Chapter 20

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Vania POV

" Did you all enjoy that? " Coach Bombay asked

" Yeah! " Everyone yell

" So did they, because they're still three points up and we're one period away from defeat. " Coach Bombay continue

Everyone sat down. I grab Luis' hand.

" If we can't beat them, we might as well keep our pride. " Jesse reply

" Jesse, that's not pride. " Coach Bombay said

" Sure, when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered.But, guys, i've been there.i know how you feel. I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors.And I really, really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot.But you know what? My knee will heal.And if I become someone I'm not if I sink to their level well ,then, I lost more than my knee.You understand? '' Coach Bombay continue

" Yeah. " Everybody whispered

" We're not goons.We're not bullies.No matter what people say or do. .. we have to be ourselves.You.Who are you? " Coach Bombay point at Dean

" Dean Portman. " Dean reply

" From where? " Coach Bombay asked

" Chicago, Illinois. " Dean answer

" You. " Coach Bombay point at someone else

" Guy Germaine. From St. Paul, Minnesota. " Guy reply

" You. " Coach Bombay point again

" Jesse Hall from Minneapolis, Minnesota. " Jesse reply

" Who are you? " Coach Bombay point again

" Julie Gaffney from Bangor, Maine. " Julie stand up

" Luis Mendoza.Miami, Florida. " Luis stand up

" Vania Nobel, Minneapolis, Minnesota " I stand and Luis kisses my temple and hug me from the side

" Greg Goldberg.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "
" Les Averman.Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. "
" Fulton Reed. Stillwater, Minnesota. "
" Russ Tyler.South Central Los Angeles. "
" Charlie Conway. Minneapolis, Minnesota. "
" Ken Wu.San Francisco, California. "
" Connie Moreau. Minneapolis, Minnesota. "
" Adam Banks.Edina, Minnesota. "
"Adam Banks.Edina, Minnesota. "
" Dwayne Robertson.Austin, Texas. "
" Michele MacKay.Duluth, Minnesota. "

" And I'm Gordon Bombay. Minneapolis, Minnesota. We're Team U.S.A. ,gathered from all across America. And we're gonna stick together. You know why? " Coach Bombay asked

" Because we are Ducks. And ducks fly together. " Jan came from the back

" That's right ,Jan.And just when you think they're about to break apart - " Coach Bombay smile

"Ducks fly together! " We said

" And when the wind blows hard and the sky is black - " Miss MacKay said

" Ducks fly together! " We said again

" When the roosters are crowing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture - " Dwayne asked

" Ducks fly together! " We repeat

" And when everyone says it can't be done.Ducks fly together. " Coach Bombay finish it

" Now, new Ducks. ..and old Ducks must unite under a new banner.And I thought perhaps.something like this. Wooo! " Jan pulled out new Team Uniforms.

We all went to grab ours. We all walked out with our new uniforms.

" Here to start the third period, what team is this? It's not Team U.S.A. Yes, itis. They've got on new uniforms. They're wearing the logo of the duck. I've never seen this before.Yeah! Come on! I've just gotten word that there is no rule against changing uniforms. Well, Gordon Bombay's old team was called the " Ducks ' and I guess we've got the U.S.A. Ducks out there now. " The speaker person said

" Quack " we repeat together until everyone was yelling out

" Go. ..Ducks! " We yell out

" Germaine gives it to Wu.Wu back to Germaine.Germaine slides it to Connie Moreau. She shoots. She scores. !Connie Moreau with a lovely move in front of the net. ..pulls Team within two goals.Yes! Yes. All right, you guys! Way to go! Team U.S.A. still down by two goals. Trying to get back in it.Shot and a diving save by Goldberg. Averman with it, leads the attack. Comes right up the middle. Averman lost the puck.Iceland gets it over Gunnar Stahl.He's got an open net. He scores. Oh, that hurts. The Ducks trail now, five-to-two. " The speaker person said

" Okay, Ducks, take a look here. " Charlie said and we looked at the chart

" Charlie, this isn't the NBA. " Averman said

" It's the perfect teamwork play. " Charlie reply

" Now, cowboy! " Charlie yell out

" Alley-oop, boys. " Dwayne yell and he scores

" Yeah. !Wooo. !All right! That's the way, Dwayne! '' Coach Bombay yell

" Play continues here in the final period.The hitting has picked up, but the Ducks are hanging in there.However, they're still down by two goals with time running out. Bodies flying all over the ice. The puck is in the Duck's Zone. Here's Mendoza on a breakaway. He can really fly. The speedster into the Iceland zone. " The speaker person said

But when Luis tried to stop. What the hell.

