Chapter 2 - Toes thinks about his feelings for Singer

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The morning after Ray had taken Birdy to sleep with him some of the pack were in the main hot spring. He was leaning back relaxing in Rocky's arms with his eyes closed. On one side was Birdy and the other another pack female. Sitting between his legs was Spike as she leaned back with her head against his chest and relaxed. For the moment, he was totally content, *Dancer I am going to have a meal with Morning Sun and Hunter tomorrow afternoon. After that we need to talk. My brain is overloaded with information that we, well the main temple mothers and fathers and I need to talk about. Would you be able to come over for part of the evening to start discussing it?*

When Dancer received the call, she was relaxing with Golden. She brought him into the call, *I have Golden with me and we would be more than pleased. As of now all the temple mothers and fathers are staying here at my temple. I will contact them and we will be over there at dinner time?* She really wanted to know what all he had gone through. They had talked some about the first two visits but not the most recent and she wanted as much information as possible.

Ray grinned, *That works for me and I am going to go back to cuddling and relaxing with my pack.* He let her go and returned to what he had been doing, "It feels so good to be back with all of you." Surrounding him was some of the pack females in the water and most of the rest in the various chairs and lounges with their babies. They were all growing and it was so nice to see all his pups.

He kept Gentle in the connection and drew Vyra in as well, *Hands what was the name of the reporter you talked to? I am going to do an interview and I have heard good reports on what she did with you.*

As it was while Ray was spending time with his pack, Hands was at his pack house with his pack. When Ray contacted him he almost sighed since he wanted time with his pack and didn't want to be bothered. The question actually startled him and he quickly gave the information though he didn't ask why he wanted it, *Her name is Inquisitive Nose though I don't remember the company she worked for.*

Once he received the information he did a search for the send address for the female and sent her a message, *This is Pack Father Johnson and I am trying to contact Reporter Inquisitive Nose. I would like to talk to you.* Since he didn't know how long it might take he kept talking to the pack.

Inquisitive Nose was at home when he sent the contact request and the message. Her ears shot upright and for some reason she sat upright and started sweating. It had taken a short time for the message to get a hold of her though thankfully not too long. Once she had received it she returned the contact, *Good evening Pack Father Johnson, how may I help you?* God she hoped she wasn't going to get yelled at for that first broadcast.

Ray could sense her concerns and almost frowned since it seemed his powers were stronger than before, *Thank you for getting back to me. I have heard good things about the interview you had with my brother. I would like to do an interview with you. Not tomorrow but the day after in the morning. I would like you to come to my pack house in Dawn of Hope. Would you be interested?* He couldn't help the slight traces of amusement in his send.

Her ears stood even straighter if possible. Even though she was shocked she was a professional. Inquisitive Nose quickly answered, *Pack Father I can't even begin to explain just how honored I am that you asked for me by name. My station will be more than pleased to do an interview with you and anyone else of your choice.* She had to pause, *I hope young Pack Father Strong Hands is doing better. He came across as a wonderful young pup.*

He had to smile at her reaction, *Then be at the Pack House the day after tomorrow at 9AM for the interview. I have made most of the morning open so we will have plenty of time.* His tone softened slightly, *Hands is doing better and thank you for asking. I will convey your hopes that he is feeling better. Now I am going to let you go and get back to my pack.*

Vyra and Gentle were trading thoughts as Ray was talking. To be honest they ranged from wanting to do something similar to what Hands had to a vitriolic rage for those who had killed Dreamers mother or anger at Dark Storm. After some discussion, they decided to talk to Ray before anything else. As angry as they were again it was something they needed to come across as moderate about.


Dark Storm had run from the mental lashing the Pack Father had given her. She wasn't sure just who he was but his contact had been filled with his powers. At the moment, she was huddled in some small hotel she had found as she was running. It wasn't all that nice of a place but it had a door, bed, and comforters she could hide under. No matter what else his threat of not seeing her grandpups had terrified her more than she had thought possible.

As she was cocooned in the comforter and blankets a large bottle of spirits was sitting next to the bed. She was working her way through it to keep from feeling anything other than anger over his threat. Even now she had never faced her feelings about the father of her only pup. She hadn't wanted to go on that damn flight. She would have been more than happy to have gotten pregnant by one of the harem males. Human's had bothered her with their flat faces and uniform coloring.

That and the male she had been forced to be with had been okay to be around but once he had been done with her he was done. He had fucked a good portion of the crew and other than what was needed to get them into bed that was all there was to it. At least with some of the Harem males they somewhat wanted to get to know you. It was to keep their favorite females coming back but at least there appeared to be a modicum of caring there.

The human hadn't given a damn once a female was pregnant and moved onto the next. As far as she was concerned humans were not evolved enough for real emotions. They wanted the rut and beyond that they didn't seem to care. Maybe if she had encountered someone like Ray or Simon it would be different but that had never crossed her mind. Most of that was due to the various rumors about the humans taken.

