4 - The vault

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Idea: AFO locks Izuku up because Izuku won't stop breaking his arms like Kit-Kat

This will be an interesting one since I have no idea how to approach this one...

Welp, enjoy!

(Edit after I wrote this: Okay uh... This is a long one. Uh- yeah... sorry?)

(I updated the cover art as well since I finally finished it! (Art by me))


Honestly, All for One still couldn't quite believe it. If you had told him a few hours ago that his dear son, Midoriya Izuku, was part of class 1-A and had a very powerful quirk that went as far as shattering his bones upon using it, he would have thought you were mentally damaged or under the influence. But now having seen firsthand what his son pulled off at the UA sports festival, he was in complete and utter shock.

His quiet, shy, adorable little ball of sunshine had grown into a strong, fierce, and determined boy. He still had that round baby face Hisashi remembered from all those years ago but his body was built and scarred in some places, which he guessed was from using his power and the damage it dealt to him upon usage.

The thing is, it really disturbed the ancient supervillain to see his son break himself to such an extent in a school festival. Izuku had successfully pursued his dream of becoming a hero with the determination that reminded him of his little brother, Yoichi, and somehow managed to not only stumble across All Might but also be chosen as his successor, now carrying his uncle's quirk as the ninth.

Tilting back in his medical chair, the supervillain took a few deep breaths with the support of his breathing apparatus, listening to the continuous beeps the life-support machine was making. The screen in front of him switched back on, showing the award ceremony of the festival but he paid no attention to it and rather came up with a strategy on how to get his precious son out of the clutches of his arch-nemesis that had dared to rip his face off and stop him from seeing his family again.

Perhaps he could send Tomura on the mission to retrieve his son? Or maybe just Kurogiri, since the Nomu wouldn't lash out and do anything stupid unlike his successor would. Should he just go himself? Hisashi wondered how All Might would react to not only seeing him again after thinking that he had killed him but also to him taking away his dear student from right under his nose. Oh, the despair that would instill into the number one. 

Sadly, all of those methods were a little too risky to execute, so he had to wait, gathering intel, listening around the underground, and keeping an eye on his son, who absolutely did not cease his constant bone-shattering as he had hoped. What ticked him off the most about it, was that All Might was being a nimrod, an idiot with no teaching abilities that basically had just given his son the quirk and shoved him out in the world with no preparation whatsoever.

As more and more weeks passed, the supervillain grew more and more irritated, so when he got the info that class 1-A would go to a training camp somewhere in a faraway forest with the Wild-Wild Pussycats he immediately shared the news with his successor and Kurogiri, along with contacting Giran to recruit more members for the attack on the camp.

All for One was more than pleased with how smoothly everything seemed to be going, grinning wolfishly as he got off the call with the doctor. The Nomu were finished and ready for usage during the attack, Tomura had managed to pass out the roles to the Action Squad members and the "room" he had prepared was fully set up for his dear son. Soon he would have him safe within the walls of his new home.

,,So, we get in, spy out the area, cause a distraction, and are allowed to harm everyone except for our two targets?" Dabi, the leader of the squad, grunted, playing with a blue flame in his hand as he leaned against the back of the bar seats. ,,Precisely". The supervillain spoke through the speakers of the TV hanging in the bar, watching the new recruit's reactions to his voice.

,,Sensei!" Tomura rasped, surprised that All for One had decided to speak up and reveal himself to them. ,,Heed caution with the students and do not underestimate them". The supervillain warned cooly, receiving a few hesitant nods in response. Suddenly a reptilian man with purple hair, who definitely based his look off of the Hero Killer: Stain, moved forwards, gaining his attention.

,,I get why we're after the Bakugo kid, with how aggressive he is, but what about the one that Stain himself rescued and deemed worthy?" Ah, there it was. The Stain incident. Hisashi still was disappointed that the flight Nomu, which was supposed to take his son to him, got taken down by the Hero Killer. ,,That boy, Midoriya Izuku- under no circumstances is he to be harmed. He has something important of mine and that is all I will tell you for now".

