5- new day

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a/n-im back! art above done by me. short break i know.
Tulip was the first to wake up, she wobbled her way to the blonde boy still sleeping. she crawled onto the bed and snuggled up against her father. This woke Tommy up, he turned around to see who it was to be met with a crying Tulip. "Sweetheart? What's wrong?" Tommy sat up, grabbing the girl and gently setting her on his lap "I-i had a d-dream, th-that you le-eft me" Tulip cried "I would never do that and you know it" Tommy shushed her "i'll always be here, i'm not gonna leave you" Tommy said now hugging Tulip "do you want to lay with me for the rest of the night?" He asked. She replied with a nod.

Before laying down Tommy checked the time. 6am. He heard rustling outside the door. He stood up "papa? Where are you going?" the girl asked looking at her now standing father "im just going to see what's going on outside, in the hall" Tommy told her, reaching for the door knob. When he opened it he saw, Techno, Wilbur, and Phil doing something "What are you guys doing this early?" Tommy said making the three jump "Just..." Phil didn't know what to say "Nothing important" Techno said, pushing an item behind him "okay?" Tommy said, but it came out more like a question "Well don't be too loud" Tommy said walking back into the room. He laid back down, next to Tulip.

Techno grabbed the item shoved behind him. "so, what are we doing with this?" techno held the item towards Phil "it's a gift for Tommy" Phil said grabbing a ribbon. "what color should we use?" Phil said hold two different colors of ribbon, one white the other red. "red, the kid likes the color" techno said, putting the plush on the table.

"how do you know that?" Wilbur joked, "because, I pay attention to him more" techno said walking over to Phil. Phil chuckled at the boys "alright whose good with tying bows?" Phil asked, looking mostly at wilbur "wil" techno said rummaging through the kitchen drawers to find a pair of scissors. Wilbur and techno kept bickering. "that's enough, wilbur come and tie the bow while I check on Tulip and Tommy" phil said in an annoyed tone.

Wilbur and techno stopped talking. Wilbur went to the plush and waited for techno to give him the scissors. "techno!" phil yelled running down with Tulip "techno, tommy's having a. Nightmare and I can't wake him up, you know him the best so can you try" techno gave wilbur the tool and ran up to tommy's room without any talking. "what's so bad about a nightmare?" wilbur asked in a whisper, seeing Tulip already fell back to sleep.

"tommy's nightmare are a pain to deal with, he starts crying and won't move nor wake up unless techno wakes him up" phil explained. Wilbur gave phil a confused look "what do you mean he won't move?" wilbur questioned "I mean, he isn't like one of those people who would flip around or thrash in their sleep" phil looked at the stairs waiting for techno.

Surely enough here comes techno, tommy not far behind him "sorry dad and techno I had to bother you" Tommy rubbed his eyes. "you're fine, you're my son Tommy. If something's wrong we'll deal with it" phil said handing the child to the blonde in front of him. Tulip cuddled into Tommy's chest and putting he hand on top of his. She moved her head a bit and woke up "dad?" she looked up rubbing her eyes "why are you so sweaty?" she questioned Tommy.

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