" I stopped. " Luis yell

" Put it in, Luis! " Coach Bombay yell

" He scores. !Luis Mendoza on a breakaway. ..scores with two minutes left.And the Ducks trail by one. " Luis skate over me

" I stopped Vania " Luis took off his helmet

" I know. " I smile big. He just smiled and hugged me.

" Russ. " Coach Bombay called

" Yeah, Coach. " Russ reply

" Two minutes left. Can you get your shot off? " Coach Bombay asked

" I don't know. They're gunning for me. " Russ looked scared

When he tries. He was push by two guy to the wall

" Time out. Time out. Time out! Guys, come in .Come on! Goldberg! Huddle up! Listen up! This is what I wanna do. " Coach Bombay called and told us his plan.

" Go. ..Ducks.! " We yell

" Let's go! " Coach Bombay yell

" Time running out here in the third period.The Ducks with the puck. They're still down by a goal. They're back in their own zone.I don't know why they're not moving it up to center ice. They have to attack.The clock is ticking. Iceland with a one goal lead. " The speaker person said

" All right! Guy, now! " Coach Bombay yell

" Here's Germaine in his own zone.Germaine gives it to Luis Mendoza.Mendoza goes behind the net.Starts up on the attack.Mendoza drops it back to - to Goldberg? He gave it to the goaltender Goldberg. Wait, it's not Goldberg. Tyler with it.Tees up the puck. " The speaker person said

" No! " The coach of the other team yell

" With the knuckle puck. Russ Tyler with the knuckle puck ties the game. ..with no time left on the clock. So the championship comes down to a shootout.Each team picks five of their best. One-on-one with the goalie.No rebounds. Best of five shots wins it all.What a way to end it. !" The speaker person said

We all cheer.

After doing the whole puck game. The Iceland Team took his turn

" Vania do you think we will win " Luis asked

" We are " I took his hand in hand

"Julie, you got the fast glove. I know this kid's move. Triple deke, glove side. Anticipate it and you got him " coach Bombay whispered in her ear

" What if he goes stick side? " Julie asked

" He's fancy. He'll go glove. Don't hesitate.Let's go. " Coach Bombay pat her back

" In a surprise move, Bombay has gone to his bench.He's sending out Julie Gaffney to replace Goldberg. She'll face Gunnar Stahl. " The speaker person said

" Go get him, Julie. " We all yell out

" I don't know about this move by Bombay.Putting in a cold goalkeeper to face the leading scorer in the tournament. But hang on to your hats. Here we go. If Julie " The Cat ' " Gaffney. ..stops Gunnar Stahl, the U.S.A. wins. " The speaker said and we all went over to Julie and hugged her.

" Ducks win. !Ducks win. !Oh, I can't believe it. ! The Ducks have come. ..from behind to beat Iceland. a shootout in the championship game. !Bombay, the Minnesota Miracle Man, has done it again. " The speaker person said

After shaking their hand we heard the Iceland coach say " Good game. "

We all just cheer

After we took off our gears. We were heading.

" Vania can we talk " Luis asked quietly

" Sure " I nod

" I noticed that we kissed and we were acting like a couple but we never made it official or I never asked you. " Luis started to get nervous. I grab his hand to relax him. " Well I want to make it official. " Luis continued kissing my forehead. He knee down and said " Will you Vania Nobel take me as your boyfriend " Luis asked

I just smile and nod. He smiled and picked me up and kissed me deeply. Suddenly the Ducks hug us.

" Let's have a camp out " Dwayne yell out

We found a campsite

" Whoa! Help me! " Goldberg yell and Charlie threw it to the ground and step on it

" You're not supposed to light it on fire. " Charlie reply

i've paid my dues

Time after time 
I've done my sentence 
But committed no crime 
And bad mistakes 
i've made a few 
i've had my share of sand
kicked in my face 
But I've come through 
And we go on and on and on and on 
We are the champions my friends 
And we'll keep on fighting 
'Til the end 
We are the champions 
No time for losers 
'Cause we are the champions 
Of the world 
We are the champions 
My friend 
And we'll keep on fighting 
'Til the end 
We are the champions 
No time for losers 
'Cause we are the champions Of the world 

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