Idea: DNA test (i just took a DNA test turns out I'm a 100% a-... the son of a supervillain?)
Alright, welcome back everyone!
A new chapter, here we go.
I hope you enjoy it! And feel free to vote if you liked the chapters!
It was a warm spring day in Musutafu, Japan. The students of UA were either happily relaxing or training somewhere on campus because today was a "special" day. Apparently, the teachers had decided to invite a few people from an agency, the L.A.F (short for Lost and Found), that specializes in finding lost family members and identifying people from DNA samples. Quite exciting, isn't it? To find out who the people before you were and if you had more family that you didn't know about.
So you could only guess how much 1-A was brimming with excitement. The Baku-squad was currently swarming around their leader, talking about today's event happily whilst the Deku-squad was listening to Todoroki's conspiracy theories about everyone's parents, one of them being the whole "Midoriya is All Might's secret love child" disaster. Honestly, the green-haired boy was rather amused at the countless, weird ideas and "clues" his friend presented him as evidence to prove his theories.
,,And this is why I believe Shinsou is Aizawa-sensei's secret love child". Todoroki concluded blankly, pointing triumphantly to his photos, notes, and other evidence he had managed to gather. Iida sighed deeply as Tsu and Uraraka clapped quietly. Izuku just gazed down at the two pictures Todoroki had taken of Aizawa-sensei and Shinsou training together, wondering how they hadn't noticed the white and red-haired student watching them.
Suddenly the door was thrown open and their homeroom teacher marched into the classroom, followed by a grey-haired male with yellow eyes and a scar across his left cheek. The man looked to be around his mid-thirties, smiling kindly at the students as his eyes jumped around the room until stopping at Midoriya. ,,Quiet down problem children. You all already know the drill so I will just give the word to Mr. Mujisaka. Don't wake me up unless it's something important". Aizawa grumbled, pulling out his mustard-yellow sleeping bag and plopping down in the front corner at the windows, seemingly passing out as soon as he hit the ground.
Already being used to their teacher's antics, the hero students expectantly stared up at Mr. Mujisaka, waiting for him to begin. The man simply blinked at the now sleeping pro-hero in the corner before turning back to the class with a confused look. ,,Alright... well, let's start with a few questions, and then we'll get right to the main part of why I am here". Mr. Mujisaka cleared his throat, letting his confusion turn into a relaxed expression as he peered around the classroom.
,,First of all, what do you know about the agency I work at and what our objective is? Or how we work together with you heroes?". A few hands were raised as the students answered the questions, most of the students being Iida, Momo, Jirou, Tsu, and- of course- Midoriya. The green-haired boy was basically vibrating in his seat with glee, almost word-vomiting on the poor man when he was finally called on to answer a question. Needless to say, Mr. Mujisaka was stunned to hear just how much the boy knew, not only about their agency but also about some of the cases they had helped in and their most recent success at finding a serial killer.
Once Midoriya had stopped his waterfall of words he sucked in a deep breath of air, just now realizing that he hadn't taken in any oxygen during his almost 2-minute rant. Blushing with embarrassment, he ducked down as soon as he noticed all of the eyes resting on him, crawling back into his shell and slumping further into himself. ,,Oh... That's right! You really know quite a lot about us and our work! Tell me, what's your name?". Mujisaka asked curiously, impressed at the green-haired boy's knowledge.
,,U-Um.. It's Midoriya Izuku, sir". He nervously answered, receiving a wide grin followed by a nod from the agency worker. ,,Good, this concludes all of the questions I have for you. Is there anything you'd like to ask me first or should we start?". Soft murmurs rose amongst the students but no one raised their hand. Midoriya really wanted to ask about the man's quirk but decided to hold off on it and ask him later, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his class again.
