Idea: AFO decides to kidnap his child mainly because he can and (somewhat) gets away with it. Izuku is confused and Momma Inko is pissed.
"It's not kidnapping when you're the father" - "Dad, no" - "Dad yes"
Welcome back to chapter 12 everyone!
I'm still very tired but oh well.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave a like and/or comment!
Somewhere in an old, seemingly abandoned warehouse, a certain 200-year-old supervillain let himself collapse onto his custom-built medical chair, sighing with annoyance as he rubbed his scarred face, or rather what was left of it. The man had just gotten back from trying to tutor his future protégé, the grandson of the seventh One For All holder, Nana Shimura
Sure, the boy was eager to learn, thirsting for revenge against heroes after he had killed his family but handling him was a whole other story. The boy was irritated most of the time, scratching himself up, and very focused on his beloved video games to the point where he got distracted easily and threw fits of anger when he lost. He should consider giving Kurogiri a vacation after all the stress the Nomu had to go through while handling the child.
It reminded the supervillain of the time when he had to handle his feisty little brother trying to bite through his reinforced shackles every time he wasn't looking in order to escape from his hold. In the end, Yoichi always somehow hurt himself in the process. It had been rather frustrating, to say the least. Well... now that he was thinking of his family-
Tipping his head back against the chair, he silently listened to the beeps of his medical equipment. His chest heaved rhythmically as he activated one of his sensory quirks, allowing him to see the space around him. His head tilted to the right towards the big wooden desk, which stood in the middle of his office.
On the desk's clean surface laid a few papers neatly stacked onto each other, an expensive-looking pen, and a very important photo frame. With ease the 200-year-old called a second quirk into action, effectively levitating the photo frame toward his awaiting hands. The photo frame was made out of silver, glittering ever so slightly in the dim light of the room.
Though it felt cold in his hands, the man didn't seem to care, rather studying the image itself with a deep frown. If he still had eyebrows he would've furrowed them and if he still had eyes he would've narrowed them but he wasn't sure if he was ever able to do that again. If he was able to ever see his precious baby again.
His beautiful, adorable little precious gem, shining brighter than any star in the night sky. All For One would do absolutely everything for his son, even if it meant tearing the whole earth apart to get his hands on what his beloved Izuku desired. Because the small boy was his. His son, his treasure, his family.
Anybody who dared to lay their hand on his family would regret having been born into this corrupted, hero-driven world.
Gently tracing the glass protecting the image of his family the man sighed heavily, his heart aching as his "gaze" lingered on the shining eyes of his son. The eyes resembled his dear little brother's oh so much. It reminded him of the day Izuku was born- How he had quickly rushed out of a meeting with the doctor as soon as his beautiful wife had called and not hesitated to use a teleportation quirk to get her to the ER.
After hours of tears, stress, and anxiety his son was finally born into the world and he could do nothing but stare in awe at the small bundle the nurses checked up on. Izuku had been so, so very small. Almost exactly like Yoichi had- a frail, little newborn fighting to survive and grow strong in this cruel world.
His chest had closed up as he squeezed the sweaty hand of his exhausted wife, mumbling sweet nothings to her and getting her to calm down whilst keeping track of his child with piercing blood-red eyes. And when the small bundle was finally given to the parents? They both nearly broke down crying, showering their baby with all the love they could muster up.
It had abruptly taken the supervillain's breath away once the tiny infant drowsily opened his big, curious eyes and blinked up at him. The familiar emerald green caught his own ruby-colored ones and successfully made him shed the tears he had been fighting off.
All For One would never let go of that moment, always keeping it stored away safely in the back of his head. It was a sign that he was still human. That he still had something to protect.
A pleased smile spread across the man's lips and he slowly let the frame float back onto his table, returning it to the exact position it had been in earlier. With that he shut off his sensory quirk, leaning back and shifting through his wide array of amassed quirks.
His son... He hadn't seen his dear emerald in quite a while now. The smile slowly fell from his scarred face at the sudden thought. Ever since All Might and he had their "final show-down" he had lost almost ⅔ rd of his face, having to now rely on life support to get him through his days while the doctor searched for healing quirks.
Balling his fist, All For One snarled at the memory of the Number One hero punching his face in, almost completely ripping his head off in the process. Because of that bastard, he wasn't able to return home to his cherished family. He would probably never get to see his son with his own two eyes ever again. Would never let himself be seen by his wife in such a condition...
Or could he?
The supervillain was playing with that thought for a while, measuring the pros and cons of it and what could happen if a hero caught wind of this... Of what would happen if All Might found out about his family. He yearned to hear his son's voice again after almost two years of being separated from them.
He longed for the presence of his family.
