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It's quiet and peaceful, so much so that Derek doesn't register that they have a visitor before they're already knocking on the back door. He kicks his chair back, suddenly alert because there's an unknown werewolf on his back porch. "Who... How?" Stiles utters, frowning at the door in confusion. Through the screen door the blurry features of a female werewolf with dark, short hair are visible. Derek knows that whoever it is can't have bad intentions, because the wards Stiles has put up around the house would have alerted them to that. Still, he can't help but warn Stiles to be cautious when the young man gets up to open the door. "Cristina? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in..." He gulps and Derek follows his gaze to the young woman's feet, where there's a maxi cosi with a small child in it. "Eighteen months?" The woman answers blithely. "Sounds about right."***Sterek fanfiction - 13 chapters - updating daily…