Since no one raised their hand, Mr. Mujisaka pulled out the class list and skimmed through it before looking back up again. ,,Alright, any volunteers that wish to go first and show everyone how this will work?". The grey-haired man asked, stepping around the desk and letting his eyes roam over the classroom. Mina was the first to raise her hand, quickly followed by Kaminari. Mujisaka signaled the two to stand up and come to the front, and they complied without hesitation, raising from their seats and walking to the front. As soon as they reached him, Mr. Mujisaka turned the students to face their fellow classmates and held out his hands, which were now surrounded by a faintly glowing honey-colored mist.
,,My quirk, Ancestry Sight, is a mental quirk that allows me to view your past ancestors and the family that surrounds you. As soon as I touch your skin, I will see your family appear around you like... well, some type of spirit or ghost. Their name, age, gender, and other information about them will come into my mind if I look at them with the intent to know more about them. But the most important factor to my quirk is that I can see the spirit's aura. Depending on the size, form, color, smell, pressure, and density of their aura I can conduct whether you know each other, how their relationship with you is, if they're a threat or dangerous, how powerful they are, and so on".
Mr. Mujisaka summed up his quirk, grinning at the awe-struck expressions he got in return. ,,Woah, that's such a manly quirk! Imagine how many people he could reunite with lost family and how easily he can identify a threat!" Kirishima gasped, gaining a nod of agreement from most of his classmates. ,,That is so awesome! Just imagine how useful this quirk would be in undercover missions! You could easily locate the targets and send all of the information back to the agency so the heroes know what to look out for! It has such a wide range of gathering intel and you can probably access their weaknesses too if you train long enough to concentrate on these things andmaybeyoucouldevengoasfarasassesingformervillainsthataregettinginthenewrehabprogramand-".
The sound of a hand being brutally slammed down onto his desk made Midoriya hastily click his mouth shut, staring up with big eyes at the angered ash-blonde in front of him. ,,Shut the fuck up nerd, stop your fucking rambling for once in your life and stop being creepy!" Bakugo growled at the shocked boy, his lava-red eyes narrowing at him as he flinched back and tucked his head down in shame. ,,I-I'm sorry, please continue". The green-haired boy mumbled, not daring to meet Mr. Mujisaka's or his classmate's eyes.
,,Stop being so rude to Midoriya-chan, Bakugo! We talked about this!" Mina pouted, shaking her head at the ash-blonde who just scowled back at her. ,,Young man, I don't think that Midoriya's rant was "creepy" at all. Sure it might be weird to hear someone go on a rant about your own quirk but he was correct with his assumptions". Mujisaka subtly defended Midoriya, his yellow eyes fixed on the angered ash-blonde. Bakugo appeared like he wanted to protest but kept his mouth shut, his scowl deepening further as a result.
,,Now that we have this out of the way, let's just start. You two, are you ready?". The man spun around to Mina and Kaminari again, gaining excited nods from them. With a chuckle, he raised his hands and took their hands in his, his eyes flaring up with the same honey mist his hands were just emitting. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with the same glittering mist, making the students lean back in surprise and awe. Multiple misty figures emerged around Denki and Mina, splitting up in all kinds of colors and aura shapes. ,,If I concentrate enough I'm able to show those on the outside what I see but it takes a lot of energy, this is why I saved a lot of it up for today".
Synchronized Ohs and Ahs rang through the classroom as the figures spread out, hanging around their relatives. ,,As you can see here-", Mr. Mujisaka pointed in Mina's direction "Ashido here has a lot of figures with the same pinkish tint as herself. They are relatively close to her and have a similar aura. This tells me that they're her parents. Due to their quirks, a mutation, and an emitter quirk, Ashido got her mother's appearance and her father's quirk. There are also her grandparents and ancestors, from which I can tell that Ashido is now a fourth-generation quirk user".
