Idea: Afo and the First user of OFA fighting over custody ("HE'S MY CHILD "- "AND MY NEPHEW. GET IN LINE, YOU DEADBEAT FATHER")
How do I turn everything I touch angsty? Damn it.
Oh yea, slightly obsessive First? I think???
God. I'm so tired.
Also, lots of swearing.
Midoriya Izuku wasn't allowed to have a normal, peaceful life and he had been made very familiar with that fact after first receiving One For All shortly before entering UA. Every day, there was at least one villain encounter or something weird happening to or around him, which is how he had gained the nicknames "Problem Child™", "Trouble Magnet" and "Villain Catnip".
Midoriya really tried to stay out of trouble, he really did! But fate apparently had too much fun throwing random scenarios at him and then leaving him alone with it so you could understand how he was slowly losing his sanity due to it. The green-haired boy honestly wasn't sure how much longer he could bear having to listen to the Fifth dance around and horribly butcher pre-quirk area songs.
Oh right, he almost forgot to mention: The previous holders had manifested as "ghosts" and were now "watching over him" aka making his life a living hell, or as they liked to call it "A badly written comedy show".
Midoriya just wanted to have one normal day without anyone interrupting it, so when his wish of having an ordinary day suddenly came true, he almost immediately put his guard up, full-on expecting the LOV to jump out of the nearest bush in an attempt to kidnap him.
His anxiety only rose further and further during that day as he flinched harder than he usually did and warily eyed everyone getting within a 20-foot radius of him. His classmates noticed his startling behavior, worrying about their local trouble magnet as they observed his cautious movements during their lessons.
Even Aizawa seemed concerned about the greenette but decided to stay silent, rather watching him from a distance and trying to read his body language, which frankly wasn't easy since the Problem Child™ was unusually advanced at masking his actual emotions.
Right now, the freckled boy was hurriedly scurrying over the school grounds as he glared at everyone near him, ready to face whatever fate was preparing to throw at him today. A soft, deep sigh from his left made him quickly spin around, staring up at the Fourth user of One For All.
,,Kid, it's alright, you can unwind. My quirk- Danger Sense, isn't going off. And even if it was then I'd warn you about it". The ghost tried to reason with the greenette who just shook his head in response. ,,Sorry, Fourth, but you have witnessed how my days typically go and I just can't risk not being on guard".
To his right, the seventh user, Nana, frowned deeply, narrowing her grey eyes at Toshinori's successor. ,,Izuku, you're tired and exhausted, take the opportunity while it's still there and rest. We'll keep our eyes out for any potential danger". She hummed tenderly whilst she carefully brushed her hand through Midoriya's wild curls to tame them.
The hero in training (it kept trying to correct it into heroin-) silently let her play with his hair, soundlessly weighing his options. To any outsider, it would've probably looked weird that his hair was being threaded through by an invisible force but he was too far immersed in his mind to care about that right now.
After about a minute of stillness, he finally let his shoulders slump down with a deep exhale, leaning into Nana's gentle touches and giving in. Midoriya was just so unbelievably tired. Sharing quick glances with each other, the former holders of One For All led the tired boy back to the dorms, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings as they navigated through the corridors, successfully managing to avoid the other students residing in the dorm.
Once they arrived at his room, the sixth pushed open the door while Nana guided the greenette inside, the others following calmly behind them. It didn't even take Midoriya a minute to drift off as soon as he collapsed onto his bed, lying peacefully sprawled across the soft sheets for what seemed like the first time in weeks.
Nana exhaled deeply, casting a saddened glimpse at the ninth's peaceful sleeping form. The poor kid had to deal with so much at the age of 15 and he would not get much more rest anytime soon. Especially not with that man still out there. Simply locking him up would not hold him for much longer. He would escape eventually and then their lives were at risk once again.
A soft tap at the seventh's shoulder made her break out of her thoughts, turning back towards the one that had touched her. She came face to face with dull green eyes that reminded her of the ninth, the eyes of the First holder, Yoichi.
