4 - The vault

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surprise that All For One was currently carefully cradling his broken and dirty body. This man was supposed to be All Might's arch-enemy, he was described as cold-blooded, cruel, and controlling, so why, why was he holding Midoriya like his father did when he was younger? Why was something within him screaming he had met this monster before?

A large, warm hand was softly placed onto his green curls, interrupting his frantic thoughts and making him flinch badly. ,,Do not worry about those things yet, Midoriya Izuku. Everything will make sense once the time is right". Midoriya was about to object but decided against it so as to not make the man that could kill him with a single snap of his fingers mad. They silently stepped through the purple mist portal, a woozy feeling hitting both Kota and Midoriya as they weren't used to the feeling of being teleported. It took close to two seconds before they got to the other side of the portal, cold, smoke-filled air hitting them as they got through.

They were still at the camp, just at the edge of the forest's main area where a bunch of students currently fought off two villains. One was a buff lady wearing sunglasses that had a magnet as a weapon and the other was some sort of lizard guy, who was clearly inspired by Stain. Midoriya faintly turned his head, letting his emerald green eyes skim over the people that were present. If Aizawa-sensei were here he could maybe-! A warning squeeze at his shoulder made Mirdoriya stop his thoughts, groaning at the stinging sensation that rushed through his broken arm.

After half a minute of the arch-nemesis of his mentor just staring down at him as a silent threat for him to keep still Midoriya just untensed in his arms with a barely audible sigh, showing that he got the signal. A deep hum rumbled through the supervillain's chest, getting back into motion as he menacingly strode out of the protection of the trees, onto the cleared training grounds, not showing a hint of nervousness or unease as he approached the fight. Kota could only stumble after the incredibly tall man, having trouble keeping up with his speed. 

Due to all the commotion, the heroes in training didn't realize the approaching threat, too focused on the other two villains, who were nothing compared to the approaching disaster. A dry chuckle made Midoriya freeze up in the leader's arms, glancing up at his skeletal mask hiding his face. ,,So many useful quirks all gathered at once with so much potential...". The injured student's eyes widened in horror as he immediately shook his head, silently begging the man not to hurt his friends and classmates.

All For One seemed to be compensating something before turning towards Kota, who was fidgeting uncomfortably next to him. ,,Go on, run". Kota didn't even hesitate to bolt away from the man, shooting Midoriya one last despairing glance before he ran towards the students, calling out to them. His cries alerted the hoard of students, successfully gaining their attention as they noticed the large figure holding one of theirs in his arms.

That's when Midoriya felt the atmosphere get heavy again, but the feeling of suffocation increased further than it had when he was on the mountain with Kota. It was probably because he was way too close to AFO, being hit directly with whatever quirk he used to instill despair in everyone and everything around him. Too wrapped up in the feeling of passing out, Midoriya didn't realize that they had begun levitating a couple of meters above the ground.

,,Vanguard Action Squad, the targets have successfully been retrieved. I hereby call off the operation, get to the destined location for pick-up in approximately five minutes or you will be left behind"

The loud, booming voice of the supervillain swept over the entire camp, shaking everyone in their tracks as they turned toward the source of the voice in fear. Midoriya was barely paying attention anymore, close to slipping out of consciousness but he could hear the alarmed outcries of his name from his fellow classmates. The woozy feeling of the portal from earlier grabbed him once again as he directed his tired green eyes downwards, onto the group of students staring up at him with horror.

The last thing he saw and heard was his teacher, Aizawa-sensei, rounding the corner of the main building, sprinting towards the petrified mob of students as he shouted for him, red flashing behind his yellow goggles. But it was too late. The portal swallowed him and All For One up, leaving behind the utterly traumatized group.

Completely drained, Midoriya passed out in the warm arms of his mentor's arch-nemesis.



The steady ticking of a clock gently awoke Midoriya from his deep sleep, feeling well-rested and refreshed. What a weird nightmare he had, the training camp was being attacked by villains, and their leader, All For One, had not only struck a deal with him but also carefully carried him around, how absurd of a dream that was- Wait, this... comforter wasn't his-? Groggily opening his eyes, he scanned his surroundings, realizing with dread pooling within his stomach that this was neither his room nor the one at the training camp.

He was in an unknown room, in a stranger's bed and he wasn't wearing any of the clothes he owned. Had- Had someone not only cleaned him up and healed him, but also changed him? Midoriya felt like he was going to be sick. This was all too much for him at the moment so he leaned against the soft pillow, trying to process what was happening. After a few minutes of just steadying his breathing, he slowly sat up in the bed, skimming over the room once again and taking it all in.

It was a rather nice room with wooden floorboards, white and green walls, a white ceiling, a lamp hanging in the center, a light switch next to the wooden doorframe, a black clock hanging on the wall, a grey rug covering the floor next to the single bed, a wooden shelf with some books and other little things in it, a closet for what he guessed clothes, a wooden table along with a grey office chair, a green beanbag next to the shelf and the bed with white, grey and green covers. The most noticeable thing about the room was that it had no windows and the door seemed to be reinforced, had no doorknob, and had some kind of chute that could be opened and closed from the outside.

