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She'd been my best friend. So I'd been cheating her out right?

I really like her.

Haha, no, I've felt this feeling long enough to know it's stronger than liking. I believe I love her.

Sometimes I know she knows it too. Beyond all platonic, friendship laws. Sometimes she looks me in my eyes, in the middle of the night and she knows. When I stay the night in her bed. She knows.
Sometimes when she gives me a puff of her own blunt. She has to know. I won't be able to tell her so she has to know.

She's really touchy. She loves to give me hugs. She often wraps her arm around me and grabs my forearm to get my attention. She doesn't like to let go either. I think that's where my feelings seemed to start. Once she held my hand through a movie because something scared her and she didn't let go because it might happen again. I didn't have a problem with that, and sometimes I wish something else scared her like that again. Not a lot of things scare her and sometimes I think she pretended that the thing from the movie scared her.

Her name is Olivia. I sometimes call her Olive but I don't really like the actual food olive. I really like her however. I wanted to bring it up to her once but the second part of it requires me to tell her that I like her, and I don't think I'm ready to say it yet.
It's funny, because at what point would I be ready to just tell her? I think people who say 'I'm not ready' have to understand that because of the sentence, there has to be a point in time where you are ready. People who argue that 'I'll never be ready' are just ill-prepared. They're probably thinking low of themselves.
I feel like with how much I rambled about that, Olivia and I would've had a great conversation about it. I wish I can be ready to tell her soon.

I think she really knows that I like her. I think she likes me too. Today she was talking to me, starting off with: Courtney, I have to tell you something serious. I really like-
And then we got interrupted. The way she was looking at me and the importance of the topic to her really makes me think that she was going to say that she liked me.
I'm going to take it as a sign for me to tell her if she doesn't bring it up again. I think I truly am ready to say it.

I couldn't say it. I brought us to a private room today so that I tell her but I stumbled in my words. It was all okay though, because she said it instead. She likes me.
And then I kissed her. I couldn't tell her that I liked her but at least I was able to kiss her instead.
I won't get into details about the majestic Courtivia kiss because you can find many different descriptions about kissing from all over. It was great though. That's all I'll say about it.

Maybe this is an underwhelming story. Like great that we're together and all, but somewhere, it feels like just another romance from a million movies.
It's almost, boring.

Okay, we greet each other in the morning, kiss each other on the cheek and then we work on whatever. Hang out during breaks, hold hands because we're so scandalous. Then we say goodbye at the end of the day, kiss on the lips and goodbye.
I mean, once she came over to my house. It wasn't like the other times, when she came over as a best friend. Things are different. Now she's my girlfriend and things are different. Things are just different.

Today I decided to see if I can change things even a little bit between us. See if I can make things not boring. Maybe it's harsh to think it's boring. I mean I've been dreaming of being able to kiss her. Maybe I just didn't dream for beyond that. I think we should all be responsible for backup dreams.
Anyway, today I brought us to a private room. Just like the time when we told each other that we liked each other. I brought us in there and Olivia looked at me and I saw something her eyes. She looked so happy, to just even be there with me. It made me happy. It made me regret calling our relationship boring.
Back to my original plan, I kissed her. But then it wasn't just a kiss. As sheepish as I can make it, we made out. I just wanted to get us a step further. I also realized something as I was there, still snogging.
I just enjoy her company. I wasn't thinking about it before. I wasn't focusing on Olivia's actual company, more so our actions. It's never boring as long Olivia's there with me. That's all I need.

When in doubt, take them to a private room and make out for a few minutes.

This was just a thought.
Courtivia is my OTP, and welcome to the one shots!
My own favourite chapters of the book are marked with a * by the title.
(Ex. Title*)

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