Chapter 1 - Starting to pick up the pieces

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Books in the Folician Chronicles series

Dog Got Your Tongue – Folician Chronicles 1

Homecoming – Folician Chronicles 2

The Temple – Folician Chronicles 3

We have to keep moving forward – Folician Chronicles 4

The Goddess and the Pack Lord – Folician Chronicles 5

The Past is the Future – Folician Chronicles 6

Dawn of Hope – Folician Chronicles 7

A Folician Christmas

The Terran Enclave – Klithian Chronicles 1

A New Balance – Life and Death – Klithian Chronicles 2 (in progress)

The inspector had finally finished his report. All that was left was to review it and have one of his staff review it for any possible errors. By now he had reported the results to the Peace Forcers that it hadn't been an accident. The only thing which had saved the male pup was the intervention of the young human Pack Father. If he hadn't been willing to crawl under the car and do what he could it would have exploded.

If it had exploded it would have done severe damage to the temple and the Deities only knew how many of the pups and Priestesses would have been killed or injured. He knew that the Forcers had expanded the investigation though for the moment it was being kept quiet. As far as the packs knew it was simply the case involving the pup who had survived. When it came out that someone had deliberately targeted a male pup the world was going to go up in flames. All four worlds would react and they didn't need the pack Zorg targeted for that. Chances were good it was only a few who had done this but when it came to threats against males and pups... It could get very ugly.

He finally sent the report to one staff member for review and wandered over to a window and looked at the light snow fall, *Is the Temple Mother available?* He sent that to the general contact point for the temple who was dealing with the humans. It didn't take very long before the response came back.

*Good evening Inquisitive Mind. This is Temple Mother Dancer and how may I help you? Oh I have brought Temple Father Golden Fields into the conversation.* At the moment they were both in her rooms relaxing.

*Good evening to both of you and I am done with my report. It is being reviewed for any errors but that isn't why I contacted you. I would like to meet the young human Pack Father who saved the pup. As I am sure you know it wasn't an accident in anyway. I have been working closely with the Peace Forcers and they know what I know. I can't help but approve of the actions of the young man since it speaks to his being a Pack Father.* His mental tone was in complete honesty, *I also have reviewed his use of the suit and wish to let him know when he is of age for advanced training I will be giving a recommendation to any school he might want to go to.*

Golden couldn't help but look pleased by the comments from the investigator, *This is Golden and thank you for your complements. I have met the young man and he is definitely a good addition to our world. Dancer and I will let you know when you can meet him. For the moment, he is not available. As far as the recommendation thank you as well and I do believe he plans on going into engineering if some sort.*

Inquisitive Mind couldn't help but lower his ears, *You are very welcome Temple Father. I am going to let you go and I am going to head back to my pack.* He wasn't a pack father but his pack was progressive and didn't mind some of the males working outside the pack. He closed the connection and walked out to his air car. Tomorrow the report would be forwarded to all parties involved other than Pack Zorg.


The next morning Ray and Gentle contacted the World Mother. Normally she wouldn't have been contacted but since Ray was a human they felt they should. It didn't matter he looked Folician, he was human. Spike had checked his DNA and had proved it. He sent a thought to her office, *Good morning this is Pack Father Ray and I need to talk to the World Mother when she has a chance. I have a new mate and wished to let her know.* He glanced at Gentle and smiled since she had one of their babies against a breast as she was nursing.

Gentle glanced down at him and leaned over and kissed him, *You have no idea just how much this means to me Ray.* Her ears lowered as she was talking, *I love you more than I can begin to tell you.* After the kiss she changed breasts once the baby had been burped.

It didn't take very long before Steel Heart responded, *Congratulations Pack Father and is it Gentle Resolute Song?* She had been paying attention to the various reports.

Both looked at each other and lowered their ears, *It is Steel Heart and I am proud to say it. Flitter assigned her to be the interim Pack Mother as I am sure you knew. It was also because she knew that Gentle and I loved each other even as we loved Flitter.* He could feel his emotions showing but he didn't care, *We wanted to tell you before we announced it to the world. She is mine as I am hers.*

Steel Heart had a sad smile on her face since she had never been able to find a male for her, *Thank you for the honor Pack Father and when you make it official please let me know and I will be there.* How the world was changing, *I will let you get back to your pack Rayfuso.* She disconnected before leaning back in her chair and letting a pleased smile cross her face.

Once she had disconnected Ray relaxed next to Gentle for a short time before sitting up straight. For some reason when he needed to discuss serious business sitting upright felt, well, right, *Pack Father Hunter, Pack Mother Morning, I have something's I need to discuss with you. For various reasons, would it be acceptable for you to come over tomorrow for a meal? I do not wish to leave my pack and I know Hands doesn't either.* He also sent that to the general contact number for that pack.

It didn't take very long before Morning responded, *We completely understand Pack Father and it would be a pleasure to meet both packs. What time would you like to meet and if you don't mind we will bring our Liraque as well.* She was more than pleased and so was her mate.