Curious looks were given the black screen of the TV but no one dared to question the leader any further so as to not irritate him. A few last words were exchanged within the bar before Kurogiri opened up a portal for the villains, letting them step through and start phase one of the attack. 

All for One, having way too many quirks at his disposal, decided to attach one of them, a spying quirk, onto the members and spectate them while they did their work, to make sure that everything would go as planned. Plus, he could also get a good idea of what exactly the new recruits were able to do and which he should sort out later if he concluded that they weren't worth keeping around.

He watched the members scatter to get into position, noting that Muscular was starting to get out of line but kept silent, rather focusing on the villains near the camp so he had a better vision of it. The students seemed to be performing some kind of challenge within the forest, not paying attention to their surroundings, and noticed too late that there were intruders currently infiltrating their camp.

Once they finally noticed them, a large amount of the forest had already been swallowed by the blue flames he had seen Dabi use earlier. It was quite the powerful quirk and reminded him of a certain flaming "pro hero", maybe he should look into that a bit later. Soon, the first contact was made and the villains engaged in combat as the students struggled to fight. They seemed to be holding back since they weren't allowed to use their quirks, even if their lives were endangered which was quite stupid, but he guessed that their teachers would soon give them the go-ahead.

After a few minutes of watching one of the recruits, Mustard, fight off the children, Hisashi felt a sudden spike of alarm emerge from his quirk, alerting him that something had happened to his son. He immediately switched visions, checking through the recruits until he landed on Muscular, who seemed to be focused on a child, yelling something about "killing the brat" and "ending his heroic family line". But that wasn't the main point of his attention, rather, it lay on his beloved son, who looked like he had just gone through hell and back.

His arms, legs, and upper body were bruised to a dangerous degree, blood was leaking from his head and trailing down his face as he stood protectively in front of a black-haired child with a red hat decorated with two golden spikes. ,,S-Stay back, Kota. I can h-handle him". Even though Izuku stood so determinedly, quirk activated and dancing around him with soft electric green sparks, his voice still trembled nervously.

Hisashi knew that his son would not give up and would not stop protecting this child even if it meant him dying in the process. That damned determination, maybe it was mixed with stupidity and a lack of self-worth, just had to find its way into his son, reminding the old supervillain of his dear brother. Why did it have to reside within his child, who now also acquired his brothers' quirk? 

Muscular acknowledged his son, blabbering about the order that Hisashi had put out to not let any harm come to his son but made the mistake of disobeying, of going against that ground rule the supervillain had put in place for his own satisfaction of killing children. Growing rage boiled within the ruler of the underworld as he spectated the desperate fight his son threw himself into to protect a child. Punch after punch the condition of his spouse grew worse and worse, breaking himself and pushing his new powers to the limit in a frantic attempt to defeat the killer in front of him.

Roaring, taunting laughter from Muscular only fueled his burning hot fury as he sat up straight in his medical chair, not caring about the awkward tug on his breathing tubes as he skimmed through his quirks, tugging harshly at a teleportation quirk he had gotten a few decades ago. AFO was not going to let his son get hurt any further than he already was, he wasn't going to let this piece of scum harm his son as he pleased, and he was definitely going to break this pawn for daring to not only disobey his rules but also injure what belongs to him.

Muscular was not going to see another sunrise after today.

And he would make absolutely sure of that.


Midoriya Izuku was currently fighting not only for his life but also the life of Kota, the nephew of the Wild Wild Pussycats. It was getting harder and harder to evade the bulking villain in front of him, dodging and weaving through the punches thrown at him, barely avoiding them by the skin of his teeth. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go, how much longer his body could bear before he collapsed.