And so he made up his mind and decided that it would be a good idea to simply warp his son into his room while leaving Inko a note. Surely she wouldn't mind him spending some time with his son? He had been sending them money and calling her late in the evenings, after all! Plus, his smart wife had already figured out that he possessed more than one quirk so it shouldn't be too much of a risk.
The man grinned widely, pulling out a few quirks to observe where his son and wife were. Once he had their locations pinpointed he took in their surroundings with interest. It seemed like they were staying inside the flat he and Inko had bought once they had married.
Inko was sitting in the kitchen, talking to a certain brash ash-blonde woman whilst Izuku stayed in his room, scribbling away at a rather colorful notebook. All For One remembered that notebook. It was his last present to his son before the battle that made him lose half of his face.
His adorable boy is now 6 years old, isn't he? Maybe he should just disguise his kídnapping as his late birthday present? That could work. All For One watched for a little longer before he turned back to his desk, snapping his fingers to activate another set of quirks. Soon enough a small piece of paper, his pen, and a red rose levitated toward him.
With a lazy flick of his wrist, the man let the pen dance across the white sheet of paper, writing the note for his wife in a rich blood-red shade, fitting to the rose he had planned to leave her as an "apology" for taking his son without a warning. Hopefully, this would be enough to not make her somehow find his location and break down his door only to mercilessly strangle the life out of him.
The supervillain shivered at the thought, wanting to avoid the boiling rage of his wife at any cost because that woman would be absolutely livid if anything ever happened to her precious baby without her knowing- nevertheless without her permission. He had experienced her anger once before (and it made him instantly fall even more for the woman) but he absolutely did not want to get caught up in her warpath.
Smoothly wrapping up the small note along with the single, red rose, the man swiftly opened a portal after quickly glancing over his son happily scribbling away in his notebook. He couldn't wait to have his son here with him! He just hoped that his dear emerald wouldn't mind his face... or rather the lack of it.
Scratching his green pencil across the notebook in front of him, Izuku messily doodled the outfit of a new hero he had seen today, already having written down everything he had noticed about the spotlight hero. It was quite fun for him to write down everything he noticed about heroes, especially their quirks and how they worked. M̶a̶i̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶e̶i̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶r̶k̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶.̶
It just fascinated the small boy to figure out their aspects and secrets!
Finishing up his drawing, the green-haired boy happily grinned down at his entry of the hero, proud of himself for completing the pages of the notebook. The notebook he had been given by his father on his 4th birthday. His smile slowly fell off his face, leaving him with sad glimmering eyes and a small frown. He missed his father dearly.
His mother had explained to him that he had been sent overseas because of a work emergency and wasn't able to respond because of his job. Two years passed and he hadn't talked with his father ever since. The first year had been horrible for him. His father wasn't there anymore to listen to his rambling or teach him new, cool things about quirks. His father wasn't there to calm him down after a nightmare or pick him up from elementary school.
It was just him and his mother now- not that he hated being with his mother! In fact, he loved her dearly- it was just that...
A tear hit the surface of the papers he had just been drawing on, dampening the material and lightly smearing the fresh green lines. Izuku hastily pulled back, not wanting to cry over his hard work and ruin it. He didn't even realize that he had begun crying all of the sudden. But his emotions usually did just that- acting up without his control.
It frustrated the small boy but he shook his head and wiped the tears away with the sleeves of his shirt. "Come on- heroes don't cry". Izuku mumbled to himself whilst he tried his freckled cheeks. He didn't wish to worry his mother when he went to show her his notes, after all!
And just like that, his smile crawled back onto his face as he lifted his notebook off of his desk and hopped out of his chair. "I hope Momma will like it!". Before he could take another step a weird whirring sound reached his ears, sending him into an alert state of mind. The boy quickly glanced around, his eyes wide with fear and curiosity at what could've possibly made such a sound when suddenly the floor under him gave in.
He had barely any time to react as he felt himself falling through the floor- or at least what he thought was the floor. Yelping loudly, Izuku clutched his notebook tightly to his chest with clammy hands and squeezed his teary eyes shut, too scared to look down to see just when he would hit the ground and-
Big, strong hands caught his body seemingly with ease and pulled him out of his fall, making him flinch together in shock, his whole body curling tighter into a ball as he was manhandled by the person that had caught him. His breathing picked up rapidly as he whimpered quietly.
What was happening- Did a villain attack his house? Was that a hero that had caught him? Where was his mom? Why did the floor-
"Shhh, bunny, breathe".
His heart skipped a beat as he nearly forgot how to breathe. That voice-
Snapping open his tear-filled eyes, he peered up at the dark figure of a giant of a man, who was currently holding him securely in his arms to ensure that he would now fall down and hurt himself. The dimly lit room made it hard for Izuku to make out the man's features but he would recognize that voice anywhere.