Ray didn't hesitate, *If you wouldn't mind being here about noon so we can talk that would be best. Once we have talked we can have the meal and you can meet the packs. I understand you have met some of both packs but this will be with all the packs and my sister.*

Hunter broke in, *That is more than fine Pack Father and we will be there. Thank you for the invitation. We will see you tomorrow.* He broke the connection and turned back to his work.


Dancer had called for Dark Skies, See Clearly, the various investigators, lawyers, Hunter, Morning, and a few others. She informed them they needed a meeting as soon as possible since things were starting to come to a head in the case of pack Zorg. Even as close as things were being held rumors were being passed around and the issue needed to be addressed. She felt an urgent need to have this meeting as soon as possible so she made it a temple command.

A temple command wasn't a god or goddess command but very close to it and very rarely ever used. The last one had been when the humans had been found to be genetically compatible with them. That had been over twenty-five turns ago and before that it had been a good sixty turns.

Once that was done she settled down at her desk and called up all the files which had been generated due to the wreck. First on the list was the issue with the female who had been killed. As of now that was classified as a homicide. In the case of the boy it was an attempted homicide. The coroner's report indicated the use of some black market nanites specifically designed to counteract the meds given to her. It in itself wasn't the actual cause of the death but it indirectly led to it. By counteracting the medication, it allowed the poisons to act on the body and brain. As of yet they hadn't identified how they had been administered.

In the case of the vehicle the drive had been sabotaged and that had been proven. It was a combination of the highly-detailed scans from Strong Hands' suit and examination afterwards. This added to the death and attempted death of the two constituted extenuation circumstances. If that was proven the punishment could range from removal from the cycle of life to striking the name and family genetics for future generations. This didn't even include the fact that it involved a male child.

Whoever had decided to take the woman out, Dancer had to wonder why, was going to be found and very possibly turned over to the temples. If that happened the God's and Goddess's would get personally involved. If that happened... Dancer decided not to consider what might happen, "What the hell were they thinking?" She murmured as she deactivated her VRHUD for a moment and leaned back in her seat. Dancer gave a good stretch and smiled when Melody came in, "Oh goody, snacks and some coffee."

Melody grinned at her before sobering, "I could feel you from my desk and figured you could use a break. I have the large conference room set up already and I'v received acknowledgements from most of the ones you sent for. As of now it looks like it is going to be a working dinner since most of them can't get here until just before third meal." She set the tray down on the desk and quickly fixed the coffee for Dancer.

Dancer leaned back in the chair and sighed as she looked at the frescoes on the ceiling, "Thank you Melody. I almost don't want to consider the impact this is going to have on our world. It sounds horrible but the pre-meditated death of a female is one thing but to kill a male of any age? Pack Zorg might end up in protective custody just to keep anyone else from being killed. This is going to polarize the world in ways having a human Pack Father didn't." She sat back up and took the coffee and after checking took a sip.

Melody settled down in a chair on the other side of the desk, "Not only that but when it comes out that Pack Zorg tried to forcibly retrieve the child and attacked the Liraque Pack Father... He has caught the attention of an entire generation of young females." She couldn't help but smile slightly at that. The interviews he had done had made females of all ages go up in flames, "I doubt he realizes it but his popularity far outstrips that of Rayfuso. When Ray came to the planet and held up the first baby boy of his it was bad enough. Now? I honestly think both could take over this world simply by asking for it."

Dancer snorted at that, "I am going to do my best to keep that separate but I have a feeling both are going to be combined. As far as Hands, I have had a number of offers of male pups to be added to his pack." She had seen the various groups out there and at first had been appalled by a few of them. After thinking about it most had started to amuse her though some did still bother her, "As far as the younger females believe me I know as well. That unauthorized interview really hit home. Seeing him curled up with Savory and the two pups has become one of the top downloaded images of the year." At the mention of the two taking over the world Melody was growled at, "Don't you dare mention that again." She started laughing, "I think if anyone did mention it we might lose two pack fathers and packs as they migrated somewhere safe."

Melody was grinning, "Well considering I downloaded it myself and had a picture made from it..." The picture was in a small frame on her desk. She shrugged, "They are a darling couple though and much like both Ray and Flitter or Ray and Gentle, you can feel their love they share." She decided not to talk about the other things for the moment to give Dancer something more positive to think about, "Has Toes scheduled a time to meet with you? He sent me a message with a number of items relating to the temple Harem he wishes to discuss."

That got Melody a smile, "He has and I am going to try and schedule time for him either tomorrow or the day after. In this case, he also sent his ideas to me as you know. He has some very good ideas mentioned. It can wait however since it isn't what I would consider critical." She chatted with Melody for a few more minutes before getting back to work. When she did Melody went back out to her desk.

The last item she looked at was the issue with Dark Storm and Gentle. To be honest she was pretty damn miffed still by what had gone down. There was an almost blatant disrespect for males and the Gods in her attitude. Dancer would never force someone to believe or not believe but certain things tended to infuriate her. In this case for anyone to think the temples and government would do something like make a fake Pack Father was one. That would undermine the entire pack system not to mention the temples and government when it came out. Also, the cuffs were designed not to be altered in such a way. It simply wasn't possible to the best of her knowledge.

