I Kara x Reader I

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Could you do Kara x android!reader after the revolution?

reader: android

For: _connorisacinnaroll_


"Come on, [Name]!" Your girlfriend called, and you jogged forward to intertwine your fingers with her. Kara smiled at you briefly and then looked up at the sky.

You were out on a long evening walk together in downtown Detroit. There were beautiful stores all around you. It was mid-autumn, and so the damp sidewalk was covered in crunchy orange leaves. The sky was a beautiful orange and pink blend, with fluffy white clouds interrupting the colors. 

Kara walked briskly ahead of you, still cradling her hand in your own, and you sped up quickly to walk alongside her. 

"Look how beautiful this is," you said brightly, waving a hand at your surroundings. Kara reached around and wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked. 

"I know," she agreed. You both kept walking in a comfortable, serene silence together. You reached a large square with a fountain and grey cobblestones. There were small glittering coins in the water that caught the light of the sun and reflected beautifully.

"Want to toss a coin?" Kara asked, and you smiled and pulled out a quarter. 

"Make a wish," she said, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. Your LED turned yellow as you tried to think of a wish. "And don't wish for world peace, because I know you will." You snorted.

I wish that Kara will always be happy, you thought, your eyes drifting over your girlfriend's face. She was staring down into the fountain, looking away from you. I also wish to one day be able to marry her.

You flip the coin into the fountain and it lands with a loud 'sploosh' noise in the water. There were a few small ripples and then the water was still again. Kara flicked her own coin into the fountain, where it landed among the others with a splash.

"You're cheap," you commented, wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her away from a pool. "Only a dime?"

"Oh shush," she said, smiling at you. "Just be grateful that I wished at all." You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help but smile. 

You kept walking until you come to a busy street. There were people walking up and down the road, some arm in arm with each other, some walking alone with umbrellas curling around their arms.

You could already sense that you're getting some weird looks from people as soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk. Kara pressed a little closer to you and you noticed it immediately. She grasped at your hand and squeezes it tight. 

"Don't be worried," you whispered to her, even though you yourself had become slightly anxious. She shakes her head nervously and you keep walking. You knew that even though the revolution was years in the past, it had still taken its toll on the both of you. Kara was still slightly unnerved by humans. They would give her weird looks and even mutter rude comments sometimes. 

You kept walking, and you both became a little bit more calm. A man was walking towards the both of you. He took one look at the both of you, scowled, and rammed his shoulder into Kara's. Kara yelped in shock and fell into your arms. You turned around to yell at the man, but Kara pulled you aside. "Don't," she whispered, and you could tell that she was scared. You glanced over your shoulder and pulled her aside into an alley, out of view of pedestrians.

"What's wrong?" You ask softly. She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. Kara looks sad and nervous, and you cringe.

"I thought that things had changed," she admitted. "Since the revolution."

You smiled at her, and she looked up at you, confused.

"We're lesbian androids," you giggled, interlacing your hands together. Kara smiles at you fondly as you talk. "The whole world might as well be against us. But to hell with whatever anyone else thinks. I  love you. That's all that matters," you murmur, leaning forward and pressing your lips to hers. She kisses back sweetly, pressing herself to you with a quiet softness.

"I love you too," Kara murmurs.

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