Chapter 32

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I'm whisked away by a bunch of strangers into the castle and get taken to a room full of medical equipment. Of course I appreciate the help, so I smile politely and do as they say, but I can't help but feel slightly overwhelmed inside.

I'm sat down on a bed, with people I know nothing about tending to my bloody legs and bruised wrists, all the while the only girl I want by me was left behind, and seemingly has fallen a little behind us...

... that is... if she followed me at all?

No. Of course she did. Why wouldn't she?

I'm sure she's going to show up any second now.

Any... second... Now?

Or maybe any minute now?

Or... maybe... maybe not...

"Ok dear, we're almost done and then we can't get you some new clothes. Ones with less fares in the fabric. How does that sound?" One of the ladies asks me, I turn to her with a content smile and nod my head. The other ladies then add the last few bandages and help me up off the table I was sitting on.

I really appreciate their help, their kind gesture, but I can't help but glance at the door every time I think I hear footsteps.

Because a lot of people have walked past that door in the short time I've been in here.

Just as the kind ladies we're about to leave to find me a new dress, and the moment I was going to use to go back out to look for Cass, a relatively tall man in some kind of shiny, gold coloured armour and a gold and red helmet In his possession appears in the doorway and stops me. I look up at his face, one decorated with dark brown hair, and feel a little intimidated by his stern expression.

"Rapunzel? Is it?" He asks through a rather blunt tone. I bring my hands up to play with my hair, out of instinct, but remember it's no longer long enough and instead begin picking at my nails in search for some kind of distraction or comfort.

"Yes... yes that's me."

Wait a minute... I never told anyone my name?

"Would you mind coming with me? I have some people that would like to meet you." The offer makes me nervous, and I want to assume that means I should decline. But then I realised my gut wasn't telling me what I thought it was...

It felt more like a

Are you ready for this?

Rather than a

Don't go! It's dangerous!

What does that mean though?

Even though his voice wasn't very soft, it was still polite, and the way he stood, with one hand on his chest and the other out behind him, pointing formally in the direction I'm assuming he wants me to go. His persona gave me a sense of formality, of loyalty and the idea of true, honest intentions with a stone cold exterior that is for nothing but the image he has to give.

"Sure... but may I ask who these people are?" I stopped fidgeting and held my own hand in front of me, making me seem more confident than I feel.

"The King and the Queen. They requested a meeting with you as soon as possible."

The... King and Queen?

Wait a minute...

The people who... my... my birth...


Are you ready for this?

I understand that now... and I can't say I'm sure on an answer...

Cass? Where are you? I need you... I need you here with me for this...

"The throne room is right this way ma'am."

Cass... please...

We walked back through the corridors and in time came up to two grande doors at the end of their very own hallway. I make sure to take in a deep breath and take a look behind me before I enter.

And when I step in, I find myself in a beautiful ball room, one coloured in shades of beige, gold, yellow and purple. It was decorated with what look to be velvet banners and crystalized golden lights. I can't help but look around in awe, but then I remember why I'm here.

And I spot the thrones, both with people occupying them.

"your majesty's." The man politely catches their attention, we walk further into the room, and he stops in front of me once I assume we are stood in the right spot, and the only reason I can think of is that it's too hide me.

I use that as time to calm myself down.

After he voiced some formal introduction, he steps aside and I'm left face to face with the King and Queen.

Both of them have darker brown hair and from what I can tell, green eyes and honey beige toned skin.

The exact same as mine...

She's wearing a purple gown with darker detailing while he is wearing a mixture of blues and gold. And while their appearance gives off a strange sense of comfort, their expressions don't read anything other than pure shock.

Do they know...? Do they...? Are they...?

What do I say? What do I do? Am I supposed to...?

I eventually lift up my hand to wave, feeling a wobbly smile appearing on my face, but that hand drops again when the Queen slowly starts walking closer to me.

I think... I think they know...


"H- Hi..." I wanted to say more, I was going to say more, but 'Hi' was all I needed.

After what felt like a minute of examination, the Queen pulled me into her arms and secured me in her embrace. I was shocked at first, because it caught me off guard, and that I wasn't quite familiar with the feeling it was giving me. So it took me a while to hug back.

But I did.

I felt warm, protected and comfort on a brand new level. It made me think back to the old books I'd read, where the main character would eventually reunite with their family after being away for so long, and they spoke about the first breath, the way when your home it feels like you finally breath, like all you needed was the air of home.
I never understood it before, I didn't understand how they couldn't breathe while they were gone, even though they were with new people and taking part in exciting adventures for however long they were away. I could never believe they wanted to go back home.

But I get it know. I understand now.

I can feel tears welling up in the corner of my eyes, and I don't hesitate to let them fall.


This is what home feels like...

Eventually, the king, or should I say my dad, approached up and joined in the hug too, and I felt a small puzzle piece snap into place. One of the ones I never knew I was missing, due to the puzzle being so large and overly complicated.

It felt like hours had passed before we all pulled apart, but I know that it was only a couple of minute, I was choosing to ignore the facts. My mind was telling me to be casual and smart about all of this, but my heart was glowing gold, which seemed to outshine any other thought of feeling besides joy.

"Our daughter... your finally home." My dad said in a quiet, breathless voice. I light my smile brighten.

But then the moment looses its colour.

"What the actual fuck?"

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