Ritsu: Notice: Harvest Festival has begun. The individual's constitution will be rebuilt, and he will evolve into a new race.

(Y/N)' s body starts to shimmer with colors of the rainbow, and bubbles

With (Y/N)

As (Y/N) awoke, he had no idea where he was. Then, looking around, he noticed he was in a large city with massive towers interconnected by long bridges.

(Y/N): Ritsu, where am I?

(Y/N) received no response from Ritsu.

(Y/N): She's not responding...

Getting up, (Y/N) walked around but saw no one else in the area.

(Y/N): There's nobody here...

His train of thought cut off when he noticed two figures in the distance with blonde hair.



In an instant, a flash of all too familiar red lightning crackled across the sky as three star-shaped portals appeared, and out stepped Asmoday.

Asmoday: Outlanders, your journey ends here.

The two siblings cautiously looked up at Asmoday.

Lumine: Who are you?!

Asmoday: The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now!

Asmoday forms a Reversal Red cube into her hands as a similarly colored platform appears underneath the twins, who manage to dodge just in time.

The twins sprout wings and summon their swords as they charge toward Asmoday, dodging and weaving through the onslaught of Reversal Red streams. (Y/N) watched on in horror but was unable to move.

(Y/N): I-I want to help them... but I can't move... something is holding me back... am I afraid?

Time seemed to slow down as the twins got closer to Asmoday. Then, a loud explosion rang across the sky as the two approached their target.

Asmoday glances towards Lumine, who jumps back in time as Asmoday tries to capture her with her prison cubes. On the other hand, Aether was not so lucky as he became engulfed in red cubes that dissipated into a smaller, yellow cube.

Lumine: Aether!

While Asmoday looks at the cube, pleased with her work, while Lumine charges her sword and attempts to strike her from behind, Lumine's efforts are in vain as the attack hits Asmoday's Infinity, causing a large explosion that engulfs the goddess.

Lumine looks on in horror as the explosion is compressed by Asmoday's prison cubes which start to capture the surprised girl.

Lumine: Give my brother back!

The last thing she sees is Asmoday looking back at her until her vision completely obscures by the red cubes surrounding her.

Asmoday opens her portals up, but before she can leave, she stops and turns around.

Asmoday: I know you're there, darling.

Asmoday floats down to (Y/N), smirking.

(Y/N): What did you do to them?!

Asmoday: Hmm? Oh, these two?

The two yellow cubes float around Asmoday's hand.

Asmoday: I merely imprisoned them and sealed away their powers. Don't worry about them. I will release them back into the world in due time.

(Y/N): What are you even doing here?!

Asmoday: My my, still as naive as ever, I see. Have you not come to realize that this is MY world?

(Y/N): What the hell are you talking about?!

Asmoday: You've been wondering why you were sent to Teyvat, weren't you? The answer is simple, Teyvat is my world. You see, darling, we're more connected than you may realize.

(Y/N): You're insane if you think we're similar

Asmoday: Oh, but we are, darling. You and I, we're two sides of the same coin. Without each other, neither of us can truly be complete.

(Y/N): If that's the case, why didn't you just capture me instead of killing me?

Asmoday: Because you weren't strong enough back then. Who do you think gave you the power to reincarnate into this world? Who orchestrated a war so that you could get stronger

(Y/N): You mean... it was you who started the Archon war. So everything that's happened since.... It was all by your design?

Asmoday: Well, I must admit, not everything was according to my plan. I had no idea that Tiamat had ended up in this world and would awaken. However, I congratulate you on defeating her. Not like I expected anything less from my darling.

(Y/N): But why? Why go through all the trouble?

Asmoday: Simple. It was a test to gauge your power and see if you were ready to wield the power of the Genesis Pearl. I must admit, you've grown strong, but you're still not strong enough to stand by my side as we enforce

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