Okay another one
1) Dynamax/Gigantamax
Is it even safe to have a giant pokemon battle in a stadium with millions of people? They could go on rampage, you know. Plus, won't the moves hit people, or the debris eg max strike?
2) Dark type gym
According to Piers, people rarely challenge the Dark type gym, but dun you need all your badges to challenge semi finals and finals? If so, why can people not challenge this gym and yet go to the semifinal. However,the gym badge still exists, and it's part of the entire thing.
3)Dynamax dens
What on earth even is in there? There are literally storms, giant pokemon, rocks, clouds, purple mist etc. How does a den with such a small hole have such a big place.
4) ways thru the wild area
Some spots are capable of jumping onto, leaving, etc. Others have raNDOM ROCKS BLOCKING OUR WAY Excuse me?!
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