13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)

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Idea: All For One comes home from his "business trip" and finds out about his son's quirk analysis. He is absolutely ecstatic. (Kind of a continuation of Oneshot 12?


A/N: Chapter 13! Wooo!

God, I'm so busy with school and stuff-

Apologies if I take a few weeks to update... I'm getting quite tired.

I hope you enjoy this one-shot and feel free to like and/or comment!


Updated A/N: I was in the hospital :D

My body has decided to just not deal with me anymore and shut down on me multiple times. I am suffering and life is falling apart. Anyways here's the chapter!


Soft clicks of footsteps hitting the cold ground echoed through the gigantic, concrete bunker. The dim ceiling lights shining down into a long corridor illuminated the person strolling through the underground bunker, casting a dark silhouette as they soundlessly moved toward a steel door.

The person- or rather man- was tall, too tall to be an average individual. His broad shoulders, accompanied by his prominent muscled body made him out to be quite an intimidating figure. Everything about him basically screamed strength- that he was dangerous if challenged.

But perhaps the most distinct feature about this man was his face, or rather the lack thereof. Where his eyes and nose were supposed to be was only old scarring and indents, faded- but clear marks remained of what he had lost many years ago.

Nevertheless, the man continued on his way, using one of his many acquired quirks to open the steel door at the end of the hallway, letting himself inside a large, purple-lit lab full of test tubes and more. The door shut silently behind him as he moved on through the room.

On the opposite side of him was a huge wall decorated with many TVs, all showing either live feeds of the security cameras scattered around the hideout or some type of data about human biology and quirk factors.

On the chair just below the TVs sat a large, older man, typing away at a keyboard as his goggles reflected the blue light coming off of the screens. Ceasing his typing, the other man turned around in his chair, showing off a white lab coat with many pockets for medical tools.

"Sensei, welcome". The doctor greeted the faceless man across the room, standing up from his chair with a grin. "Doctor. I presume that everything is ready?". Sensei spoke calmly, stepping closer to the doctor. "Of course. The operation is fully set up and the Nomu is ready to be used. Follow me please".

With that, the two men walked through the lab into a smaller side room decked out with all kinds of medical machinery. "The chance of successful restoration is about 70%, sensei. Everything is fully prepared and ready for your treatment".

Sensei hummed approvingly, his lips tugging up into a pleased smirk. "Then let's get started, shall we? After all, I promised them to come home tomorrow".



Groaning with exhaustion, Midoriya collapsed onto the soft covers of his bed, his whole body going slack as he finally allowed himself to relax. His mother, who was standing at his door frame laughed softly at her son's actions, having missed his presence in their small but cozy apartment.

"I'll be in the kitchen and cook us dinner. I'll call you once it's done, Izuku". Inko smiled at her son's tired expression before disappearing out of his view. The boy sighed quietly as his eyes fluttered in an attempt to fight his tiredness. All the continuous training in UA and the practice for his final exams had been draining him for a while now so he was glad that they allowed the students to have a break either at the dorms or at home with their families.

Stretching his aching body with a satisfying pop, the green-haired student rolled onto his side, his gaze flicking over to his wooden desk. A single, damaged notebook accompanied by a mechanical pen lay on the desk's surface. Before he knew it his hands were itching again, wanting to reach out and finally finish up his analysis book so he could get started with a new one.

Izuku gnawed on his lip in thought, weighing the pros and cons of finishing it up now or falling asleep. But since his mother was cooking dinner already he decided to get up and finalize the notebook instead of taking the long nap his body so desperately ached for. So he groggily rolled himself out of bed, almost tumbling to the ground during the process before he pulled himself towards his desk and slumped down in his old chair.

He had a rough idea of what he could write on the last few pages, reaching over to his mechanical pen as he flipped through the damaged pages of his notebook. Izuku frowned lightly, nibbling on the end of his pen while he glared down at the unfinished page of one of his teachers- Hound Dog. He had made an entry about the pro in the past like all of his other teachers but ever since he had gotten into UA he had decided to update all of their information.

Their new entries would be used later on in a separate notebook, one specifically dedicated to all of his teachers. Then he would no longer have to flip and stumble across pages, even though he had memorized everything perfectly, it was always good to have some order. Izuku hummed quietly at his thoughts before he snapped himself out of it and got started on writing, finishing up the "Psychological", "Support Gear", and "Improvements" sections with ease.

After about half an hour of mindlessly scribbling away and pulling up clips on his laptop, the notebook was finalized. Izuku silently stared down at his work, his fingers twitching ever so slightly. He was happy to have finished it, but a part of him felt weird to the point where he couldn't quite categorize it. Shrugging it off with a shake of his head, Izuku rose from his chair, stretching out sore muscles with a silent groan.

"Izuku? Dinners ready!" The voice of his mother called for him as the green-haired boy gave his notebook one last glance. "Coming, Mom!" He quickly responded, staggering out of his room and into the hallway leading toward the living room and kitchen. His mother was happily serving the steaming Katsudon onto two plates, smiling softly as she heard her son approach.

