Daryl's late night talking

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                                                     (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Fluff. Ages 12+

Summary: You and Daryl were talking late at night about random things.

You were looking out the window above your bed. Just looking out into the stars. You were completely occupied. The bed started to move a little bit. You looked down to see Daryl looking up at you with his gorgeous eyes. "Whacha' thinkin' about?" He asked resting his chin on his arms once he shifted on his stomach. "Stuff." You answered bluntly.

"Come on, I want ta' know what's goin' on in that beautiful mind of yours." He smiled. You returned the smiled as you looked out the window again. "Only if you tell me one thing." He ponders for a second. "What do ya' wanna know?" He asked with a sweet tone. "What were yer' parent's names?" You asked not knowing how he would respond. "Will and Renae." He said solemnly. "Oh. Sorry." You said as the mood quickly changed.

"Nah, its ok. Now what the hell is goin' on in your head?" You smiled as you answered. "Us, kids, marriage, family." He gave you an odd look when you looked back at him. "Well, we already have 3 of those things figured out." He said with a smirk. "What are ya talki-" Daryl stopped you by reaching over you to the other side of the bed.

He opened the drawer to reveal a beautiful ring. "Oh my God!" You yelled. He got out of bed and dragged you with him. He made you stand at the edge of the bed and got down on one knee and propped the ring up with his hands. "Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, I knew I loved you the moment I saw you. This relationship has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster. Y/n, will you marry me?" You were in tears. "Yes, a million times, yes!" You screamed as he stood up.He shoved you into his chest and cried. He kissed the top of your head as you sobbed. "I love you, Daryl." You cried into his chest. "Love you too, sweetheart." He cooed. "Now, kids is the only thing we need to figure out." He smiled. You giggled at the thought of Daryl and kids. They would be so cute.

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