I Connor x Reader I 3

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WARNING: Fluff and cuteness and kisses


reader: human


"Connor," you breathed, scooting closer to him on the witness bench. "I'm a little worried."

The android wrapped an arm around your shoulders in order to pull you close to his side. "It will be fine. Just answer the questions truthfully and you have nothing to worry about." You looked up at him and he met your gaze. His brown eyes were full of concern. 

Court wasn't quite in session yet. While the jury, the judge, and the lawyers prepared for the case to start, you had taken your seat next to Connor and Hank on the witness bench. The case had already been in court for a few days, but you hadn't been needed. However, today was the day you would have to answer some questions. You had already been there for hours and were getting tired of waiting. 

"Forget about me, you should stop being so worried," you told him. Connor's big brown doe eyes widened in surprise. 

 "You know what I mean, Connor," you murmured contentedly, taking your eyes off of him. He looked down at you adoringly for a moment before turning his eyes back to the front of the room. The judge was entering from one door, wearing her long, black robe. She took a seat and folded her hands on the top of her wooden desk, waiting expectantly. Another door opened on the opposite side of the courtroom. Your aunt, escorted by three police officers, walked into the room. Tears were running down her cheeks. She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Please rise," said the judge. "My name is Judge Williams."

The audience clambered to their feet as one of the police officers came to the front of the room. 

"The defendant has been sworn in, Judge."

"We will now call forward our main witness to the defendant, Miss [full name]. You may all take a seat."

A police deputy lead you to the witness seat. You sat down nervously and positioned the microphone to the right height. You looked across the room and locked eyes with Connor, who smiled at you encouragingly.

"Please state your full name."

You blinked at the lawyer, surprised at how quickly the interview was getting started.

"[full name]."

"Are you employed?"

"Can you describe the behavior of your aunt and uncle the last time you saw them?"

"How did the defendant treat her children?"

The questions just went on and on until your throat was dry and you were running out of answers. You kept glancing at Connor, feeling your heart flutter when he smiled warmly at you. For forty five minutes, you answered questions from different lawyers and court officials with nothing but a small glass of water and Connor's encouraging gaze to keep you going. Finally, you were dismissed with a curt thank you from the judge.

"I'm going to head home," Hank grumbled, putting on his coat. "I'll see you at the station, Connor."

"Goodbye, Lieutenant. Drive safely," the android said. Hank grunted and walked out of the courtroom. 

You picked up your bag and followed Connor out of a different door and into the lobby of the marble court building. You rubbed at your eyes, exhausted from the long day.

"[Name]?" Connor asked. He reached out and shook your shoulder gently. "[Name], are you alright?"

You let out a small mumble and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, leaning into him. "I'm just tired, Connor." He caught you and pulled you close to his broad chest. "We should go home if you're so tired."

You nodded, resting your cheek against his wide chest and closing your eyes. "[Name]," Connor soothed. "Don't fall asleep." 

"But I'm sooooo tired," you mumbled against his shirt. 

"No," Connor scolded lightly. "Wake up." He shook your shoulders and you let out a low hum, tugging at the hem of his shirt.

"Don't slap me, Connor," you murmured. The android huffed playfully and pulled you a little closer, kissing your hair and resting his chin on the top of your head. "I would not do that."

"Let's go to the car," he urged. Connor let go of you and took hold of your hand, leading you out of the courthouse. You leaned heavily against him as you walked down the marble steps outside the building. Connor unlocked the car and opened the passenger door, helping you sit down in the seat. Your eyes fluttered shut as soon as you sat down. Connor closed the door and went around to the driver's side, taking a seat as well and shutting his door.

The android leaned across the gap between the seats to buckle your seatbelt. He blushed lightly as your head found a resting place on his shoulder.

"Connor," you whimpered quietly. He stopped moving for a second as he listened to you. "Connor, I love you."

Connor froze, pulling back into his seat. A wave of hot confusion washed through him. He stared at your figure. Your eyes were closed and you were slumped against your seat.

"[Name]," Connor breathed. You opened your eyes as he pressed his lips against yours. He leans in to kiss you, angling his face against yours. His smooth skin presses against your cheeks as his full lips move softly against yours. He reached forward and clasped your hand in his own large hands.

Connor pulled back from the kiss before leaning back in and pressing one more gentle kiss to your lips. He opened his mouth to speak, but faltered. H wanted to tell you how much he loved you, but he couldn't.

Because you were already asleep.

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