Plate in hand, she turned around to him, ushering her son to take his plate whilst she was grabbing the chopsticks for the both of them. Izuku slowly plopped himself down on the wooden chair, gratefully nodding to his mother as she handed him his chopsticks. The Katsudon tasted as good as ever, but the green-haired boy couldn't seem to be able to focus on his food, rather letting his eyes glance over at the bright TV screen.

It was another news broadcast about the huge underground drug scandal in China that had been dug up by accident. Apparently, a few of their government workers of the Hero-security branch had been involved in the whole fiasco, which caused a widespread outroar amongst the country. China's government got pushed out into the crossfire as the citizens demanded a throughout background check of their officials.

"Izuku, honey? Is something bothering you?" The freckled boy stilled his movements, realizing that he had let himself zone out for too long, and now worried his mother again. Sighing soundlessly, he set down his chopsticks and stared down at his plate. "It's nothing, Mom. I'm just-... A bit exhausted. Studying for the finals plus the training has me a bit on edge". He explained slowly, making sure to word his sentence right.

Inko frowned slightly, her jade-green eyes narrowing slightly but she nodded in understanding, using her quirk to pull a glass of water closer to her son. "It's alright, Izuku. Exams are usually very stressful for everyone. In fact, I can still remember when I had my exams for being a lawyer, those were awful". She giggled, successfully changing the mood as she watched her son perk up in interest. 

"Really? What were they like? I can imagine with all of the different topics that law school teaches and the new bills and records that have to be put up it must've been a lot to get through!" Izuku mused, tapping his scarred fingers on the table in thought as his mother smiled fondly at him. "It was, but it was also the time that I met your father. If it hadn't been for him I would've surely gone insane with all of the pressure the exams put on me".

Tilting his head curiously, the green-haired boy blinked at his mother, not having heard the story of how his parents had met yet. "How exactly did you two meet? Was he also a student at your school or was he working elsewhere?" His mother's eyes lit up at his question as she leaned back into her chair with a small smile, reminiscing about her past when she had first encountered her husband.

"Honestly, it was such a stupid coincidence of how we met. I was running late to one of my classes and was freaking out about how late I'd be when suddenly he rammed into me on accident. I nearly thought that I had somehow crashed into a wall with how little he budged and dropped everything I held onto the ground. Your father, who was also quite confused about having a "rather small person" barrel into him decided to help me out after he saw how distressed I was.

He even offered to drive me to where my next classes were to make up for it and I accepted, mostly because I didn't want to be late. After I waved goodbye to him and hurried into my school I thought that I'd never see him again yet there he was the very next day with me almost running into him again. It became kind of a routine from there on and that's how we met!". Inko finished her explanation, her eyes flickering back to her son's star-struck expression.

"You ran into Dad the first time you met? And then you fell in love? Just like that?". Izuku mumbled, scrunching his eyebrows with confusion as his mother laughed. "Precisely!" He hummed quietly, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to paint the scenario of his mother crashing full-speed into his father, only to end up on the ground while his father remained standing on the sidewalk, confused at what had run into him.

"Love is weird". He whispered under his breath before picking his chopsticks back up and stuffing the rest of his Katsudon into his mouth. His mother simply watched him eat with a happy expression. As soon as both had finished their meal, they stood up to go and wash off the plates. "I'll quickly head out to the store around the corner and buy some things, do you need anything, Izuku?".

The green-haired boy simply shook his head, followed by a "No thank you" before he retreated back into his room, pulling out the new notebooks he had already prepared for his new analysis series. The red notebook was dedicated to himself, the orange notebook for rescue Heroes, the yellow notebook for limelight Heroes, the green one for all quirks he could find or laid eyes on, the light blue one for his classmates and other students, the dark blue one for his teachers, the purple one for Underground Heroes and Vigilantes, and the black one for Villains. 

Deciding to start by transferring his already written down knowledge about his classmates and teachers first, he pulled out the light and dark blue notebooks, starting by writing down a table of contents like he usually did before going through all of the names in alphabetical order with their last name being the one he organized the list with. A click of the front door lock alerted him of his mother having left the house, making him sit up in his chair with a small groan. Maybe he could move to the living room couch to start with his entries? Then he could also utilize the TV as background noise. 

Once he had moved to the living room and set himself down he fell into his own world of analysis, easily recalling everything he had written down about his teachers and classmates before crossing out unnecessary stuff and adding new information he had noticed during all of his time with them. After all, getting to know people in reality instead of reading them through videos and statements could change one's perspective of them quite a lot.

It was a breeze for him to fly through his classmates since he had gotten to know them for about half a year now. One's page consisted of their profile, for example, their name, codename, pronouns, age, sexuality, and quirk along with their looks, which were accompanied by a full body sketch of them in their most recent hero costume.