The students gave curious hums at the information, watching Mr. Mujisaka shift around and list up all of the details flooding into his brain. Once he was done assessing Mina, he moved on to Kaminari's family, picking apart their personality, their strengths, and their quirks. Meanwhile, Midoriya was hurriedly scribbling everything down in his new notebook, Hero Analysis for the Future Nr. 14. The green-haired boy was ecstatic about all of the information, already coming up with more ideas on how to improve their quirks and how easy it would be to take them down-
Frantic scratching on paper stopped as his hand holding his mechanical pen stilled abruptly. There were these twisted thoughts again. The thoughts he had tried to avoid for a while now but he just couldn't stop himself from neatly picking apart every quirk he came across. It was a bad habit of his that he didn't seem to be able to shake off and it scared him. He had learned to simply push this type of mindset down and focus on something else but it always came back to torment him some more. And he despised it.
"Concentrate, Izuku!" He scolded himself as he forcefully turned his gaze back up to Mujisaka to listen. What he didn't notice, was that his teacher had been watching him the whole time with one eye barely cracked open, frowning slightly in his scarf as his brows furrowed. The lesson continued without any intermissions, more and more students coming upfront as Mujisaka looked into their family tree. He even found that Kouda had an uncle, which the rock-headed sunshine didn't know of.
As he got to Todoroki, Midoriya could only guess that he prayed that he somehow wasn't the son of the number two pro hero, but only got a rather concerned expression from Mujisaka. To say the least, Todoroki's family was... rather split. Endeavor's aura burned like a raging inferno in a bright, hot red while his mother's aura was a gentle icy blue, keeping a great distance from her husband and standing close to her other children. But the most shocking by far was a figure shrouded by mist, a powerful deep blue fire surrounding it as it stood lonely and far away from everyone else.
Of course, everyone was confused about who this person could be since it wasn't translucent like older, passed away family members, and therefore had to be someone that should be known to the Todoroki family. Upon Mujisaka's call to leave it alone, they reluctantly backed town from the topic. Midoriya being Midoriya already figured out what it meant but decided to keep silent, to watch how the teachers would react upon hearing the news about this person's identity and their connection to the Todoroki's. Of course, he would warn Shoto just in case something went off track.
They gradually moved on until it was finally Midoriya's turn to come up. He could hear Bakugo huff under his breath when he quickly passed his desk, picking up a "Nothing interesting there" but he ignored the comment, rather smiling nervously at Mr. Mujisaka when he reached the front. The grey-haired man grinned back at him with a reassuring nod and Midoriya let himself relax. Sure, Bakugo was probably right. There was nothing bad about his family, they were just a normal, middle-class family that might be a little split because his father works abroad but there was nothing else about them that could be special in any way.
Letting go of his anxiety, Midoriya closed his eyes when he felt Mr. Mujisaka take his scarred hand into his own, activating his quirk. It was a rather nice and warm feeling, almost lulling him into a more laid-back state if it wasn't for the sudden twinge of pain shooting through his skull, making him grit his teeth and snap his eyes open in a hurry, only to stare up into the horrified face of the yellow-eyed man. But the expression of horror wasn't directed at him, but rather at the looming shadow, which was almost draped completely over him, easily overtowering everyone in the room and shrouding the whole classroom into cold, endless darkness.
Overwhelming fear and terror etched deeply into their hearts and minds as they gaped up at the massive figure, their faces paling rapidly as their recognized that merciless smile worn by the same supervillain that made their former Number One retire, the same supervillain that had almost successfully killed All Might on live television. This monster was oh so casually leaning over their class sunshine, their local Problem-Child like he was some kind of predator looming over its prey, watching as it struggled helplessly in its grasp, knowing that there was no escape for the poor thing.
Midoriya weakly gasped for air as his vision got blurry, One For All crying out from deep within him as he fought to breathe at the sight of the gigantic man staring him down. Blood red meeting emerald green as the sharp grin the supervillain wore stretched even wider across his face which was no longer featureless from his and All Might's fight 11 years ago. This was his father peering down at him.
The dreadful aura pressing down on everyone increased tenfold as the spirit moved forwards, strangely alive and moving unlike any other spirit before him. Midoriya couldn't even dodge anymore as the large hand of the ghost embedded itself in his green curls, petting him with such care and love that it almost made him pass out on the spot. Where was his mother? His other relatives? What did this power-hungry monster do to them?!
