Ashburn has a Patreon Page!

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Hello, my small and adorable children!

So, I recently launched my Patreon page, (reasons why I launched one will be on the page itself) and I would love if you guys could become patrons if you enjoy my work! I put a LOT of time and effort into this series and my family needs the extra support, so if you could, go check it out!

(The video above explains what exactly Patreon is.)

A quick note of thanks:

I cannot express this enough.

I am so grateful that all of you took the time to read my stories. You have no idea what this means to me. Going with Patreon will give me a way to say thank you to everyone by offering reads on unreleased chapters, getting a few spoilers now and then, and even chapter dedications and character creations.


(The page itself will be in the External Link below this chapter)

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