Wordlessly tilting her head at him, Nana raised her eyebrow in a questioning way but he just shook his head, his white hair swaying slightly with the motion. The seventh stepped back from the ninth's bed, slightly confused at the First's gesture.
The other former holders just watched their anchor move forward, taking the seventh's place and slowly sitting down on the bed, reaching out to carefully caress the ninth's tangled curls. His frown curved into a soft smile when he heard the ninth sigh softly in contentment. Deciding to give the two some privacy, the other holders scattered through the rest of the dorms and left them alone.
Yoichi silently proceeded to comb through the ninth's hair, completely unbothered by the disappearance of the other holders. Instead, he was rather glad that they had given them some privacy. His eyes turned back to gaze down at the ninth's sleeping face, taking in his peaceful expression. Oh, just how much he reminded him of himself when he was... younger and still alive.
Where had everything gone wrong? Was it when his older brother got his quirk? Or was it all society's fault? He didn't know, but there was nothing that he could do about it now. The least that he could do for the ninth right now was support and watch over him until he had to face his older brother, carrying out the fight between One For All and All For One one last time. This final battle would decide everything, the downfall of Japan and its heroes.
All these burdens lined up with time and now lay on the shoulders of a fifteen-year-old boy trying to be a hero. And god, just how guilty that fact made him feel. It wasn't much better for the other holders, though. Yoichi could vividly remember just how restless everyone was when Toshinori chose his successor, transferring this nightmare of a quirk to a small, frail, fourteen-year-old boy.
Midoriya Izuku was doomed the moment he received One For All.
But again, there was nothing Yoichi could do to change that fact. All he could do was guide the ninth on his path to becoming a hero and gaining full control of One For All without shattering his limbs beyond repair. Sure, it would take a while, but the ninth was a fast learner and intelligent enough to make it through.
The sound of the bedsheets rustling made Yoichi snap his attention back to reality, glancing down at the sleeping boy, who had rolled closer to him and squished his cheek against the First's hand. Yoichi could only chuckle quietly at the ninth, his eyes squinting slightly.
He realized that he had grown attached to the boy way too fast. But how couldn't he have? Izuku reminded him too much of himself and their eyes were almost the same shade of shining emerald green. The boy even had his older brother's freckles and hair, and even-
Yoichi blanched.
His mind started racing as he looked the sleeping boy up and down, zeroing in on the freckles and facial features. Something deep inside of Yoichi screamed at him that he should've noticed earlier, that he shouldn't have ignored the strange sense of familiarity when One For All had settled deep within the boy that was their new holder.
This couldn't be happening.
Surely this must be some kind of sick joke? His brother couldn't have... But the evidence was lying right in front of him. Little ninth's appearance was way too similar to his and his older brother's to be a coincidence. All he had to do was imagine ninth's hair to be white and then he'd have a perfect mix of his younger self and his brother.
Completely flabbergasted, Yoichi stared down at the sleeping boy, horrified and confused at the shocking discovery he had just made. And suddenly something inside his mind clicked.
"Oh my god.
I'm an uncle".
And this is how Yoichi's fixation with being the best uncle and making absolutely sure that no one would hurt Midoriya Izuku ever again started. And Izuku did not appreciate it at all. The First started following him almost everywhere to the point where even the other previous holders were getting concerned. They had no clue of what was going on with the first but didn't get any answers from him either.
But there was nothing they could do to stop their anchor. After about a week they all kind of just gave up on getting Yoichi to relax, hoping that he would just stop after a while, which he did not, mind you.
,,Izuku, why are you ignoring me?" Whined the white-haired man who was standing- or rather levitating next to the greenette as he hurriedly scribbled down his hero-law homework Aizawa-sensei had given his class. Letting out a quiet sigh, Midoriya leaned back in his chair and glanced over at the 200-year-old spirit floating by his side.
