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Tw-mention of s3x, swearing
A/n- i have no words, thank you guys.  also I'm gonna try to make this one longer                                  where we left off- tommy and tulip were about to leave until tommy couldn't find his bandanna ~~~~~~~~~~~

"daddy! Miss jes wanted me to give this to you! she said she found it on your bed and washed it" Tulip ran through the door with the bandanna. She continued towards the bed, her hand holding the bandanna in the air. Tommy sighed, he was relieved when he saw Tulip with what he was stressing over. "thank you" Tommy murmured to her.

getting off the bed Tommy grabs the cloth from her, it wasn't the same before Jessica took it. It's rips were replaced with patches of sewn on greens, some lighter others darker. He mentally thanked Jessica for repairing it. "let's go say bye to Jessica" Tommy said tying the bandanna around his neck. Once it was secure he grabbed Tulip and walked towards the living room. They reached the couch and Tulip jumped out of Tommy's grasp.

Tulip ran over to Jessica, giving her a hug "bye bye!" Tulip smiled then running back to Tommy grabbing his sleeve and dragging him to the door. Tommy laughed at her antics "bye Jessica!" He yelled before turning around and grabbing the girl dragging him. "Tell maxi I said bye!" he yelled again this time running out the door, wrapping the blonde in his arms with his jacket "its gonna get cold so don't move around to much I could drop you in the snow" He joked with her. She laughed while cuddling into her fathers chest.

They ran through the tree line, snow falling onto Tommy's head as they hit a few branches here and there. They ran through the snowy plains seeing a small cabin in the distance. Beautiful plants surrounding the cabin, the plants consisting of; Red Tulips, Pink and white roses, crops, and dahlia flowers.

"daddy, look! It's so pretty!" Tulip pointed to the cabin "yeah it is, Phil really took good care of it" Tommy smiled. The closer they got Tommy could see a figure tending to the garden and farm. They reached the side of the cabin, the figure they saw was techno. "techno!" Tommy called out, going towards Techno. Techno's head shot up once he heard his name being called. Techno stood up and ran over to Tommy, not giving him a hug but a warming smile "Tommy you're back" the pink braided hair male answered, for the first time Tommy saw the older cry. Without any words Techno brought him inside, still not noticing the child with the younger.

"dadza! Tommy's back!" Techno notified Phil who was currently cooking lunch for Techno and Wilbur. As soon as Wilbur and Phil processed his words they came running, by this time Tulip started talking "daddy, can I get down now?" she asked wiggling in Tommy's arms . Phil looked at the child popping out of his sons jacket "fine" Tommy set the girl down "Who's that?" The twins said in unison "I have a granddaughter!?" Phil crouched down to get a better look at the girl "Daddy who are they" Tulip asked hiding behind Tommy's legs "That's Philza, or Phil your grandpa, that ones Wilbur your uncle, and the other one is Techno your other uncle" Tommy explained pointing out everyone "That's grandpa Phil!" Tulip got excited and ran over to Phil, hugging him. "wait tommy had s3x!?" Wilbur questioned Tommy "Nononono!" Tommy yelled, laughing his ass off "then where did she come from" Wilbur looked at the girl hugging Phil "i ran away to the village Phil always took me to, and someone left her outside the wall in a basket only wrapped in a blanket" Tommy explained walking over to Tulip and Phil. "so like someone did to you, dad said he found you next to a fence post but in a box" Wilbur said "why were you in a box anyways?" Wilbur asked "well the box belonged to a friend of mine, I dont remember their name but the kid loved bees and he had big brown, fluffy hair" Tommy explained.

Wilbur looked at Phil "can we talk alone for a minute dad?" Wilbur walked down the hall. Wilbur and Phil walked into to Wilbur's room "do you think it was tubbo?" Wilbur asked, the description Tommy gave was very vague but the brown hair and bees were enough for Wil to make an assumption "It was, I didn't think much of it but the box had Tubox wrighten on the side of the box" Phil explained "but it was only Tommy in the box" he said. By this point Tommy knocked on the door "Phil, Tulip wants to play!" Tommy said standing outside the shut room. He slightly opened the door letting the girl run inside, the girl immediately ran towards Phil, hugging his legs. "hello sweetie" Phil picked up Tulip "so that's your name, it suits you well does it not?" He looked up to Wilbur "it suits her very well" Wilbur smiled "well I guess that's all I wanted to talk about" Wilbur walked  out of the room, and back to Tommy to have a small talk.

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