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-Karl's pov-
We're driving to the store, mostly to get wedding outfits. We might stop and get tulip a car seat though. She really needs one even if she doesn't want to sit in it. I can't risk getting my license taken away nor Tommy losing his baby girl. He'd be devastated.

Time skip because I can

We had gotten the clothing and tulip a car seat. I laughed as Tommy had to try on dresses since sapnap wouldn't set up the wedding without him wearing a dress. His face didn't help it either, he always had a grump look on. Of course he had to settle on one.
-The one he picked-
Don't come at me I didn't know what to do..

Doesn't exactly suit him but it's the only one he was willing to get. His exact words, and I quote, "the others are too bright and hurt my eyes" so we had to get this one.

At least he was okay about actually getting a dress. I thought he'd complain the entire time.

Once we got home, sapnap was already on the couch. I sat down next to him, "we got tommy's dress" I looked at Tommy still standing in the doorway holding the bag and tulip, "why don't you go put it on the show your father?"

Tommy glared at me and left the room after setting tulip down in sapnaps lap. A few minutes later he came down the stairs, "deo had to help me a bit, but this is what it looks like, plus it's comfortable" he smiled, "can we get more dresses? These things are fucking comfortable"

"yeah I guess we could, I didn't think you'd like dresses that much" sapnap spoke up. They started talking, Tommy was still in the dress though, "Tommy! Get out of the dress! You'll mess it up and we need it for your platonic wedding!" I yelled from the kitchen. I could hear Tommy groan and footsteps following. I went back to cooking dinner.

Tonight's dinner is meatball stuffed bell pepers. I heard Tommy walking down the stairs and beginning to talk with sapnap about the wedding, "you don't have to be so loud! I can hear you from in hear!" I yelled at them.

"sorry MOM!" Tommy yelled back.  I walked into the living room, "say that agian" I glared at Tommy, "sorry sorry sorry!" he sat next to sapnap as I went back to finish dinner.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm losing ideas for the book so I might end it here. I'm making another book though. But I'm sorry I know a lot of you love this book but with no ideas I can't continue.

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