Chapter 8 - Truly a Gem

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His gesture took Iva to a state of ecstasy where she decided to not let go him thereafter. Every time Iva attended a concert or post meets with reporters, the mandate talk point was to know how she found Barefaced. Rarely had he been discovered by any reader for these many years and how he captured her eyes. Again Iva replied with her heartfelt emotion that it was destiny's design.

'You never know it would happen but life do blesses us with pleasant surprises. Barefaced was one such blessing of my life' Reporters were amused to witness such a rare bond between a book and its reader.

But as for Iva, he was beyond pages and words rather were her first admirer. Never before had she gained such fame despite singing many songs over these years so Barefaced was considered more of a granted wish for her. Most cases she never expected anything from him that too he was only a book. The gesture of him dedicating the book to her came out of nowhere. For the first time, she had felt honored to have been acknowledged by someone.

People may feel this insane to believe such things happening with a book. They are those who have never experienced a true essence of immersing into a creative piece of writing. This young girl who is hardly out of college making it to the all media forms through her talent in singing made everyone to look up to her.

Though her other songs too have become popular by now, still the crowd went crazy to hear her version of "Lost in my way" every time she held a mic on the stage. She was immensely happy to sing it any number of times as it was her feel, all this fame was because of the song.

On the other end, Barefaced was enjoying the benefits of her singing this song in bigger platforms as looking into him and singing this song has become her virtue. Iva's act of doing so kept increasing the popularity meter of Barefaced which was visibly evident by the spike in the number of books sold. The readers who earlier did not turn around to this book were waiting in queue for buying this book.

Barefaced was no longer a book rather considered a status quo amongst readers that gradually turned out as a threat to their esteem to even express that they haven’t read it. Peer pressure between readers and fans of Iva's singing helped to the increased sales of book. Barefaced was immensely happy to have associated with Iva who could exhibit his value to the outer world. He was much happy with this reach though he failed to notice something even bigger coming in the form of Iva. There was a felicitation to Iva in her college culturals for the popularity gained by her. She was honored for the category of most popular singer in which she started her speech.

'Thank you. I never expected to be felicitated in this category though it is the song which gained me immense popularity. Dedicated to every one of you sitting here who shared this song with your friends thereby helping for its viral reach. Only because of you Lost in my way became popular' she paused for few minutes.

'Unfair if I accept all this fame. Equally Barefaced has a part in this success. His verses when blended to my voice created the magic. Do not mistake as I feel the book as a prominent part of my life so I prefer to address him as a person to an inanimate object. All ardent readers will agree with me. Once we indulge in a book, the characters become a part of us. Specialty of my bondage with Barefaced is a meeting arranged by universe. Destiny's design as I always believe. To keep it simple, Barefaced is truly a gem which I would always cherish in my life. Wish this magic lasts forever'
Iva's speech induced more buyers to rush towards buying the book.

After all, it was the same thing both Iva and Barefaced believed - Magic.

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