WARNINGS: getting fired, sadness, angst, crappy motels, money problems
REQUEST: Could you do one where the reader meets Kara on the bus after Kara and Alice run away from Todd and she decides to stay with them. Maybe some fluff hehe
*Alice is not an android in this imagine*
For: Hmmph_Natsuki
You sat on the bus, your chin resting against your palm as you gazed into the night sky. It was extremely late, and you were coming home from work.
You were fired at the end of the day. Your position as a secretary in a law firm had been taken over by an android, leaving you jobless. You had a few thousand left in savings, but after that it was all over. You didn't even know if you could get another job.
Your mind went blank as your eyes fluttered shut. Fat tears slid down your cheeks and dripped into your lap. You blinked heavily, trying to get rid of them.
The bus stopped, and you quickly wiped at your eyes, trying to disguise your sadness. The last thing you needed right now was to be noticed.
Two figures rushed onto the bus. One of them was a short woman with shoulder length blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Her LED flickered red with fear as she darted onto the bus. The other was a little girl. She was clinging onto the woman's hand for dear life.
The doors closed, and the bus started to move again. Both of the women sat across the aisle from you, clearly wanting to look inauspicious. You offered the android a teary smile, and her smile dropped immediately, replaced by a concerned frown. You looked away, embarrassed, and didn't raise your eyes again.
She left you alone for the rest of the ride, and you fell asleep on the bus on the way home, your tears drying on your cheeks.
You were shaken awake. You looked up, surprised to see the woman from the bus earlier. The bus was still moving, but it was going through its last couple of stops.
"Excuse me," she said with a soft smile. You wipe the dry tear tracks from your face and smile at her.
"Do you know anywhere to stay around here?"
"Yes," you said, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. "There's a motel two stops from here."
"Thank you," she said. "My name is Kara," she smiled, reaching out to shake your hand. You smile at her as she does, grateful for a distraction. "That's Alice," Kara said, pointing out the girl sleeping an aisle over.
"She's beautiful," you smiled.
"She is," Kara replied. You both sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. "Where are you getting off?"
"I don't know," you shrugged, feeling tears prick your eyes again. You dabbed at your eyes, trying to stop from crying. Kara frowned as she sat next to you. "No?"
You shook your head. "I don't... I don't know."
"Why don't you come with us?" She suggested. "If you don't know where to go, and you're a little bit lost, why don't you just come with us?"
"I don't... I..."
Kara shrugged and smiled at you warmly. "That's alright," she said, brushing a reassuring hand over your shoulder. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
She walked back to her seat and waved to you. You sat silently in your seat and watched as Kara rubs Alice0's back, the little girl sleeping comfortably on Kara's shoulder. Your mind was fuzzy and confused, and you're at a loss for words.
The bus kept going, deeper and deeper into downtown Detroit. You could tell it's coming to its last stops. Nobody else was getting on or getting off. You looked back at Kara and started to think. What was there left for you in Detroit? You only had a few thousand dollars left. You had no family, no job, and pretty soon, no home. What was left to lose?
The bus came to a halt. The driver got up and opened the doors. "This is the last stop," he called. Kara shook Alice awake. The little girl opened her eyes and blinked wearily.
"We have to go," Kara murmured quietly. Alice rubbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. They stood up and began to make their way to the front of the bus. Kara turned to wave at you, and in that moment you made a decision.
"Wait!" You call, standing up and grabbing your bag off of the seat. Kara paused, and the bus driver rolled his eyes. You run up the aisle, sending him an apologetic look, and the three of you step off the bus together and out into the rain. The bus lit up and puffed on along the road, turned a corner, and was quickly out of sight.
"You can't get a room at the hotel if you're an android," you said.
Kara smiled at you, Alice hiding behind her legs. She took her hand in your own, and you started walking towards the motel, crossing the street in the rain.
You stood in the living room and watched as Alice packed the last of her things into cardboard boxes.
Ten years later, and Alice was going off to college. Now, she was a tall, beautiful woman who was heading to the University of Toronto. (Shoutout to all my Canadian readers).
Alice taped down the last box with duct tape. She stood up and dusted off her hands.
"I think that's it," Alice said. She walked over to you and hugged you tightly. "Don't look so sad."
"I'm not sad," you replied. Alice pulled away and looked at you doubtfully. "Really, I'm not. I'm proud."
"Good," Alice said firmly. She turned away and picked up the last of her boxes, picking them up and putting in the bed of the truck.
You looked up as Kara came running down the stairs. "Am I too late?" She asked. You shook your head and smiled as she gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Hey babe."
"You're not too late. She's outside packing up," you said. You walk across the carpet and onto the front porch, Kara trailing behind you.
The view from your front porch was amazing. Your house, red brick with a modern interior, was in the middle of rural Canada. There were a few other houses, a drug store, and a school, but besides that, it was all rolling hills of grass and wildflowers. Small freshwater creeks ran throughout the fields, and there were deer and rabbits in the area. There were even fireflies in the summertime.
Alice was down on the street, strapping the boxes into the bed of your red truck.
"Is it time?" Kara called. Alice nodded and came running back up the porch steps. "Yeah," she said. "I'm leaving now."
"Be safe," you murmured, hugging her tightly. "Don't do anything Kara wouldn't do."
Kara rolled her eyes playfully and wrapped her arms around Alice. "Have fun, honey."
"Bye, mom." Alice walked back to the truck and got in the drivers seat. She turned on the car, and pretty soon the truck had disappeared into the distance.
"She'll be back soon," Kara said.
"I know," you smiled. Kara wrapped an arm around your waist, and you tugged her a little closer.
"Love you," Kara mumbles, and you kiss her on the forehead.
"Love you most."
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