Next to the introduction page were the topics of how their quirk functioned, what support gear they wore and how it was used, possible improvements of both quirk use, and said support gear along with extra ideas for their costume. The third page was dedicated to their behavior, their likes, and dislikes, their mentality along with psychological nicks, which they probably didn't even know they had, and lastly a detailed explanation of how to use their powers against them.

Of course, Izuku would love to get into more detail about the varying ways how to take down every single one of them in many different ways, but unfortunately, writing murder plans for his classmates and teachers did not seem like a good thing to do, so he kept those secured in his mind for only him to know and have access to. And maybe even carry them out in the future, if he really had to.

The muttering boy got deeply so absorbed in his frantic writing that he did not even take notice of the soft jingle of metal keys in front of the front door and how they silently unlocked it. The sound of the door creaking open hit his ears but he didn't raise his head, assuming that it probably must be his mother, who had returned from her short trip to the store while he was lost in his notebooks, not paying attention to how much time had passed.

Finishing the sketch of one of his classmates, Tokoyami Fumikage, to be precise, he glanced up to the TV screen, where a live feed of a villain fight from this morning was playing, showing close-ups of the villain with the Coral quirk, who had been taken down by Mt.Lady and Kamui Woods with Death Arms assisting them here and there. Izuku had already noted down the new villain's quirk, planning to write them down in his villain notebook once he was finished with all of his other entries.

Firm footfalls softened through a carpet echoed through the apartment, making Izuku still his breathless muttering and advert his gaze from the TV to the corridor, which lead towards where the front door was located. Instead of the small, and plump figure of his mother standing in the frame, he was met with the sight of a large, broad-shouldered man, who was almost tall enough to reach the ceiling with his head. The man was huge, probably as tall as All Might was in his buff form (around 2,20 meters/7'2 feet) and that alone was nothing to just brush off. 

Izuku's mouth fell open as his eyes widened at the intimidating display, his muscles tensing with adrenaline and his brain grinding to an abrupt halt. His eyes slowly zeroed in on the man's face, tracing the familiar features with shock as his scarred hands began to tremble, accidentally letting go of his mechanical pencil in the process. The boy gasped, feeling the onslaught of incoming tears as he finally let his eyes connect with the man's blood-red ones. The eyes he thought he'd never be able to see again.

"I'm home, my precious".




Inko softly hummed as she re-adjusted the shopping back in her grasp to unlock the front door of the apartment. Successfully opening the door and letting herself in, she called out to notify her son that she was home when she suddenly laid eyes on a familiar set of shoes standing next to her son's bright red ones. Nearly dropping everything she was holding, Inko didn't even bother taking her shoes off and ran into the living room, where two familiar voices were coming from.

And there, in the middle of the living room, her son and husband sat on the carpeted floor near the coffee table, loudly talking back and forth about the two notebooks her husband was holding as he essentially vibrated with glee written all over his features. And while he just looked like he was close to crying her son on the other hand was full-on bawling, happily slurring out responses to his father as he wildly gestured to different aspects listed on the dark blue notebook pages.

Blinking at the whole fiasco she had just walked into, she let herself go lax and lean against the door frame, a wobbly smile spreading across her face as she watched the two interact so passionately about Izuku's beloved notebooks. So this was the surprise her husband had informed her about, huh? Inko watched as her son threw himself forwards, clinging to his father as he happily sobbed into his side. Someone that could fully appreciate and understand his analysis. Well, her family had certainly needed this for a long time now...

Red eyes met her own dark green ones as her husband stilled in his movements for a second before mirroring her fond smile whilst he patted his son's wild curls in an attempt to calm him down. Sighing quietly, she shook her head at the display and moved the groceries into the kitchen before joining her husband and child in whatever they were doing. And while she pretty much understood nothing they were chatting about so excitedly, she couldn't help but feel relieved. Listening to her son's joyful chirps.

They were finally complete again.




That was until a certain Number One Hero decided to visit because he wanted to give Izuku a new training schedule and saw her husband gently cradling the sleeping teenager before promptly spitting out a fountain of blood and falling over, passing out cold in a puddle of his own blood.


"Hisashi. No."



(Basically what happened while Inko was gone)

Izuku: Omg bish, dat u?

AFO: Yes son, dat me. 

Izuku: Where the milk at?

AFO: What- 


AFO: Don't you want to know I got my face back..?

Izuku: Nah- I wanna know-

AFO: What are those notebooks?

Izuku: Oh- nothing interesti-


Izuku: *insert surprised Pikachu face because he isn't used to praise*


AFO: And that is how you bring down a corrupt government by using their allies against them!

Izuku: You are so smart father, teach me your ways.  

Inko: *barges through door* Tf u doing- 


A/N: I AM- Alive? I think? 

Anyways- that'll be the chapter for today. 

I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to leave a like and/or comment!

I'll see you all in the next chapter. Hopefully?


Word Count: 3087

Next Up: 14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)


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