,,Sorry, Fir-"-,,Yoichi". The vestige quickly halted and corrected him. Midoirya paused, gawking soundlessly at the older man before slowly nodding his head. ,,Yoichi... U-Um- I was just f-focusing on my homework. I'm sorry if me not answering you made you upset...?" He carefully apologized, observing as the white-haired man's lips quirked up.
Yoichi kindly smiled down at his nephew, happy that the greenette had seemed to finally get used to being watched over, and did not stare up at him with confusion written over his features as he had in the beginning. This would make it so much easier for him to keep his precious nephew out of danger! And far away from his... "father".
Just the idea of his older brother being this wonderful boy's father made him recoil a bit. Sure, Izuku may have inherited his father's smarts and stubbornness along with some of his looks, but he had a heart of pure gold and his determination was a bright, raging fire fully capable of burning down everything daring to try and extinguish it and-
Okay, he has to admit that maybe they were a tiny bit too similar but his point still stands. Izuku does not deserve to have a tyrant and/or control freak like All For One as his father! Especially not after the bastard had decided to abandon Izuku and his mother before the poor boy could even turn four years old. God, he would make sure to soccer-punch his older brother across the face for that one. Plus, the others would gladly join in on punting the supervillain into the sun, so this was a win-win situation.
Flashing viridian eyes in front of his face suddenly snapped Yoichi out of his mind, making him lean down towards his nephew, who was giving him a questioning look. ,,Are you alright? You didn't respond for a while...". Izuku asked worriedly, his eyes scanning over the First's face. The vestige smiled softly, ruffling through his nephew's wild curls. ,,I'm alright, Izuku. I was just a little lost in my thoughts. Now, what were you saying?". Midoriya perked up, returning the first holder's smile as he started falling into a rant about a new hero he had found and wanted to talk about with somebody. Yoichi could only listen silently as he fondly nodded along.
Little ninth was his precious nephew whom he would protect and care for until the end of time.
No matter what. Even if he had to fight god for it. (Which he totally would)
A few more weeks passed by and Yoichi did not cease his actions of watching over the green-haired boy. Everything was going smoothly and with the help of the other holders, he managed to pull his nephew out of multiple villain encounters or difficult scenarios. All in all, the ninth visibly relaxed with the past users at his side, letting them watch over him as he went on with his day.
So when suddenly his mentor, All Might, also known as the Eight, hurriedly sprinted into the classroom Yoichi just knew that fate had decided to completely screw up his plan of keeping Izuku safe. "Please don't be what I think it is...". The white-haired vestige begged silently as he followed after his nephew along with the others.
Once All Might reached an empty office, the break room which they usually used to converse in private, he quickly locked the door after him and gestured for the student to sit down. Midoriya nervously complied as his eyes scrunched together, giving his distressed mentor an expression of confusion.
,,All For One has broken out".
Midoriya's, along with the other holders' stomachs collectively dropped as soon as the words left All Might's mouth. Nana gasped, Banjo yelled out in surprise, En and Hikage sucked in a breath and the others just stared at the Eight with horrified expressions. ,,What...? How- How did he escape?!" Midoriya cried, shaking lightly in his seat.
While his mentor went on to explain more details about the prison break and the drastic measures that would now be put in place for their protection Midoriya could only listen soundlessly, occasionally glancing over to where the vestiges were floating. ,,The league helped him break out and now they've gone back into hiding. We're unable to track them but we're working on it".
Silence covered the room like a thick blanket as soon as Toshinori finished his explanation, his deep blue eyes worriedly flicking over his student's face to read his thoughts. Releasing a trembling exhale, the green-haired boy leaned back into the couch, listening to the outcries of the past users.
,,That stupid fucking potato is out?!", Banjo howled, glaring down at the news article, which Toshinori had shown them. ,,This is going to be a huge problem...". Hikage muttered quietly. ,,Little ninth isn't ready yet to face that monster." En stated, glancing back down at Midoriya with sorrow. ,,We are not going to allow my brother to touch you, Izuku". Yoichi finally spoke up, his viridian eyes narrowed into a fierce glare, which the green-haired student had never seen coming from the First.