Why was it that every time their class decided to go anywhere or try to have a normal break villains showed up? Why them? He had gotten way too close to death about 4 times now and it hasn't even been half a year yet! ,,Gettin' tired, kid!?" Muscular exclaimed madly, grinning maliciously at Midoriya's struggling form as he threw three more punches at the student. ,,Shut UP!" Midoriya hissed through gritted teeth, trying to hold his output of One For All steady. 

The villain only fake-scoffed at that, squinting at the student as he added more muscles onto his body, powering up even more. ,,I'm gettin' real bored of this cat 'n mouse play! TIME TO END THIS!" With a deafening roar, he jumped towards Midoriya in an attempt to crush him but the student reacted quickly, rolling himself away from the criminal and into the stone wall of the mountain.

His limbs were aching badly from the overuse of his quirk and his bones were either fractured or broken at this point. If no one would find him then... No, he couldn't think about that, he had to protect Kota! So Midoriya mustered up every little bit of power he had left and stumbled upwards, leaning against the side of the cold cliff for support as he assessed the situation, calculating how to take down the blood-thirsty killer.

,,Stop RUNNING!" Muscular complained, annoyed with the teenager as he went for another lunge, this time successfully grazing the student and pressing down on him, determined to crush the boy to death. Midoriya could only struggle and scream in pain, the increasing sobs of Kota ringing through the air as he felt One for All spike within him as a sudden rush of power filled him. ,,LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Kota yelled loudly, activating his quirk to get the villain's attention off of Midoriya.

As soon as Midoriya felt the pressure on him cease slightly, he used the rest of his stamina, pushing against the villain with a deafening cry, ignoring the sharp sting in his arm as he used OFA to its fullest. A shocked gasp from Muscular informed him that he had hit his target, pushing on as he managed to shove the villain away from himself and land another bone-shattering hit on him.


One last brutal punch and the killer was sent flying backward into the stone cliff, shattering the wall and sliding down onto the ground, unmoving. Harsh pants of air left Midoriya's lungs as he stumbled back, raising his head to the clouded sky with a powerful scream of victory before he collapsed to the floor, exhausted and drained of all energy. He could feel the blood start to dry on his bruised skin and hear his pulse drumming in his ears.

It was weird, where did that sudden power come from? He was sure that he couldn't have used all of that so abruptly. But he glossed over this because he had won. He had beaten Muscular and saved Kota from getting murdered by the villain. Midoriya knew that it was far from over but couldn't help but feel relief wash over him as he lay on the battered, broken ground. ,,M-Midoriya!" Kota yelped, scattering over to him and dropping to his knees, shaking the student slightly with worry. A hiss of pain escaped the green-haired boy. ,,I-I'm fine..." He muttered quietly, glancing over at the distressed boy next to him. 

,,Kota, I-... I don't think I-I'll be able to make it b-back. Listen to me- you need to-". Approaching footsteps stopped the hero in training mid-sentence, making him snap his head around to peer at the dark, looming figure that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Kota shakily gasped at the appearance of the new person, stumbling up to try and shield Midoriya from them. ,,W-Who are you?!" The small boy cried, shakily raising his hands, prepared to use his quirk to defend the injured student.

But the newcomer paid him no mind, rather continuing on his way over towards them. The figure was very tall, seemingly built underneath his black suit. Broad shoulders, dressed in all black expensive clothes, and they wore a dark mask-like apparatus, which completely obscured the sight of their face. The aura radiating off of them was suffocating like they were some kind of embodiment of death itself, having come here to collect the souls of its victims.

No, that person was death itself and they were its prey to collect. 

Midoriya felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as the air grew thick, pressing down on his lungs as it became harder to breathe clearly. His vision was starting to get fuzzy as he fought to stay awake. He couldn't just let Kota alone with this-... this Monster! ,,You poor thing, all bruised and broken. Even though the orders clearly stated to leave you unharmed, to not touch a single hair on your body... Disobedient pawns like you have no place in this world". The deep, icy, baritone voice rumbled over the two like a crashing wave, leaving them gasping for oxygen.