It doomed on the green-haired student as he analyzed the door for any kind of way out of the room. He was captured, locked within this comfortable-looking room that kind of reminded him of the one he had at home, only with other colors and no posters of All Might. Calling out to One For All, he was shocked to not feel the quirk answering him. Midoriya could still feel that it was there, just not responding. Were there quirk-canceling objects somewhere in this room? That's when he felt something cold and light wrapped around his left wrist.

Lifting his healed arm, he silently peered at the silver bracelet on his wrist. A quirk-canceling bracelet. It didn't seem to have any kind of way to open it, even as he forcefully tugged on the metal it didn't budge. Midoriya was trapped with no way out, unable to use his quirk to break through the probably reinforced walls. His anxiety was spiking greatly as he cautiously stood up from the bed, walking through the room to examine everything. His captor must've overlooked something that could help him escape, right? There must be a way for him to get out of here!


Heroes would come to save him, yes, he couldn't lose hope just yet. The teachers were probably already looking for him! He just had to wait, to have faith in them. All the while he could work out a plan to escape. Midoriya was sure that he would get out of this room somehow, that he would not falter. He just couldn't, he was supposed to be a hero, All Might's successor! He couldn't disappoint his mentor.

He just couldn't.

But before he could even start trying to break open the bracelet on one of the shelves, mechanical clicks and whirrs could be heard coming from the metal door. Frantically stepping back, Midoriya fell into a fighting stance, glaring at the door that slid open, revealing his captor standing on the other side. All For One was silently staring him down, helmet still covering his face. Gulping back the rising fear, he narrowed his eyes at the supervillain. He couldn't do anything. He was weak again. Just a quirkless Deku. He was at this man's mercy. Helpless. Useless. Pathetic-

His traitorous thoughts were quickly shot down as the towering man stepped into the room, taller than Midoriya remembered him to be. ,,How are you feeling, my child?" The violent shiver going down his spine as the man spoke up made his whole body tremble in despair. ,,I-I'm... better. What do you want with me? Why am I here?!" Midoriya asked, fidgeting around with unease under the burning gaze of All For One. A deep sigh escaped the supervillain as he moved over to sit down on the grey office chair.

Midoriya could only watch him warily, unsure of how to react to his mentor's arch-nemesis sitting in front of him, showing no intentions of harming him or forcefully tearing One For All from him. ,,You do not need to be so alarmed, Midoriya Izuku, I have no plans of letting any harm come to you. As for your questions, what do you think you're doing here? Why I struck the deal with you to peacefully come with me?" The supervillain casually answered, leaning back slightly as he awaited the green-haired student's response.

Raising his hands to his chin, Midoriya unconsciously got into his element of mumbling away as he explained how All Might told him about All For One and One For All, leaving no detail out whilst the leader of the League just quietly listened, seemingly able to keep up with his ramblings and not grow annoyed at him or interrupt him, telling him to slow down. ,,That blonde oaf didn't even explain everything about me, nor the responsibility that comes with wielding One For All? How utterly ignorant of him. He basically just gave you the quirk without informing you about the dangers and threw you out into the world with no training on how to handle it". 

With how the supervillain worded it, Midoriya realized just how bad he made All Might sound, not even realizing it as he had talked away. ,,H-He's not that bad! He's trying and-" The teenager wanted to protest but All For One just raised his hand to silence him. ,,Your body is barely able to keep up with the quirk's drawbacks, it breaks your bones upon usage. You could've died several times, my child. Your show at the sports festival was everything I needed to know on just how bad it actually is".

Midoriya wordlessly blinked at the tall man sitting on the chair, stunned at the explanation before slumping down onto the edge of the bed in defeat. ,,W-Well... you're right, but I'm- I'm getting better at h-handling and controlling it! I managed to lower the output so I c-could hold it without immediately injuring m-myself and- wait, why are you...?" Confusion washed over the green-haired boy as he tilted his head at the man. What was he trying to achieve by talking to him about One For All...?

,,You'll figure it out in due time, my child. Just know that I have brought you here for your own protection, Izuku. Your lack of self-worth will undoubtedly get you killed if I'd let you continue on your path to becoming a hero. In here you and OFA will be safe, no one will ever be able to hurt you again". The ruler of the underworld sighed, rising up from the chair and striding over to where Midoriya was sitting. The teen barely had time to react as a big hand was carefully lowered onto his wild dark green curls. 

,,You're safe now, my precious emerald. I will make sure of that. No one will take you away again".

The gently spoken promise embedded itself deeply into Midoriya's brain as he stared up in disbelief at the towering man in front of him, who was carefully ruffling through his hair.






The heroes managed to locate and successfully pull Bakugo out of the League's bar but there was no trace found of Midoriya Izuku, not even the villains knew about the boy's location. Only All For One, the ruler of the underworld knew. And he would keep his precious emerald's place of stay to himself, protecting him from the cruel world outside of the vault. 


Oh dear, I'm finally done! Yay! Oh my god, I'm so exhausted. 

Corona really isn't fun to have. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter should hopefully have more upbeat and crack in it! I think... yeah-

Next up: 5 - Birthday Boy (aka. All For One breaks out of prison for his son's birthday)

Word count: 5614

(Ayy about 2000 words over my limit of 2500/3000 words per chapter!) 


14th.02.2022 (Happy "friendly reminder that you're single" day!)

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