"D-Dad?" The boy whispered quietly, not quite grasping just what was happening. The man in front of him chuckled warmly, further pulling his son toward himself as he gently ruffled the unruly locks of forest-green hair. "I'm here, Izuku. It's been such a long time. You've grown quite a bit, haven't you?". His father spoke lovingly whilst Izuku stared up at his father with wide eyes, finally getting used to the darkness of the room.
"Dad- D-dad- You- Your-". The freckled boy began to sob anew, reaching his small hands up to his father's missing face with a distraught expression. Hisashi sighed deeply, letting his son softly trace over the scarred spot where his freckles would have been. "I know, my precious. I know". The saddened look on his son's face started to make his heart ache, his lips tugging downwards as he observed how his son continued to examine the damage that was done to him.
"I got involved in a bad accident and almost didn't make it-" A choked gasp from his son. "But I pulled through for you and your mother, Izuku. I am so terribly sorry for not coming to visit you or talking to you for the past two years and I don't know if I'll ever be able to make it up to you but-".
Izuku hiccuped heavily, lurching forward and digging his tear-stained face into his father's firm chest whilst his hands tightly clung to his suit. He sniffled and cried weakly, his whole body shaking in Hisashi's protective hold. Izuku barely managed to get out his shaky words through his heavy sobbing, garbling something along the lines of "It's not your fault" and "Don't ever leave again".
Hisashi could only sit there and soothingly rub circles into his son's back, softly shushing him. Oh, how badly he had missed this.
It took Izuku about 10 more minutes to finally calm down from his hysterics aside from the occasional hiccup or sniffle escaping him. His father was still carefully combing through his messy hair with a fond smile, which Izuku couldn't help but replicate. "There we go. Good job, Izuku. Now, how about you tell me about what I've missed while I was gone?"
The freckled boy lit up at the request of his father, immediately falling into his habit of rambling away, listing off everything interesting he had seen or listened two in the past two years before tugging on his notebook which he still had on him and flipping it open to show it to his father.
Hisashi proudly huffed at his son's interest in quirks, scanning over the pages with one of his many sensory quirks. "You're doing quite well with your entries, emerald. I'm proud of you". The supervillain chuckled heartily as he ruffled his son's hair. Izuku whined at that with a playful pout but giggled shortly after at his father's relaxed grin.
The six-year-old was so incredibly happy to have met his father again. Finally having someone to theorize about quirks again was relieving for the young boy. Though- there was something that bothered him now that he thought about it. His father seemed to catch onto his mood swing, tilting his head slightly to the side as Izuku sat up a little straighter.
"Dad? You always said your quirk was firebreathing, didn't you...?" His father stilled, informing the boy that the man caught onto what he wanted to ask him. After another minute of silence, Hisashi sighed in defeat. "Well... Let me tell you a story about two brothers...".
Inko Midoriya politely bid her friend Mitsuki Bakugo goodbye for the evening before softly closing the door with a quiet click. Humming absentmindedly, she moved back into the kitchen to clean up their glasses, wondering if Izuku had already fallen asleep since he hadn't come out of his room ever since Mitsuki had arrived.
Deciding to check up on her son, Inko finished cleaning the glass she was holding and made her way through the medium-sized flat. Once she stood before her son's wooden door, she silently listened for any sounds that would indicate Izuku still being awake but was met with silence.
Raising a brow at this, Inko lightly knocked on the door before carefully opening it to peer inside. Everything seemed normal- except for the table lamp still being on and a weirdly shaped item laying on the desk's surface-
Her eyes widened drastically as she realized what was laying on the small desk. "IZUKU?!" Jumping into motion, Inko barged into the room to frantically look for her child only to find no one present. Spinning back toward the out-of-place item on her son's desk, she used her quirk to attract both the rose- a red rose- and the neatly folded piece of paper.
Wasting no time to fold it open, Inko let her eyes flit over the blood-red letters decorating the white paper with a rapidly darkening expression. Angrily gritting her teeth, the overprotective mother seethed as she slammed the note back onto the table.
Momma Inko was fucking pissed.
"You do know Momma's is not going to like this?" All For One perked up at his son's question, turning in his chair to get a better look at his son's expression. "What do you mean, my precious gem?" Izuku nervously tugged on the sleeves of his shirt as he shifted from one foot to the other. "Well- Momma has been irritated for the last week because of the meanies in my class... And isn't this considered kidnapping?"
"It's not kidnapping when you're the father".
"Dad no-"
"Dad yes"
A/N: Aaaaand we're done. Phew.
I am tired. Probably gonna go sleep for a while now.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to leave a like and/or comment.
Cya in the next one.
Word Count: 3107
Next up: 13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)
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