Little did she realize the ones initially taken had been taken due to the fact they wouldn't be greatly missed. For most of them that was from the dregs of human society. There had also been a stigma for having gotten pregnant by a human even though it had shown positive results. Or for her pack it was a stigma. She hadn't experienced the joy of having a male pup many of the women had experienced.

All told it had caused her to become someone other than who she had been when she was younger. It didn't help that Dark Song reminded her of that damn male. He had been tall and muscular and convinced of his place in the world. Dark Song had much of his confidence as well as his height and ultimately those damn blue eyes. Saul had black searching eyes.

Dark Storm knew the blue eyes were a sign of a mixed breed child and she had both hated and loved the eyes of her daughter. Now she didn't know what to do and settled into a drunken stupor as she tried to chase all memories of hers away.

It had never occurred to her that Saul might have done what he had to avoid being hurt when he was returned to Earth. She had been drawn to him and when he had pushed her away it had almost destroyed her. It had shown with how she had ended up dealing with their daughter. To keep from thinking about that she slugged down more of the crap she was drinking.


Tomorrow morning Toes had a meeting with both Dancer and Golden but for the moment he was relaxing with Singer. To be honest the last week had been bloody hell for him. The first night or two as she was coming to dinner had been so very hard. He had honestly wanted to go and rip the shit out of those who had done this to her. When he had first met her in Dancers office he had been very protective of her. That he knew was a Pack Fathers reaction for a female in pain.

It had been damn hard for him to deal with since he was so new to the feelings she and even Thunder had engendered in him. In Thunder's case, it was more to ensure her first heat was as best possible. She was a very nice young lady and when High Tower had come to him and indicated his interest he had been pleased. High Tower was new enough to the Harem that he was still learning and Toes felt it would be good for both of them. The morning after Thunder's first day of heat he had briefly talked to her and she had been shy but honest. That alone indicated that High Tower had taken care of her needs not to mention she had been with the young male several more times.

She had been with one or two of the other young males as well but High Tower had been very careful with her. He had taken care of her needs to the best of his abilities and not just screwed her brains out. Now that Toes was a Pack Father he was going to need to keep an eye on High Tower since he was a good male. He would make a good replacement for Toes as taking care of women in their first heat or two.

Now when it came to Singer, she had stayed with him and he had a feeling it was because he hadn't been bothered by her scars. Actually, he had been. For her, he wanted the best for the young woman. The scars did make him very angry when he thought about them but he did his best to keep that to when she wasn't around. When she was he simply relaxed and called on the Pack Lord for help. Singer impressed Toes since she was such a strong young woman. Even if she didn't see it he did since no matter what, she hadn't bowed down to anyone.

That wasn't saying she hadn't done what was needed to survive but certain things she wouldn't do. As he was thinking he had to force his arms to relax before he hugged her to hard. She was relaxing in his bed again and was sleeping very deeply with few if any nightmares, *Pack Lord please give me the patients to deal with my anger about what happened. It scares me how angry I am at the moment. I am so not used to this intense of an emotion.* Toes sent that prayer to the Pack Lord in hopes he could help.


The Pack Lord was relaxing against a tree in the Goddesses garden. She was curled up in his arms and had her head on his chest. As they were sitting there he could feel her emotions and she wasn't totally happy since she was missing her pup. He didn't blame her but they simply couldn't allow every pup she had to become a god or goddess, *I can feel your discontent but Ray is a good male and Gentle will make for a good mother for your pup. She knows who her Dame is even if she can't express it. Nuzzle is a very lovely young girl and is going to grow into a very special woman.*

The Goddess sighed as he was holding her, *I know but I always miss my pups. I miss the various Sires as well but as you said they can't remain in this plane of existence. Ray will always be special to me even after he has passed on. I do love and care for you but a few of my other lovers have been special.* She knew he would understand.

He nuzzled her neck and licked an ear, *I know and I have had a few pups of my own I have had to let go. It hurts even though it is for the good of our people. Now if you don't mind a change of subject what about Toes and Singer? How shall we deal with them? I have a few ideas for Toes and it is as a Pack Father.*

She leaned into his comfort and rubbed her cheek against his chest, *I also have plans for Singer but I have to wait until the current issue is dealt with. Until that happens I can't really say and as you know we need to let some events unfold.* She move slightly closer to him, *Just hold me for a while please? I need your comfort milord.*

The garden slowly faded from view in their reality as they comforted each other.


When Singer awoke, she could tell her heat was over and she was forced to groan. After the first night or two she had realized that Toes wasn't going to do anything to hurt her. As far as she could tell he had genuinely cared for her and even Thunder though Thunder hadn't been with Toes. It was such a unique feeling she didn't know what to do with it. At the moment, she was draped across Toes chest and had an arm around his waist even as her head was resting on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her and were holding her close.

*Oh Goddess, what do I do? I am so scared by what he is making me feel. I know he does care but just how much does he care? It is simply as a male taking care of a young woman or more? I don't know what to do with my feelings.* Singer wasn't moving since she had discovered that moving in the morning tended to cause Toes to wake even if he didn't say anything.

