Illusions of Grandeur

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Mr Zatara: Thank you, thank you. Please, a round of applause for my charming daughter.

Mr Zatara: And now ladies and gentlemen, we've come to my final trick of the evening.A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may want to look away.

[crowd gasps]

Mr Zatara: Tonight, I will make my lovely assistant... disappear.

[audience cheering]

Mr Zatara: Spirits beyond. I summon thee here. Heed my command. Make this girl disappear. Behold.

[crowd] Encore. Encore. Bravo. Amazing.

(the omnitrix sparks for a bit)

Ben: hmm


Karen: That was amazing, Zee. I can't believe this is your life. You're, like, a total star.

Ben: yeah your show was amazing you could rise to the top

Zee: [sighs] Yeah, well...

Karen: And the fact that you've spent your whole life traveling the whole world entertaining people with your dad, it's so cool.

Zee: Hmm... Indeed.

Karen: You're seriously the biggest celebrity we know.

Zee: Maybe. But I'm about to be even bigger.

Karen: What do you mean?

Ben:  You're not leaving the act, are you?

Zee: What? Of course not. That would break poor Daddy's heart. But I am working on my own act. One day people will know the name, Zee Zatara. And that, Ben and Karen, is where you two come in.

Karen: What?

Ben: Huh?

Zee: Whenever you're ready.

[gulps][clears throat]

Karen: Prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen, for an experience unlike any other. This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara, Princess of Presti... Prestididge...

Zee: Prestidigitation.

Karen: Presti... tation.

Zee: [grunts] Prestidigitation.

[people exclaiming]

Zee: Huh? [grumbles]

[people chattering]

Ben: Wow, Zee, he wears more eye shadow than you.

Ace of Spades: All right. Look, look. Right here. Eyes on me. Ready? Heads or tails?

Girl: Heads.

Zee: [gasps] Did you see that? He totally switched hands.

[gasps][all exclaiming]

Zee: Ugh. A double-headed coin? Really? How uninspired. What's he going to do next, the detachable thumb trick?

[people exclaiming]

Zee: You have got to be kidding me.

Ace of Spades: All right. Pick a card, any card. Go ahead. Go ahead. Uh-huh. Okay, ready?Watch this. Watch. Ready? Wait for it... Is this your card?

Zee: That isn't magic. You're nothing but an overly-leathered, flimflam man. See?

[all gasping]

Crowd: He's turned them all into aces of spades. He's incredible.

Zee: Ugh! That is not magic.

Ben: This is magic. go on Zee this is your big break

Zee: thearw srewolf ["wreath flowers" with each word reversed] spriah ["hairpiece"] naf yawa ["fun away"] Ta-da!

Tourist: Fake.

tourist 1:  You could learn a thing or two from Ace of Spades.

tourist 2:  I love his magic.

tourist 3: It's so raw, so real.

Ben: oh they want magic well then abraca-Wildmutt

(Ben turns into Wildmutt)


Karen: I am so sorry about him. down, down

Wildmutt: [grumbles]

Zee: Oh, I'll give him raw and real.
(Omnitrix times out)

Ben: Uh, Zee?
Zee: ees yvne sith ["see envy this"]
Ace of spades: All right. Look. Watch. Eyes on me. Is this your card? Ta-da!
Girl: Uh, that's not even a card. What kind of magician are you?

[tourist 4] Lame.

Zee: So... who wants ice cream?

Ben: oh sweeet ice cream

(Gremlins sprout from Ace of Spades chest like a twisted version of Alien and start to cause trouble through the peir)

Karen: So, uh, back there it was, uh...

Ben: Y'know
Zee: I know. A complete disaster.
Karen: No, I--

Zee: I just want to show the world what I can do. The kind of magician I really am. I just want to touch an audience.

Karen: Don't worry, Zee, I bet someday you'll be known the world over as the greatest magician of them all.

Zee: You really think so?

Ben: we don't think so, we know so

(a gremlin landed in front of the gang and Zee got disgusted)

Zee: Guys, what's happening?

Ben: your spell made these abominations that's what's happening

Zee: My spell? But how? My magic can't do something like... But I was angry. It was me. This is all my fault. What do I do? What do I do? What do I--

Karen: Snap out of it, woman. This is no time for crying

Ben: it's time for heroing.

Zee: You're right,  Let's teach these little monsters some manners. Ew. Ew. Ew. Get it off. Get it off. Get it off.  Okay. Now it's time for heroing.

Ben: okay omnitrix i'm gonna need Slapback to round up these things. not Stinkfly, not Upgrade, not Grey Matter, not Jetray. Slapback

???: okay this is a new one, well it's gotta do something other then having the power of cuteness, i'll figure it out later right now let's catch these things. 

[screaming][baby giggling]

???: Huh? oh no not the baby to do all this i'm gonna need..

(the new alien clones himself)

???: More of me?

??? 2: you handle the gremlins

??? 3: and we'll do the rest

Bumblebee: Help! Zatanna! Ben Help! Get me out of here.

???: Back. Little to the right. A little more.

Zatanna: Would you shush, you're distracting....Ben ?

???: Yeah this is a new one

Zatanna: Just fly out of there.

Bumblebee: Just teleport me.

Zatanna: Oh, yeah. What do we do? They're just so dreadfully evil. 

Bumblebee: Wait a minute. What if they're not? What if they're just having fun? Look at them, Zatanna. 

???: They're just trying to entertain themselves.

Zatanna: Well, if it's entertainment these gremlins want, it's entertainment they shall have.And that, my dear Ben and Karen, is where you two come in.

???: Let's get magicy and stuff

Karen: Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentle-monsters, for an experience unlike any other. This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara, princess of prestidigitation.

Zee: All right, you little beasts, who'd like to be entertained?

( Ben's alien went in the magic box and came out with multiple clones of himself)

Zee: And now we've come to my final trick of the evening. A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may wish to look away. I will make my lovely assistants... disappear.

Karen: Wait, what?

Zee: Trust me.

???: Uh...

Zee: Lovely assistants. Now watch closely, my fiendish friends...

[all grunting]

Zee: Spirits beyond, I summon thee here, heed my command, make my friends disappear. Behold.

[all cheering]

Zee: Now, do I have any volunteers from the audience? Hmm. snilmerg ib enog ("gremlins be gone" with each word reversed) [panting] Ta-da.

??? 1: Gremlins, you all have been stopped by...

??? Clones: Ditto!!!!

(The omnitrix times out)

Ben: Man what a rush

Karen: You did it. It worked.

Random person: Fake.

Zee: [groans]

(Ben turns into Heatblast)

Heatblast: Clap, NOW!!!!!!

(The crowd claps nervously)

(The omnitrix times out and Ben see's that Zee is happy but at the same time a little upset)

Zee: [sighs] Why do I even try?

Karen: Because how else are you gonna be the greatest magician the world has ever known?

Ben: and if people can't see that their blind, you have more potential then you think  

Zee: Karen, Ben,  you guys are  the best assistants a magical girl could ever ask for.

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