24-wedding Day

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Tw- swearing
This will be the only time I switch povs

-Tommy's pov-
Everyone is in suits or white pearly dresses. I don't get why I'm the only one with a light grey dress but that's fine. Phil wanted to walk me down the Isle but sapnap insisted he did. I just said fuck it and now they're both walking me down the Isle. I waited in a room,  with both phil and sapnap, till it was time for me to walk through. As much as I'm humiliated to wear this dress I get why eret likes them so much.

After waiting for a minute sapnap grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my chair. After I was stably standing Phil stood to my right and sapnap on my left. I stood at the entry way and told tulip to start running down the Isle throwing flowers. We waited a bit longer before following. I looked through the crowd as I passed. 

As I got closer and closer to the end of the carpet I looked forward to see deo and MD, the priest, at the end waiting for me.

We got to the part where MD asks if anyone objects as someone bursted through the door. A brown haired boy who I haven't seen for a couple of days, broke through the doors during my wedding.

"Stop the fucking wedding!" he yelled beginning to come towards the front. Once he got to the front he pulled me into a hug and turned around, letting go. He glared at deo and started, "im not letting you marry him, Tommy" I gave tubbo a confused look.

"what the hell do you mean?! It's my choice" he pulled me back into a hug and this time didn't let go till sapnap pulled him off.

"can you be happy for me? I'm finally unattached to the disks and now you won't let me be me?" I started to cry, as much as I didn't want to admit it I'm glad he's here I just wish it wasn't to crash my wedding.

-tubbos pov-
I feel bad for crashing the wedding I do but it'll end up just how it was with me and ranboo. Ranboo very rarely pays attention to me, which I guess if you think about it Michael is more important but still. If I lose my one chance to still be friends with Tom I don't know what I'd do.

"Tommy listen, I am happy for you but I've realized the mistake I made by marring ranboo and ignoring you. Ranboo isn't like you, he won't ever be" I cried, "we don't have late night talks where we fall asleep on the bench together, we haven't fought wars along side eachother! It's not the same and I miss you and everything we did" I explained. Tommy just started at me for a moment before coming up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"we'll reschedule the wedding" Tommy sighed. I cried into his chest, "I love you toms (platonic)"

"love you too tubs"

I felt another pair of arms wrap around me and Tommy, I looked up to see who it was. It was deo, why deo joined the hug I don't know but he gave me a smile, not a rude or fake smile, but a genuine one.

"May I talk with tubbo alone outside?" deo asked, "go ahead, just don't be rude" Tommy said. Deo nodded and we went outside.

"I'm glad you chose this decision" he said, "Tommy really missed you tubbo and I hate seeing him sad"

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