With the senior Pack Father and Mother involved the ball was in their court. It was true the temples could demand the right to deal with it but that would cause problems as well. Dancer tossed some ideas around in her mind for a while and finally decided to simply let them take care of it. If needed she would have their Liraque suggest coming to talk to Dancer, that was all it would be though, a suggestion.

When the door opened and she looked up she couldn't help but smile, "Hello you sexy man. I hope you are ready for a long boring meeting before helping me release some stress." Dancer stood up and hurried over to Golden and gave him a good nuzzle and kiss as she hugged him.

He laughed at her, "My sexiness must be well known since I just had another offer to help release some stress." When he heard the thump from outside he knew Melody was pretending to beat her head against her desk, "I will be there with you Dancer and once done we can go and relax and help both of us relax."

Melody growled at him for the teasing, "I said you were looking very nice this evening Temple Father Golden Fields. As far as de-stressing I said I was going to do some of that myself." Just for good measure she thumped the desk with a hand again.

The two were grinning as they walked out of Dancers office, "I think we have everything we need for the evening. Go and relax Melody and if you want feel free to visit the Harem." Dancer gave her a quick hug and peck before exiting the office with her mate.


Singer couldn't believe she was curled up next to Toes in his bed. That dinner the previous week had almost terrified her and only having Thunder there had kept her from losing it. She did have to admit the scent from Toes had helped as well but she had still been very tense. What was so frustrating was the other males had picked up on it and the room had been tense. Toes had obviously contacted the others via the send since they had done their best to calm down.

That had helped some and she was going to have to figure out how to thank Thunder. Even though Thunder was nervous she had distracted most of the others. Looking back to that evening it was obvious that Thunder's heat and almost forced her to relax with the males. By the time they had left the room she had been getting friendly with one or two of the males.

Most of that evening she had spent curled up next to Toes as she let his scent calm her. When she and Thunder had made it back to the section she realized it was much like with Hands. Hands' scent had calmed and relaxed her as well though with Toes there was a definite musky male overtone to his scent. The two of them had gone back for a meal the next several evening as well.

That had been interesting since the second meal the males were much calmer around her. She figured Toes had spoken to them since they were all moving very carefully around Singer to keep from stressing her. The third evening they were there Thunder had left with High Tower to his room which hadn't surprised Singer at all. After Thunder had started to relax it was obvious she liked the male and they had spent a good deal of time talking.

When she had left, Singer had started to tense up since she was now the only female in there. There were only three males other than Toes in the room but it still scared her. When they had settled down in chairs near to where she and Toes were sitting she had tensed up. That had caused one of the males to lower his ears and ask what was wrong. It had been one of the hardest things she had ever had to do to explain even a tiny bit about why.

The reaction of the other males had shocked her since by the time she was done they all giving out a low deep growls of anger. Somehow, she knew it wasn't direct at her so much as what she had been forced to deal with. Toes had stepped in and calmed them down but to have them almost instantly become protective of her had shocked her. It had shocked her down to her core in a way everything the girls in her section hadn't been able to. Singer didn't just know but she knew they wanted to protect her.

That hadn't just broken the ice but cracked the wall she had spent so much time building around her heart. Before she realized it, she had her head buried in Toe's shoulder and was crying. She hadn't even tensed up when he carefully lifted her up and settled her in his lap and wrapped his arms around her. By the time she was done crying and looked up she did tense slightly since the other males were gathered around. They had settled down on the floor and couch around Singer and Toes. They weren't touching her but she could feel their concern for her. With one hand, she slowly and tentatively reached out and stroked the hair and ears of one. When he leaned into it she had stroked his ears some more before leaning back into Toes.

Singer knew she had a long way to go before she was really healed but these four would always mean a huge deal to her. She had quietly thanked them. That had been the first night she had spent with Toes. They hadn't done anything other than cuddle and quietly talk. That had been almost as hard for her since the reconstruction on the scar tissue still had a long way to go. Toes had been very understanding of how she was feeling and simply held her as they slept. She had forgotten Toes would have seen some of them when he had talked to her in medical.

Her thoughts had turned to that first night they had sex. Just thinking about it was enough to make her blush deeply and lower her ears. Having heat described before experiencing the reality had been almost pointless. When it had really hit, Toes hadn't really had to do much urging for her to let him satisfy her need. From what she understood after the first few heats it did mellow out some thankfully. This was the third night she had spent with him and damn it she was about ready to wake him up again.

With a burble of laughter, she pressed her head into the pillow. She was still going to need time to come to terms with what had happened but Singer knew Toes was more than willing to help. When a tongue ran up the back of her ear she twitched and almost squealed since she hadn't been expecting it.

Toes had woken just a few minutes ago though he hadn't moved. He could sense Singer was thinking and he didn't want to disturb her. Chances were good she was

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