Wolfs Bane - 4

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After what we found out thanks to Danny, the three of us, Stiles, Derek and I, drove down to the hospital. I would have preferred going with Derek by ourselves since Stiles had a game, but he came anyway. 

"Did you get the picture?"  Scott asked through the phone. He finally managed to steal Allison's necklace. It was a small bronze looking pendant with a wolf as the emblem. 

 "Yeah, I did." I told him as I examined the picture. "It looks just like the drawing." It was definitely a wolf. 

Derek grabbed Stiles hand and thrusted the phone to himself.  "Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something-- an inscription, an opening, something." 

"No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing." Derek scowled in anger. I sighed and looked down at my tattoo. Kind of wishing it gave me some sort of psychic connection to her so I can understand why she was looking into a damn necklace. If it doesn't open and there is no inscription what the hell is so special about it? 

 Scott spoke to Stiles. "And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line." 

"Where the hell is Bilinski???" yelled out an exasperated Coach from behind Scott. 

"Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start." 

Stiles sighed. "I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him...tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks." 

He cut the call and Derek looked forward with a shake of his head. "You're not gonna make it." 

"I know." Stiles said with a sigh. 

"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either." 

 "Not 'til we find out the truth." 

Derek nodded unconvincingly. "By the way? One more thing..." 

Derek grabbed the back of his head and slammed him against the steering wheel, surprising even me. "Derek!" 

Stiles groaned in pain. "Oh, God! What the hell was--" 

"You know that was for." Derek accused. Ah yes, using him to get Danny to hack for us. But come on that was funny. "Go. Go!" Derek ordered irritated. I laughed when Stiles slammed the door shut and stormed to the hospital doors. 

"Hey we never would have been able to get Danny to hack the phone without you getting shirtless." I teased as I made my way to the drivers seat. Plopping next to Derek. 

Derek muttered under his breath. "I think we would have managed."

I shook my head. "Why do you think Laura was looking into a necklace?" 

Derek shrugged. "I thought you would know. She was living with you." 

"Yeah but she never showed me anything." I looked at the picture of the necklace. "I just don't get it." None of this is adding up. Stiles called about a minute later. I answered and put him on speaker. "Did you find her?" 

"No." Dammit. "You can't find her?" Derek questioned. "Yeah, I said I can't find her." 

"Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after our uncle." I told him. Jennifer had to know everyone in that hospital. "Yeah, well, he's not here, either." 

What? I looked at Derek with a frown. "What?" Derek questioned confused for the both of us. 

"He's not here. He's gone." We exchanged glances of pure shock. Oh my god! It was Peter. He can't go anywhere in his nearly catatonic state. He's the only other werewolf in town. 

"Stiles, get out of there right now!" I yelled into the phone as Derek and I hurried out of the jeep. "It's him! He's the Alpha! Get out!" 

I cut the call and slipped the phone in my pocket as Derek and I ran to the hospital, pushing through the front doors. I began to worry for Stiles as we ran to go find him. We found him standing in the middle of Jennifer and Peter. 

Derek hit nurse Jennifer with his elbow, knocking her out cold on the floor. God I never liked her. 

I stood next to Derek and glared at Peter, who stood on his two feet and a very expensive looking coat. It was shocking to see him standing, standing and looking fully healed. We were just here a few days ago, he wasn't even speaking back then or moving. His face was still burned. Now it's like I'm staring at some stranger. 

"That's not nice." Peter scolded. "She's my nurse." He feigning offense. 
"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." I retort. 

"Stiles might wanna get out of the way." 

"Oh, damn..." Stiles muttered, ducking and crawling away. 

"You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?" Peter questioned as he took steps towards us. It suddenly clicked. Why he killed her. He killed her to get her energy, fix himself up. Shame that's not going to last. Derek and I growled at him, our eyes changing color, fangs and claws sprouting. 

Derek threw himself at Peter first, but Peter grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. 

Oh hell no! I ran up and dug my claws onto Peters shoulders. As deep as I could and once I had him secured I pulled hard and threw him against the wall and away from Derek. 

Peter gained his balance and growled at me, I growled back as he lunged, grabbing both Derek and I by our throats. Since he was the alpha, and well I am a 16 year old werewolf my strength was nothing like his. He throwed us both against the floor as Stiles scurried off. 

I groaned from the pain in my back as Peter grabbed Derek by his throat and me by my arm and started dragging us down the hall. I squirm and kick trying to get away from him. 

"My mind, my personality, were literally burned out of me." He told us. Is he really trying to explain his reasons for killing Laura? "I was being driven by pure instinct." 

He dropped us on the ground and I stumbled as I stood up. 

"You want forgiveness?" I questioned in disbelief with a scowl, when he turned around I punched him square in the face and ducked when he lunged back. He missed my face and got Derek instead, headbutting him making him stagger back. 

"I want understanding." Peter kicked me in the stomach sending both Derek and I tumbling to the ground since Derek was behind me. "Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years?"

I grunt as I lay facedown on the cold hospital ground, lifting myself up by my elbows. "If you have a complaint drop if off in the complaint box!" 

Derek looked at me if I lost my mind. "Get out of here. Tell Andi." I nodded even though I didn't want to leave him. Peter killed Laura, I don't need him killing the only other cousin I have. 

"Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an Alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that." I want to yell at him, yell at him for everything. Yell at him for biting Scott, yell at him for killing Laura, I want to yell at him for everything. Derek beats me to it,  shooting up and lunging at him, giving me a chance to escape, crawling away. 

"I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." Warn us my ass. 

I ran outside, almost limping. Stiles hurried to me, grabbing me before I could collapse on the floor. "Are you okay?" He asked as I held onto his forearms and he helped me to the car. 

"Not really." I muttered with a groan at my bruised body. Stiles started the car and started driving to the school. I pulled out my phone to call my parents and groaned in annoyance when I saw it was cracked. It was more then cracked it was crushed. Dammit! 

"Stiles I need your phone." I ordered, he pulled it out and I took it. I dialed my parents numbers. "This is the Hale house.

"Dad!" I exclaimed. "Isabelle? What is it?" 

"I know who the alpha is." 

"What? Who?" Moms voice came from next to him. I paused. This was going to shatter her. She grew up with him, he's her brother for gods sake. I don't think she would believe me, but I wouldn't lie about something as big as this. Part of me still didn't believe it. Peter was the cool uncle, now...now he's the psychotic uncle. "Mom...it's uncle Peter" 

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