Chapter 12: Unfolded Past - 2

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Were's POV

It was yet another day of loneliness and misery. I walked ahead with no direction in mind. That was when I stumbled on a clearing. Wild flowers of different colours grew and the breeze which swept along, caressed me like affectionate touches of a loving mother.

It was rather soothing, so I decided to rest for a while. I sat down beside a tree and dozed off, only to be woken up by something. Getting annoyed, I pushed whatever it was roughly and stood up. Horror befell me. Infront of me wasn't something, but someone. A human.

And she saw me.

That fact itself panicked me. She glared at me with, annoyance perhaps. Her red hood, reminded me of blood. Without another glance, I tried to dash off. Unfortunately for me, panic and fear had paralysed part of me and thus, my movements were delayed.

"Hey!" She called out, grabbing my hand. Her touch felt repulsive and I snatched my arm away roughly.

"D-Don't you dare touch me!" I tried to sound fierce. She was nothing but a mere child, but still, the fear clung on heavily in my chest.

Then, I saw her eyes soften, "I'm sorry... Are you... Are you alright?" Her voice was laden with anxiety. No, it was false. This was a trap. It had to be. She took a step forward, her blue eyes widened with unwanted worry.

"Stay, stay back...!" I threateningly looked at her.

She didn't flinch. She didn't hesitate. But came forward with that look on her face. It was different from how the humans faced me before. It held emotions - feelings for a pitiable being as I. Neither hate, nor the desire of wanting me dead.

I felt terribly weak at my knees. I tried to deny what I saw in her eyes. I collapsed as her small hand touched my cheek. It wasn't as repulsive as before. It was warm. Unlike the coldness I lived through everyday.

"Are you in pain...? Can I... Can I help?" Such innocent eyes. Such innocent ways. I brushed my fingers on her hand against my cheek, all the bottled up feelings inside me from all these past months, let go in an instance.

Her kindness was no mistake. This was the fist time in months that I experienced such a feeling.

"A-Ah..!! Wh-what? What do I do...? Um... I-It's alright...!!" The girl panicked, probably because of my sudden outburst. That was hilarious, and I slightly laughed.

My laughter brought upon a huge smile to her face, "Hi! I'm Red! May I ask about those ears and that tail of yours? I've never seen anyone with tails before!"

I chuckled wiping away tears, "Were." Her childish innocence was the reason of my smile since months. That was more than enough reason for me to keep her precious. Nevertheless, this nagging feeling never left me.

"Aren't you afraid of me..? Because I'm different?"

She cocked her head to one side, "Why? Why would I be afraid?"

Confusion was overwritten all over her face, and I was shocked beyond words.

"Anyway! Let's play!" She squealed, taking a hold of my arm and ran about.

A warm feeling of happiness spread across my chest.

Since then, she usually came to that exact same clearing where we played together. I got to know a lot about her. Her love for animals. Her sense of equality and her kind ways... My desire to hold her precious grew day by day. I hoped it would go on like that for as long as we lived. I never imagined that a day would come when we were to part...

But deep down, I knew. She deserved better. I was a carnivorous animal. I preyed on innocent creatures... A way that would disappoint Red. It would hurt her... Why did I, such a filthy animal, have to have met with such a pure child? Wouldn't she have preferred to have someone better?

Why is the world so unfair?

Around one year passed. I was waiting for the blonde haired girl to come at the clearing as usual. "Were~!" I heard her voice calling as she jumped into my arms. I chuckled, ruffling her hair, "Hey Red."

"Um Were," she asked meekly, "There is this reeeeally annoying friend of mine who pestured me on where I was going and what I was doing."

I raised a brow, and gestured her to go on. She lowered her voice before speaking once again, "And... I think he followed me all the way here..."

I felt my heart drop as a figure emerged from behind the bushery. That nasty look on his face felt all too familiar... Very familiar.

It was that guy with the hunters. I held back my rage as Red was here, otherwise, I could've sworn that I'd have lunged at him.

His eyes widened as well. Seems as if he wasn't expecting this as well. He growled, "Red... Who is that...!? Where did you meet him!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

Red flinched. "," she stuttered.

"That's Brother Harry to you," he mumbled walking closer. He stopped right in front of me, glaring daggers.

"What do you insist on doing to her, monster?"

I glared back. "Hah, I didn't think we'd meet again, hunter."

I saw the look of confusion on Red's face. Of course she would be...

"If you dare lay a hand on her again, let it be a strand of hair, I swear I will kill you," he hissed, grabbing Red's hand and pulling her away from me.

Part of me wanted to hurt him for what he was doing, but there was a part of me, which complied to his actions... Maybe he was right. Maybe I shouldn't have even became friends with her. Maybe this was the right decision. I would burden her and bring her misery later on after all.

I didn't realise that I had lowered my gaze as I comprehended about all this, that I failed to notice the glimmer of metal in his hands... This Harry had pulled out a pocket knife.

"You flesh eating monster, just drop dead!" Harry seethed as he sprinted at me. I was taken by surprise.

Before any if us knew it, Red clung onto my waist and Harry had stopped due to that.

"I... I won't let you hurt Were!" She yelled, tears forming at the corner if her eyes as she glared as hard as she could at Harry.

"R-Red... You don't have to!" I whispered out to her.

Harry's face showed horror and disbelief. He gripped the knife as he gritted his teeth with anger and resentment.

"What the hell did you do to her... What the hell did you do!? You freaking monster! What the hell!" He yelled, grabbing my shirt collar. He hated me. He hated me with all his might. I could see it in his eyes.

"Hunter! Please! Stop, let him go!" Red begged, pulling at Harry's clothes.

"Shut up for a while, Red!" Harry intently looked straight into my eyes, with his flaring ones, "Were, was it... You piece of shit... You stole her, you fucking stole her from me... I won't forgive you for that. I swear..."

What was his problem?

"Brother Harry!" Red shouted, her tears streaming down her cheeks, "Please, just leave him alone! He did nothing!"

For a second, I saw Harry's eyes soften as she called him 'brother'.

He let to in his fury and grabbed Red's hand again. This time, firmly.

"I will leave you just this once, only because Red insists on that. So don't come near her again," Harry mumbled, still glaring at me, "Or else you'll come to regret it... I've searched about your species and if you get attached to someone too much... You yourself knows what will happen."

His words hit the spot alright. Everything he said just now was so true...

"You... Harry, who the heck are you...!?"

"Oh, just a hunter," he smirked.

I finally admit defeat. That was one hell of a hunter... But, now, Red won't have to face anything anymore...

I smiled at her worry stricken face.

"Were..." She said, weakly.

"It's fine... I'll leave, Harry. Goodbye, Red."

Saying goodbye was never so easy and I understood that very well. I turned around and sped away so she would not see the fresh tears that streamed down my face.

It seemed as if fate is always against me... I lost my whole family and now I had to lose a dear friend...


Later that day, something told me that Red would come by to the clearing again, just in hopes to find me.

Sadly, I knew she wouldn't see me, so I took something I had made months before...

A story featuring Red. A little girl who meets a wolf. All I want for her is to realise that she can't trust anyone... And that not all ends well...

I left the story leaned against a tree... I wouldn't see her again... And she won't see me, either.

The sun's golden ray shined through the leaves onto the title of the book; Little Red Riding Hood.

I left the spot with crushed emotions...


Holy craaaaaaaaap. This be one hell of a long chapter. I apologise if it's boring due to that. And for the late updates recently.

Honestly, I tried not to use bad words throughout the whole book but it seems as if I can't fight back the urges, eh. =P

Hope you guys like the chapter, and lemme know what y'all think about it in the comments, pwease :3

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