As if on cue, his mother's spirit faded into existence, softly smiling at him from her place next to the supervillain. To her other side, another more faded female appeared. But this time his whole body shuddered violently, lurching back at the sight of the seventh user of One For All, Nana Shimura, also known as All Might's former mentor. She too wore a smile similar to his mother but her stormy-grey eyes held a frantic, worried look that was directed at him as if she was pleading him to run, to flee and get as far away as possible-!
Another spirit appeared on the supervillain's other side, making Izuku's stomach drop with dread as he met eyes with the First user, Yoichi, his uncle. His dull green was very similar to his own but what captivated him the most was the tired but distressed expression he wore, just like Nana did, he stared at Izuku in an attempt to tell him to get away- But of course, the supervillain wouldn't let the two former holders get between him and his beloved son. So he approached further, his grin twisting maliciously as he reached for the green-haired boy.
,,My precious emerald..."
A hurriedly barked shout, a quick flare of a capture weapon followed by more screams and cries got him back into focusing on what was in front of him, or rather what had been in front of him. He now gazed at the empty spot where his "father" had been standing just a few seconds ago. Izuku wanted to scream, cry, vomit, and maybe even break something. He couldn't do anything but stand there as his father, this monster, had been so close to him. He was rendered completely useless once again!
,,God-... - riya! Kid-... come on!" A gruff, panicked voice reached through the static in his ears. Midoriya realized after a few seconds that- "Oh, is that Aizawa-sensei...?". Warm but firm hands grasped at both of his scarred arms, grounding him and pulling him out of the drowning waters of his mindscape. His vision finally focused after he blinked his tears away, his attention now resting on his teacher, who was kneeling in front of him with an unreadable expression. The man's lips were pulled into a frown as his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes keeping track of every small movement or twitch Midoriya made.
,,Sen... Sensei...?" Midoriya croaked, his throat dry and his eyes stinging with newly formed tears of confusion. Aizawa sighed, squeezing his student's arms with a nod. ,,Yes, Problem-Child. I'm here, I need you to follow my breathing, alright, kid? Concentrate on me". His teacher ordered softly, getting the poor boy off of the brink of another panic attack. ,,Honestly, Probl-... Midoriya. How is it always you that gets into such a mess?". The pro grumbled, effectively getting the kid to relax more.
The entire classroom was draped in complete silence, no one daring to break it as they watched with bated breath how Aizawa-sensei carefully pulled Midoriya safely back onto his feet. ,,Um... Should... Should I go inform principal Nedzu...?" Mr. Mujisaka anxiously piped up, breaking the silence in the process. Aizawa just shook his head, turning to look at the hidden camera on the ceiling with a glare. ,,No need, that rat bastard already knows". ,,Ah..." Mujisaka paled, glancing back at the fidgeting student next to Aizawa.
,,Well... Congratulations, Midoriya. This is most definitely the most shocking reveal I have ever made in my whole career of ten years working at the L.A.F". Midoriya could not hold in the snort that came up at his comment, dragging his hand down his face with newfound exhaustion as he tried to wrap his head around what had just happened.
Man, his mother was going to have a field day with this...
Oh god, wait-
On second thought, All Might would a hundred percent have a heart attack once he finds out-
God damn it, how was he supposed to explain this?
Todoroki: How dare you not be All Might's secret love child.
Midoriya: Honestly, now knowing who my father is, I'd rather have him as my dad. Heck, I'd rather take anyone else as my dad!
Todoroki: ... huh
Midoriya: ... Todoroki-
Todoroki: Anyone else...?
Midoriya: Whatever you just thought about, no. I'm not taking Endeavor.
Todoroki: Damn it.
MmmMm. Yeah. Updates. We love 'em, don't we?
We're also almost at 4k reads overall so let's go!
I hope you liked the chapter and if so feel free to like it and/or comment.
See ya at the next one! (Once I get my "W" key fixed since it keeps falling off-)
Word count: 3182
Next up: Villain (Villain Deku)
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