just a small rant - not an update

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hey guys! sorry i haven't updated in a really long time. i have been really busy with school, softball, and robotics. i just need to rant for a second

what gives teachers the right to disrespect their students. their HIGH SCHOOL aged students. my teacher is in her upper 30's and has a personal vendetta against a 16 year old that has never done anything to her.

today, she was arguing with me and as i was visibly upset, she smirked. SHE SMIRKED. i couldn't take it anymore. it wasn't the first time i had problems with her so i walked out of the classroom in tears and went to the nurse having s panic attack.

i want to know why. why do teachers find it acceptable to blatantly disrespect teenagers that have never done a thing to them. something that i can talk about for ages is the amount of pressure put on teenagers. our entire life is on our shoulders. if we screw up one too many times doing stupid teenage stuff, our entire life will be altered because of that.

teachers forget that we are kids. 14-18 years old. we are teenagers that have raging hormones, don't know what's going on half the time, our world changing everyday for the worse, and teachers are only worried about whether or not we said four sentences or three.

also the teacher that i had this problem with wasn't an english teacher. nor a math teacher. nor any core class teacher. it was a fucking elective. AN ELECTIVE THAT I CHOSE TO TAKE.

teachers need to understand that we are human beings. we make mistakes. we get upset. don't SMIRK when we get upset. i'm tired of it all.

teachers need to respect us. they force us to respect them. if we are respecting them, they need to respect us.

okay rant over. :)

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