Daryl's Apology

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                                                      (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Sadness. Ages 13+

Summary: Daryl knows that you are carrying his child. He knows that you might not survive. He breaks down.

"Rick!" You yelled through ought Alexandria. "Hey, pretty lady." He answered back. "Love you too, Rick. Have you seen Daryl around?" You asked through your slight giggle. He gave a smile in response to the laugh. "He said he was goin' to find you. He was headed home." You smiled. "Thanks, Rick." He waved as you skipped home. You skipped into your shared house. "Daryl?" You called through the halls. No answer. "Daryl, babe." You called once again. Your head was trying to tell you something, as if you forgot something. What did you forget?

You walked into the room to find his shoes by the foot of the bed. "Daryl! I know your here!" You laughed. You walked out of the room and walked down the hall. The bathroom door was slightly open. You pushed it open with a giggle. Your smile quickly faded as you saw Daryl crying. "Baby, what's wrong?" You questioned. He slid down the wall and sobbed. "What's wrong? Please, Daryl. Talk to me!" You yelled.

It was like you weren't there. You had no idea why he would be crying. He looked up at you with his glossy eyes. His wet face was enough to make you cry. He stood up and dug in his pocket. A white stick appeared in his massive hand. "Oh." You new what you forgot now. The test on the sink. He dropped in on the ground as his arms went limp to his side. You stood there looking like an idiot. "You haven't said a word to me since I've been home." You gave a long sigh as he looked the other way. "Daryl, would you look at me?" You begged.

He swiftly turned around. You moved towards him as he slowly looked up at you. His lip started to tremble. You knew what was coming. "I'm sorry." He breathed. "I'm sorry." The second one really packed a punch. You felt like shit already. "It wasn't your fault." He nodded his head. "It was." He sobbed some more. "No." You said as you started to cry too. "It isn't your fault. It takes two to make a baby." You giggled but it suddenly turned into a cry."Come here." You cooed as you pulled him into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he did the same to your waist. "Your gonna make a great father." You assured him. He nodded as he pulled away. "And you will make a great mom." He smiled back. "I love you so much, Dixon." You smiled in his ear. "Love you too, beautiful." He smiled back. Being a parent is already crying worthy. 9 months to go.

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