???: Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I am such a klutz.
Zee: Are you all right?
Casey: You're... you're... I should be asking if you're all right. Silly ol' Casey Krinsky. Of course I bump into Zee Zatara, the most popular girl in school. [gasps] Your bag?
Zee: It's yours now.
Casey: Really? The most popular girl in school. And the nicest.
Zee: [giggles] Oh, you. What did you say your name was? Cassie?
Casey: Uh, well, sort of. It's Casey... Krinsky.
Zee: Nice to meet you, Casey. See you around.
Casey: You'll... see me around?
Kara: Come on, dude, or we'll be too... late.
Babs: Did we miss it? Again?
Diana: Deceivers. How can they call it "Tot Day" if the supply of tots do not last a full day?
Casey: Hey. Hey, Zee. Over here! Over here!
Zee: Look, it's my new friend. Ladies, I'd like you to meet... eh...
Casey: Oh, um, Casey Krinsky. Here, I, um, I got you all some tots.
Kara: No way.
Karen: You got us tots? That's so sweet!
Kara: Thanks, Kazinsky. You're all right.
Casey: Oh, it was my pleasure. I'd do anything for Zee Zatara. Anything.
Casey: Hi, Zee! I typed up your itinerary for the whole day and picked up a half-caf vanilla latte. Your favorite, right?
Zee: [chuckles nervously] Thanks.
Ben: Hi Zee
Zee: oh hey Ben i guess you saw my "little buddy"
Ben: yeah maybe just give her a chance i guess any way can't talk gonna be late for school
XLR8: catch ya latter
Casey: I noticed a conflict on your calendar, so I had Roxanne move her dance recital to next week so you can attend Sandra's quinceanera.
Zee: How did you get my calendar?
Casey: It's on your phone.
Zee: How did you get my phone?
Casey: It was in your purse. You should get a lock on that. Here's a lock. The combination is your great-grandmother's birthday backwards. See you tonight.
Zee: Uh, tonight?
Casey: Check your calendar!
Kara: Yo! Where's Carly?
Zee: I asked her to go across town to get my Stella-Gabrielles re-heeled.
Kara: Uh! On Tot Day?
Zee: I need to talk to you. Alone. That girl is obsessed with me.
Jessica: Who, Kerry Clemente? She's the nicest person ever.
Zee: That's what she wants you to think! Meanwhile, she's getting me lattes, helping me with my math tests, rearranging my social calendar so I can attend every event I want to!
Jessica: Uh, and?
Casey: Oh, Zee.
Kara: Hey, there she is. McCloskey, you made it. And you brought tots!
Casey: I cut a deal with the lunch lady before I left, and I re-heeled the Stella-Gabrielles, and I got a little gift for everyone on the way back.
(Casey had gotten cats for the girls)
Casey: I named this one Zee
(locker room)
Zee: [yelps] That's it, that's it, that's it! I've had enough! I am not your BFF, Caitlyn! You've got to stop following me around like... like some little lost kitten! Uh, I'm sorry. It's just...
Casey: Oh, it's all right. I wouldn't want to be friends with me either.
Zee: Katie, wait.
Casey: Casey.
Zee: I... I'm sorry, too. I guess I just misunderstood. You were really nice to do all those things for me. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. Okay, that's good. It's, uh.. Time to let go now.
Casey: Let go? You have everything a girl could ever wish for. Popularity, beauty, friends. And I'll never let go until...
Zee(Casey): I have it too!
Zee: [chanting spell] Huh? My magic...
Zee(Casey): Your magic? [chanting spell]
Zee(Casey): You mean... my magic. You really are the most amazing girl in school. [laughs] Oops. I mean... "were" the most amazing girl in school.
Diana: That's how it was on Themyscira. Hi!
[chuckles softly]
Casey(Zee): Hey! That girl is an imposter!
Jessica: You mean Zee?
Casey(Zee): Yes! I mean no. I mean... I mean, come on, just look at her.
Zee(Casey): See? Totally obsessed with me.
Jessica: Wow, Zee. You were right about her.
Babs: Yeah. No tots are worth this.
Casey(Zee): Can't you see it? She's not Zee, I'm Zee. Me. Not her. I'm Zee Zatara. I'm Zee Zatara!
[slurping and munching]
Ben: Is something wrong, Zee?
Zee(Casey):Oh, no. Not at all. I just don't see how life could ever get any better than this.
Babs: I can. Hot sauce!
Zee(Casey): You're the... the Super Hero Girls and you're Ben 10
Ben: Uh... yeah.
[laughs wickedly]
Zee(Casey): Not for long.
[Casey laughing wickedly]
Mega Casey: Kneel before me, Metropolis. For I am Mega Casey Krinsky!
[crowd gasps and screams]
Mega Casey: I will be the most popular girl in school... and the most powerful hero in the world! Plus, I'm super-hot!
Babs: Dude, did she just say Mega Cammy Kombucha?
Ben: doesn't matter Krypt 10 Nite can put a stop to this, huh? um guys I think she took our powers.
Diana: Fear not, Benjamin . If we work together, this villain is-- We have no chance.
Mega Casey: [laughs wickedly] It's the ultimate makeover. Finally, that mousy, sad little girl is gone! [laughs wickedly] Or at least she will be.
Mega Casey: Face it, old me, it's over! Hmph! You can't hide forever.
Mega Casey: Hmph! Smoke and mirrors, Princess of Prestidigitation? I expected better from you. Come out here and fight! I'm sick of seeing my pathetic little face! I mean your face!
Casey(Zee): What's the matter, Casey? Don't like what you see?
Mega Casey: No! Nobody does!
Casey(Zee): You're wrong! I liked you. At first. So did my friends. It was the evil plot to change who you are that mucked it all up.
Mega Casey: Stop it! Quiet!
Casey(Zee): You could have had the friendship and acceptance you wanted if you had only accepted yourself.
[chanting spell]
Mega Casey: No!
[Casey sobbing]
Zatanna: How about a fresh start, Casey? Friends?
Casey: Oh. Forget it! I'll get you for this, Zee Zatara! Soon the whole school, the whole city, will know who the Super Hero Girls really are! Your crime fighting days are over. Over!
Wonder Woman: We are so sorry, Zee.
Zatanna: [sighs] It's okay. You know who I am now. And so will everyone else, I suppose.
Casey: They're lying to you, everyone! Diana Prince is Wonder Woman! And Kara Danvers, she's Supergirl! and those superhero aliens are that kid Ben Tennyson
Boy: And I'm Bumblebee.
Casey: No, Karen Beecher is.
Girl: Oh. And you're Zee Zatara, right? That's what you said yesterday.
Casey: No, I was Zee Zatara, but now I'm not. Now I'm me again. I'm Casey Krinsky! Casey Krinsky! huh? A little something to get revenge signed Forever Knight? hmm yes
Mega Casey: [laughs wickedly]
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