Turning back to meet the gaze of his mentor, Midoriya let his lips fall into a deep frown. ,,What should we do now?" He solemnly asked the retired pro-hero in front of him. ,,Well, we're currently waiting for principal Nedzu to give out orders on how to proceed with the whole situation, as it's a very high chance that All For One will attack UA within the next few weeks, or rather as soon as he has recovered".
It wasn't enough time for them to prepare. En was right, he wasn't ready to face the supervillain yet and they'd pretty much be screwed. Scratch that- All For One was probably setting up a whole army for a raid on UA if he didn't already have one! This was going to be an absolute disaster!
As if he had read his thoughts, Yoichi leaned over toward Midoriya and protectively put his arms around him in a protective manner. ,,Ninth, please. I promise you, we will do everything we can to prevent this bastard from getting anywhere near you. And if he dares to come too close to you I will personally punt his ass through the floor". The First assured while Midoriya choked on air, receiving a perplexed look from All Might. Yoichi had never sworn before-!
,,My boy, are you alright?" Toshinori called out to him, making Midoriya quickly wave his hands in dismissal. ,,Yeah, sorry, All Might. I was just... lost in thought. I am going to return back to the dorms now if that's okay with you?". The former number One just sighed before nodding and shooing the freckled boy off with one last plea to be careful.
Hurriedly sprinting down the steps of the building, he conversed with the former holders through his thoughts, trying to figure out how to deal with the new threat. ,,I say we surprise attack him and then brutally murder hi-". "Banjo, no. We already discussed this. No murder". ,,Then what about torture-?". ,,NO". Midoriya was starting to get a headache from their bantering, slowing down slightly to lean against a wall for support.
A warm sensation on his left shoulder made the boy quickly flinch back, spinning around to meet the malachite-green eyes of the First user. ,,Calm down, Izuku, it's alright, it's just me". Yoichi calmly shushed his nephew. Gradually letting his shoulders relax, Midoriya leaned into the warmth of Yoichi's presence with a content sigh. ,,I don't know what to do, Yoichi, I'm not prepared yet". The First was just about to answer when suddenly a large tremor shook the entire building.
Midoriya quickly grabbed onto the wall to steady himself, dread replacing his anxiety from earlier as he hastily sprinted down the last couple of stairs. He didn't even make it across the school's grounds when his ears picked up the shouts of distress and panic coming from the students living in the dorms. ,,Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me".
His heart rate spiked even higher while his breathing became labored, his wide emerald green eyes staring up at the sheer mayhem floating above the buildings. ,,Well fuck me sideways and call me Patricia-" Banjo, the fifth holder swore loudly as they watched a couple of Nomu emerge from a portal in the sky. But this wasn't Kurogiri's portal, it was a portal made by the man dressed in a fancy, black suit who was floating above all the chaos, peering down at the students below.
His classmates were in danger-! and his teachers!
Gritting his teeth, Midoriya tugged on One For All's core and successfully activated it, feeling the sparks of viridian green lightning occasionally lick across his skin. Crouching down to ready himself for a jump, the past holders joined his side and held onto him, a fire burning in their eyes as they glared up towards the supervillain with the mask. ,,This bald potato is going down".
The Ninth jumped, bolting forward and flying over the ground at high speeds, he violently crashed into Dabi who had been chasing after a few students in an attempt to burn Todoroki. Luckily, his stocked-up power managed to completely knock the fire villain off of his feet and send him flying into a wall, announcing his presence on the battlefield.
Many turned to get a glimpse of the one that had just sent Dabi flying, crying out his name when they recognized the furious-looking student. ,,Midoriya! Get out of here!". Aizawa-sensei shouted desperately, sending a strong kick toward Mr. Compress who managed to dodge. ,,W-What?! No! I'm not going to-". But his teacher didn't let him finish his protest. ,,THEY'RE AFTER YOU! RUN PROBLEM CHILD".
In a split second of bone-chilling shock, Midoriya froze to the cracked ground. And before he could even realize it, someone tightly grabbed him from behind with a dark
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