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Try to draw everything that comes to your mind. 5 minutes a day into a notebook. Sure, yeah, just draw those shapes when you close your eyes. Draw those dots in the middle of the page. Draw that bicycle that you wanted when you were 9. Draw the bubblegum spread on your best friends face. Draw the rocks that fell from your shoe. Draw the smile you made when you hid from the cops with your best friends when you were 16. Draw the marks on your pillow when you finished crying over a boy. Draw the garbage can overflowing with your broken thoughts. Draw the iPod you used when you listened to Twenty One Pilots for the first time. Draw the hearts over a name when you were first crushing over a new boy. Draw his fingers over the guitar when he first serenaded you. Draw the rose dying in the vase. Draw your old report cards full of B's. Draw the sunglasses you were tempted to steal for your best friend on their birthday after you got fired from your job and couldn't afford them. Draw the cash register from your new job. Draw the tears from your best friend after they broke up with a boy that you didn't like anyway. Draw the smile you made when you were finally moving away from your parents. Draw the bags under your eyes when you felt exhausted from college. Draw the excitement in your eyes when you finally graduated. Draw the door to your new studio apartment. Draw the phone you used to call your parents for help and advice. Draw the clock that seemed to take its time at your new job. Draw the rose he gave you on a date. Draw the keys you gave to him to your apartment. Draw the plate of burnt pancakes that he tried to make you. Draw the window that you stared out of when you lost your job. Draw the plane tickets to your best friend a few states over. Draw her boyfriend's dog's ears. Draw the love in her eyes when she looked to him. Draw the sadness you felt on the plane ride back home. Draw the fear in his eyes when you said he wasn't the one. Draw the empty apartment when you sold everything. Draw your crumpled resume when you just couldn't get a new job. Draw the broken image you saw in the mirror. Draw the broken mug you dropped one Sunday evening. Draw the desk that your new boss sat at. Draw the cubicle you worked at, and idolized. Draw the Christmas tree at your best friend's house, draw the engagement ring she got as a present. Draw the tinder profile you made. Draw the signs you passed in the streets. Draw the maternity pants that your best friend wore. Draw the text message you got saying You're a god mom! Draw the hopelessness you felt after you got home from another failed first date. Draw the water cooler in the empty office after staying in for another extra shift. Draw your boss' sad smile when you said that you were leaving. Draw your empty apartment again. Draw your mother's dinner table. Draw your new apartment door, beside your best friend's. Draw your best friend's baby crib. Draw the motivation you felt at your new start here in this new town. Draw the comfy bed you didn't want to leave to go to your new job. Draw your new colleague that looks really pretty. Draw her eyes that you wanted to stare into. Draw the shoes that your best friend's baby used to have their first steps. Draw the tears in your best friend's eyes when the baby said mommy. Draw your best friend's husband look longingly at your best friend when she isn't looking. Draw the longing in yourself when you wanted that too. Draw your date's stain on his sleeve. Draw the way he smiled to you. Draw the tea you accidentally spilled that he helped you clean. Draw the way he winked to you before he left your doorstep. Draw the text message that your pretty colleague sent you to ask to help her move to a new apartment. Draw the road it took to get to your pretty colleague's apartment from your own. Draw the happiness you felt inside when you worked with your pretty colleague. Draw her blonde hair in the sun after you two went out after work together. Draw her lips that you stared at too long. Draw her smile when you couldn't get your words out quite right. Draw the phone you stared at, hoping for a text message. Draw your boyfriend's sad eyes. Draw his tears that he wouldn't let fall when you said you just weren't happy with him. Draw the way you thought your heart looked after he had left. Draw the toys that your best friend's child left at your house when they camped over. Draw the picture they drew you that's on your fridge still. Draw the hole in the wall that you left when you were frustrated. Draw the uneasiness you felt when you realized something about yourself. Draw the office chair that you twirled around in with your pretty colleague. Draw the bar stool that you sat at with your pretty friend. Draw the sadness in your own eyes when you saw a guy hit on your pretty friend. Draw the long text message you sent to your friend after you missed a few days of work. Draw the heart emoji you put by their name that you were sure they'd never see. Draw the excitement in your best friend's eyes when you told them you like someone. Draw the smile your pretty friend made when they accidentally saw the heart emoji that you put by their contact name. Draw the way she looked at you, like you looked at her. Draw the dog that she stopped to pet when you went out on a walk with her. Draw her gorgeous green eyes again. Draw the extra chair that your best friend had to pull out to accommodate your pretty friend when they came over to have dinner with you and your best friend's family. Draw the kiss you shared in your best friend's bedroom that you both accidentally wound in. Draw the way she pulled you closer for that kiss. Draw the way you both left your best friend's house to leave to your own. Draw the smiles you both shared when you went to work. Draw the surprised look in your best friend's eyes when you said you were dating a girl. Draw the way she smiled and said good. Draw the couch you cuddled on with your pretty girlfriend. Draw the blanket you put on both of you when she accidentally fell asleep. Draw the way she looked at you in the dark when you cuddled on her bed. Draw curtains that were thin enough to let light in so you could see your pretty girlfriend so early in the morning. Draw the new door of the new apartment you got together. Draw her messy bedhead after you both woke up from a fun night. Draw the grilled cheese she made you for lunch once. Draw the teddy bear that your best friend's child hugged when it went to sleep in your apartment as you babysat them while your best friend was out. Draw the way your pretty girlfriend played with your best friend's child. Draw your refrigerator that now has two pictures from your best friend's child. Draw the pencil that your pretty girlfriend used to write you a love letter. Draw the olive that she didn't have with her drink at the nightclub. Draw the tingles you felt on your skin that she held tightly. Draw the love you felt in your eyes when you looked at her. Draw the heart you felt inside of yourself that just kept getting bigger. Draw the bed that you and your pretty girlfriend loved to cuddle on. Draw the notepads from work that you scribbled her name on constantly. Courtney.

Wait... No, don't draw that. That's from my notebook, draw something else.

This was just a thought.

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