Chapter 19

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Vania POV

"Live from the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim,'s Team U.S.A. versus Iceland in the hockey finals of theJunior Goodwill Games.Hi, everybody. This is Bob Miller along with Jacques Berman.Nice to have you with us for what should be an exciting title game tonight." We could hear the speaker person said from the lockers

"Coach.i woke up... and the pain was gone." Adam walk in

"Adam, I'm sorry,we already have a full roster." Coach Bombay reply

"He can have my spot.It's what i can do for the team. Let me do it." Charlie walk up

"Charlie, I need you on the bench,coaching right there with me." Coach Bombay give him his chart

"Now the two teams gather at their respective benches. In their last meeting,Iceland crushed Team U.S.A., 12-one." The speaker person said

"Heads high.! Stand tall.! Fly straight.!" Coach Bombay yell

"U.S.A.! All the way!" the team yell back

"We're ready for the opening face-off in tonight's championship game.Team U.S.A. against Iceland.Lester Averman will move in to take the draw for Team U.S.A. And off the face-off,Averman gets knocked down.Iceland physically dominated the first game between two teams...and they'll try to do it again tonight.Guy Germaine gets checked down in the corner.Behind the net, Goldberg cuts it off for U.S.A. Here comes Dean Portman. He's hit hard into the glass by Gunnar Stahl.Iceland out to dominate this game early.Puck is still in the U.S.A. zone.There's a shot from the blue line.Stick save by Goldberg.Good save.Held in by Iceland. Goldberg looks like he got tripped.Iceland still with it. Back behind the net. Here's a wraparound by Sanderson.He scores.! Iceland gets an early one-to-nothing lead." the speaker person said

"Line change!Guy,Jesse, Russ. You ready? Get out there." Coach Bombay order

"Iceland with a one-nothing lead.Throwing everything they have at U.S.A.Team U.S.A. has to find a way to get back in this game... because they are being totally dominated by a bigger, faster Iceland team." the speaker person continues

"We can't make it. Iceland's bigger,stronger, faster. They got more facial hair." Averman started to freak out

"Banks, you're on." Coach Bombay yells.

"Hey, be careful out there." Coach Bombay pat Adam back

When he started playing. The other team started to hit his bad wrist

All the team wanted to beat up the guy "Sit down. Sit down. " Coach Bombay order

"Hey, Ref, why don't you call something? He almost took his arm off!." Coach Bombay yell Adam came over

"i'm okay." Adam look at us

"You sure?" Coach Bombay asked

"Yeah. I'm fine. They just hit the pad. Really." Adam nod

"You'll be okay,Banks."

"Way to hang in there, Adam. Great playing." Everyone was patting his back

"Now the crowd doing the wave, trying to get Team U.S.A. back in this game. It may be working.Team U.S.A. up to center ice. Moreau to the blue line of Iceland. Drop sit back to Mendoza. Ducks under a check.Robertson with it now for Team U.S.A.He's got great moves with the puck. Robertson still with it. Portman calling for it in front of the net.Robertson knocked down from behind. Iceland will take over." the speaker person said

"Somebody get on him.Get him, Luis.!" Coach Bombay yell

"Here's Luis Mendoza in a footrace trying to catch Amselik. Amselik on a breakaway.He could make it three-nothing.Mendoza trying frantically to catch him. Amselik moving in on Goldberg.Gets hit from behind.Taking the puck- Amselik, Mendoza and the puck all in the net. It's a goal. And Iceland leads now... three-to-nothing." the speaker said

Luis came over looking mad

"Luis look at me " I took his head and helmet in my mind

"You're fine. It's okay" I looked at his eyes

"I can't even stop Vania" He sigh

"I'm proud of you. doesn't matter if you know how to stop. I have faith in you. Luis all cares if you are okay." I smile and he just smile back

" Now go out there before I said I want trade places" I joked

" Nope you're . This is Iceland we are talking about. They hurt once. I'm not letting myself get hurt again on my watch." Luis skate away

"Show me the Flying "V" Let's go! Let's go!" Coach Bombay order

"Gunnar Stahl to Sanderson. Wide open net and he scores. Four-nothing, and iceland is really taking it to Team U.S.A.They are completely dominating this game. As we start the second period, you wonder how is Team U.S.A. going to get back in this.It's like David versus Goliath." The speaker person said

"Off the face-off,Averman gets knocked down by Gunnar Stahl.And the heavy hitting by Iceland continues. It's gonna take something drastic...for Team U.S.A. To turn this game around. Iceland trying to pad their lead in the second period. Number 74 spins around. He's right in the slot. He shoots.!And a save by Goldberg.Kenny Wu picks it up behind the U.S.A. net. Wu, the former Olympic skater... weaves his way up to center ice,;he's gonna try and split the Iceland defense. He scores.!Wu.! Wu.! Wu.! Kenny Wu... puts Team U.S.A. on the board.!" The speaker person continues

"Hey, you wanna piece of me?" Ken yell

Oh no he did exactly what Mike taught him when we were playing with them.

"All right! Yeah! i taught him that." I heard Mike yell out

"That'll be two minutes, son." The ref order

"Two minutes? Well worth it." Kenny repeats what the Iceland guy said when he hit Adam.

But that made it worse because Dean and Fulton got so hyper

"Hey, you guys, come on, get- Let's play hockey!" Coach Bombay yell out but that didn't make much difference

"Fulton and Portman are gonna get misconduct penalties here.They're ushered into the penalty box where they join Wu and they're still going wild.Now there's three Bash Brothers." Well we just lose three players for two minutes or so

"Connie, be careful out there." Charlie warned Connie

"They're gunning for you." Charlie continued

"Don't worry.I'll be fine." Connie put her helmet

"Iceland on the attack again. Uberjavik fires the puck in the corner.Connie Moreau over to get it. Sanderson has her lined up." The speaker person said

"Get out of there.! Connie" we all yell out

"Yee-haw!" Dwayne got his rope

"No, Dwayne!" Coach Bombay yell

"I'm comin', Connie." Dwayne took him and pull him in

"Get up there! Where i come from,we treat ladies with respect." Dwayne said

"Thank you, Dwayne,but I'm no lady; I'm a Duck!Come on!" Connie smile and hit the guy

"Referee taking Robertson over to the penalty box. What are they gonna call this penalty? It's two minutes for roping?That's a new one on me. We're at the end of the second period.Iceland has a commanding four-to-one lead." The speaker person said

"This isn't a hockey game; it's a circus." Coach Bombay said to Charlie and me

"Amen," Charlie and I said. We high five each other. 

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