The looming figure moved towards the unconscious villain, reaching one of their hands out towards him as black and red dagger-like tendrils shot out of their fingertips, embedding themselves deeply into the villain, who released a warbled shout of pain. The villain was raised into the air by the quirk of the newcomer, groaning and gasping in agony as he slipped in and out of consciousness. The two onlookers were horrified by what was happening, unable to close their eyes or look away from the brutal scene.

,,You dared to injure him, to go against me. You don't deserve a quick death, no, I will make you suffer endlessly for what you've done". The figure growled threateningly before snapping his fingers, making the villain disappear in some sort of black goo. Now they were alone with death itself standing only a few meters next to them. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to run, they were stuck, doomed to meet their fate. Deafening silence swept over the cliffside as they awaited their fate decided by the towering figure, who was by no doubt the leader of the villains that had come to the camp.

Midoriya noticeably felt the burning stare of the person rest on his bruised form so he stared back fiercely, determined to at least go down fighting, even if that was impossible for him at this point. ,,Now, how about we strike a deal, child?". The suggestion greatly threw Midoriya off, confusion spreading over his features as he gaped up at the tall figure. Why would this villain want to make a deal with him when he could just easily kill him? He was down on the ground, utterly exhausted and beaten with only Kota here as a witness. It didn't make any sense but Midoriya would not let his opportunity go to waste.

,,W-What... What kind of deal?" Midoriya wheezed through gritted teeth, shifting uncomfortably to get a better view of the figure. A low hum rang through the smoke-filled air as the leader approached further, now only standing an arms-length away from the two. ,,I will let this child you protected so determinedly go and will promise that he will get back safely to the heroes, if-" Another step was taken towards them as their voice dropped even lower, sending violent shivers down their spines.

"-you willingly come with me, without fighting back, without attempting to escape. His life depends on your decision, Midoriya Izuku. I have no use for him and his quirk is quite the interesting one, must I say, even though I already have one or two similar to his". Gears in Midoriya's head forcefully clicked as soon as the leader mentioned the quirk part, a gaping hole opening within his guts as he felt the dawning horror overflow his mind. This was the man All Might had told him about, the man he thought he had defeated all those years ago, the man that had scarred his mentor for life and forced him into the state he is in now.

This man, standing right in front of him, was the boogeyman of the underworld.

All For One

Midoriya knew that it was useless to put up a fight against him, especially in his condition. It was over for him, but he could save Kota if he cooperated with AFO. There was no other way. If he attempted to flee the supervillain would surely catch him with the wide array of quirks he had at his disposal and then kill Kota. He also had very clearly hinted at keeping him alive and taking him away either way, so why not just give in to save a kid's life? Midoriya's green eyes glanced over at Kota's ghostly pale face, cringing at the sheer amount of fear he could see in his eyes. He had come to a decision. 

A pleased chuckle arose from the supervillain as if he had just read Midoriya's mind, he probably had. ,,So, what will it be, child?" The tall man questioned with a slight head-tilting motion. ,,I-... I'll come with you, j-just please- let Kota go". Midoriya breathed in defeat, letting his head slump down lightly as he watched the supervillain's body language. Kota whimpered quietly next to him but didn't protest, too scared to do anything. 

,,Of course, I am a man that keeps his promises". All For One nodded, satisfied with Midoriya's cooperation, and waved his hand, opening a portal that was similar to the one he had seen the gate villain, Kurogiri, use at the USJ. ,,Now...". Midoriya couldn't help the shocked gasp that escaped his throat when he was suddenly lifted up and held securely against the imposing villain, too flabbergasted at the gentle action to protest.

,,Follow along, Kota, was it?" Midoriya could practically feel the deep rumbles of the leader's voice shake his exhausted body but tried to ignore it and rather get over the

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