Though she didn't realize it much of it was his new abilities as a Pack father. As she was trying to figure out her feelings he was very slowly waking up.

Singer could feel her heart speed up slightly since she was feeling comfortable in his arms. It was such a novel experience for her and she simply didn't understand why it made her feel so comfortable. Since Toes was still asleep she very slowly moved out of his arms and settled on the edge of the bed and looked down at him. Even though she tried not to her fingers slowly moved over and traced a cheek, *Thank you for being so gentle Toes. That means more than you can imagine to me. I am going to go but maybe down the road I might see you again.* She was thinking that to herself but didn't realize both he and Dancer might receive it.

Singer moved out of the bed and pulled her robe on and slipped out of the Harem. For now, she was going to head back to the section and take a shower before going to breakfast. This was going to be more than interesting since all the females in her section were going to know what happened to both her and Thunder. Once she arrived at their section she realized it was about the normal time she had started to shower.

When Singer walked into the section she was assigned to, she couldn't help but stop and lower her ears. Her tail was lowered as well since there were several of the females in there. She was still so scared even though Toes had been so very gentle with her. Before she realized it, Thunder had come over and pulled her into a good hug, *Relax Singer since I do understand. I... That was so scary yet High Tower had been so gentle and careful of my feelings. I know you were beyond terrified of what we were both feeling and I don't blame you.*

Singer returned the hug before heading towards the showers. She simply couldn't bring herself to say anything to the other girls right now. When she walked in and stripped down moments later Thunder came in and stripped down, "How are you doing Singer?" *I was so very worried for you. Toes is a wonderful male but... I do care for you and do wish you would accept me as your friend.*

Singer turned and wrapped her arms around Thunder, *I don't know how I am doing. The last week has been both scary yet very satisfying. Toes has been wonderful and so very gentle. Several of the males were more than angry at what happened and I don't know what to do currently. Would you mind coming to my therapist since... Well... We...* She had to give up.

Thunder returned the hug and held her close, *Do you even need ask? I told you I am your friend and friends help each other. I will go with you and support you. Toes is a wonderful male as is High Tower and the others. It might sound strange but you did help me with what was going on. I had to be strong for you and High Tower could see that and let me until we were in his room. Once in his room he comforted me before anything happened. Now do you want a shower or just a good hug session?*

Singer held Thunder even with the teasing and pulled her closer, *Toes was wonderful as well and he took his time to allow me to become as relaxed as I could. He didn't push and gave me all the time I needed.* She blushed, *Well as much time as my body allowed me. Even more important was he didn't laugh or make any comments on the scars.* They were being treated and some were fading or even gone but she had a long way to go. As many knew now, her life hadn't been easy, that was especially true once her Dame had died.

The other girls kept doing what they had been though they were all very curious. A number of them would be starting to approach their first season in the next year. They wanted to know what it was like and more so how it made one feel while in heat. Thunder hadn't said much as of yet other than it hadn't been as bad as she had expected. Singer they just couldn't ask.

Once they were out of the shower Thunder stepped back and grinned at her, "I felt you coming towards our section and made some coffee for you. I know I needed a good cup of something warm to drink when I came back." She headed towards the small kitchenette where the drinks were.

Singer noticed Shadow giving her a rather amused look with one ear pricked forward and the other slightly off to the side. Singer frowned at her and then just for good measure stuck her tongue at her before turning towards the kitchenette as well. For some reason that made her feel somewhat better since it was such a silly reaction, "Coffee sounds really good and thank you. I think I am going to consider a nap. For some reason, I am feeling rather tired right now."

Shadow coughed as she tried not to start laughing. She ended up having to cover her mouth to muffle her shrieks of laughter. One of the other girls rolled her eyes at Shadow and pushed her off the couch. All that received was even more laughter.

Thunder and Singer had to turn and stare at Shadow as she lay there trying to catch her breath. They traded looks before Thunder calmly retrieved a mug of ice water, walked over, and dumped it on Shadow, "See that is how you calm down a hysterical Liraque-trainee."

Shadow squealed as the cold water hit her face and growled at Thunder, "That wasn't funny." She was looking rather wet and disgruntled now.

Brolyn snorted at her as she tossed a hand towel at her, "Oh yes it was and you know you got your just reward. You might want to go and dry off since we need to leave for breakfast soon." She did lean over and lightly stroked her ears before hopping away.

Thunder had to pause for a moment, "Breakfast, and then catch up on sleep?" They had the day off as the last few traces of heat faded. She was hungry and both of them had definitely needed a shower.


When Singer had woken and eventually left his room Toes had pretended to be asleep. He could sense that she needed some time with her section mates and especially Thunder to talk to. Toes finally rose and went and took a quick shower before dressing. Once he did he moved to the main lounge in the harem and started working on breakfast. Even if he was now a Pack Father he had long since found that cooking helped him relax. That was especially true when he needed to think. Before any of the others came out he finally sent a send request to both Dancer and Golden.

*I really need to talk to both of you please. I know we have an appointment but... It... I just need to talk to you. Do you

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