WARNINGS: Fluff and hospitals!
PART 2/4
reader: human
edited: yes
You woke up to a faint, steady noise beeping in your ear. You blinked underneath bright florescent lights, and moved to sit up, but a large hand gently pushed you down into the covers.
"Don't get up yet," Connor said. The android was sat on a chair next to your hospital bed, slightly leaning over you. Hank was snoring in a chair next to him, his head lolling back and his arms folded. "You could hurt yourself."
"I'm already hurt," you pointed out. Your voice was hoarse from the previous night.
You propped yourself carefully up against the pillows, wincing at the sharp, stabbing pain in your ribs. The android smiled at you wearily as he reached out his hand and set it over one of your own.
"How do you feel?" He murmured. You could tell he felt guilty about what happened, but you weren't willing to press him on it.
"I'm okay," you replied, rubbing your thumb over his soft, synthetic skin to soothe him.
There was a long silence before he spoke up.
"[Name]," Connor said quietly, meeting your gaze. "I'm so sorry. I should not have let this happen. I was preoccupied with my mission, and I disregarded your safety. I'm sorry." You look away for a moment, feelings of guilty sadness flashing through you. In a weird, twisted way, it was your fault that he felt like this.
"It's okay, Connor," you say softly. You look up at him and smile reassuringly, softly squeezing his big hand. "It wasn't your fault."
"Are you sure?" He asked. You could tell that he still felt guilty about what happened.
"Yes," you pressed. "If anything, you saved my life. You kept me alive until the ambulance arrived." Connor looked at you, his eyes flickering faintly with gratitude. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He breathed a sigh that was a mixture of relief and what sounded like exhaustion.
"It's not his fault either," you said, nodding towards Hank (who was, of course, still snoring away in his chair). Connor grinned at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling warmly as he did. He reached out and slapped him lightly in the face.
You smiled at the odd behavior, propping yourself higher up in bed while Connor wasn't watching. Connor slapped Hank harder and the detective let out a grunt as his eyes flew open.
"Jesus, Connor!" Hank snapped. "Why do you always do that?"
"Glad to see you're awake, Lieutenant," Connor remarked brightly. "Now that you're awake, it would be appropriate to brief our witness on what happens next."
You frown at him, puzzled. You had thought that you would just get out of the hospital and continue on like normal (and hopefully see Connor again).
Hank let out another grunt. "Yeah, the DPD is going to need you to testify in court against your aunt and uncle."
"What?" You asked, confusion flooding your expression. "Why?"
The detective frowned gruffly, running a hand through his shaggy hair. "You're the only person who was able to witness any of the crimes we're accusin' him of. Without you, we won't be able to charge him with child abuse, which is the most important charge we're making."
Connor nodded. "Please, [name]. We need your testimony," he begged. Even though you were still unsure, you caved at the imploring look in his brown eyes.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "Okay," you murmured.
"Thank you," Connor breathed. He sat back and put his face in his hands for a moment.
"I have organized for the department to pay for the medical bills," he said, taking his head out of his hands. You reached out to take his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "Thank you, Connor, but that's not -"
He shook his head and squeezed your hand. "Hank already confirmed the payment."
"Wow," you said. "That was fast."
"Not really," Hank grumbled. "You've been out for a few days."
"What?" You exclaimed, sitting up quickly, still clutching onto Connor's hand. "Why didn't you tell me that?"
Connor gently grabbed your shoulders with his free hand. "[Name]! Stop exerting yourself. You had to have emergency surgery to remove the bullet and prevent lead poisoning."
"Excuse me?" Came a feminine voice from the doorway. A nurse was standing in the doorway, clipboard in hand. Connor looked over at the woman and quickly let go of you.
"I'm here to take Miss [last name] to get a checkup on her wound," the nurse said, smiling gently. "If you could stand up, please, Miss [last name]. I'll be waiting in the hallway." She closed the door quietly behind her.
You picked yourself up out of bed, gently pushing aside Connor's worried touch and the concerned look in his eyes. He followed you to the door like a lost puppy.
"Connor," you said, turning to him. "It's okay. I'm fine."
The android worriedly studied you for a few more moments before standing back and letting you hobble over to the door. You gestured for him to come closer, and so he did, walking quickly over to you.
You stretched up to place a hand on his cheek, and then planted a soft kiss on the underside of Connor's wide jaw. The android blinked and pressed a hand to the spot where you had kissed him.
"Thank you, Connor." You smiled at him. "I'll see you soon."
You stepped out of the room, and greeted the nurse with a grateful smile, leaving Connor dumbfounded.
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