IKEA Rampage pt. 2 (Saskatchewan and co.)

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*3rd POV*

Ontario groggily opened his eyes to try and figure out where he was. Last he remembered, he was making waffles with Yukon beside him, before he felt a big thump on his head and blacked out. He could tell, without his eyesight, he was sitting on a chair somewhere. Once his eyes started working, he saw a bunch of candles around him.

"The hell is all this?" he thought. "A fucking ritual???"

His arms were tied around the chair fairly tightly, though not tight enough that he couldn't break it. But he hesitated on breaking them as he didn't know who had taken him. Better yet, why. He hadn't pissed off anybody lately... at least he thought so.

_____The night prior______

Nunavut had a hankering. And it wasn't for maple taffy, as she had eaten two tons of that the other day and her guts just weren't having it. She wanted to prank one of her siblings. She didn't want to do it to one of her super old siblings, because then it'd be no fun since they'll just roll their eyes and tell her to grow up. No one to prank that's younger than her, as she is the youngest. 

So she figured that the best idea was to go for one of her middle eldest siblings. PEI could work, but he's a bit bitchy so he'll probably just go tell on her to Canada as soon as she steps foot in his room. Alberta... no, she's scared of absolutely nothing...

Then suddenly, she had it. Saskatchewan.

"Yukon!" she yelled. "Yukon, wake up!"

Nunavut thought she saw movement for a second and started to get excited before...


She sighed, realizing this was gonna take a team effort to wake him up. But that person who helps wake up Yukon could also help her! Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

"Ay?" he said in response. Nunavut and Northwest Territories have always been ride or die since Nunavut was born, so he was always ready to help her whenever she needed it.
"Can you help me wake up Yukon? I've got an idea."

Northwest somehow was able to wake up Yukon, getting a lazy (and not very strong) punch to the shoulder. He was pretty sure Yukon intended to hit his face but just gave up halfway.

Nonetheless, lazy punch or not, Nunavut started to tell them her idea.

"So, we grab a bunch of her hair things and glue them to the top of the mirror, but she's too short so she can't get 'em! That would be good, right?"
"NaNa... how would we reach them? We're all short."
"Uhhh, a ladder? I mean, we could-"

She was suddenly interrupted by yelling from the other room. The trio shared a confused look before realizing that it was SK who yelled.

They went to her room only to find the door was cracked slightly. They could see SK staring angrily into the sky, as Alberta slept on her bunk.
"This is my story! Let me be the narrator!"

The trio was confused once more, before they heard a voice come from nowhere saying,
"Come on!"

Nunavut looked at Yukon and asked,
"Is she allowed to do that?"
Yukon just shrugged and looked back at SK who had just yelled, 'Fine!'

SK then jumped into nothingness and disappeared. The three jumped back in surprise, and Northwest went into the room and looked to see where Saskatchewan went. She had just disappeared. They weren't sure how to get her back, and figured they could try talking to the narrator just as SK had. To their dismay, they got no response from past narrator.

Well, the past narrator isn't going to help them but current narrator was! The current narrator transported the trio to a little ways away from where SK was. An IKEA in Quebec.

"uhhhhhhh thanks" Yukon said, confused and concerned.

They watched (and laughed) as SK went into the store, who was rubbing her head from smacking it into the door. They then followed her, this time opening the door, unlike SK, and tried to discreetly go where she was going. They wanted to know how she could talk to the Narrator, better yet, WHY is she going to IKEA?

As quietly and discreetly as they could, they slowly walked behind SK as she looked around the store. Two of them were succeeding at following her, but one was getting distracted an awful lot.

First, Nunavut saw plushies and wanted to go and hug them, only to get pulled back by Northwest.
Second, she saw a bouncy couch and almost succeeded in jumping on it, before Yukon grabbed her by the shoulders and put her infront of him.
Third, she just didn't want to follow SK anymore and almost went and tapped her on the shoulder, before getting RKO'd into a mattress by her brothers.

There are many more examples of her just floating over to something she likes and getting pulled back by her brothers, but they aren't as mentionable.

They watched as SK took six 10 pack candles, plus another 10 pack with one taken out.
Yukon seemed to have gotten the joke, and tried to stifle his laughter.
Northwest just rolled his eyes, thinking she was going to put it by a bed or something.
Nunavut was too young to understand, and the topic was quickly changed once she started asking questions.

Northwest then got a terrible idea that would have their father yelling at them for days. He quickly pulled Yukon aside and said,
"I need a cart."
"You saw Saska get sixty nine candles, right?"
"And you also know about how Ontario is a big dick?"
"That's his main personality trait. Continue."

He then told him his idea to give Ontario six-thousand, nine hundred and sixty nine candles (6969) and lock him up with them. It was Northwest's revenge for when Ontario called him a whore. Who's the whore now when he has 6969 candles?

Yukon went to go get him a cart, but spotted SK in the restaurant and quickly had to hit the deck so he wouldn't be spotted. He decided to take some pictures so he could tell his other siblings about what she was doing later. He also took pictures of all the candles, again, so he could show his siblings.

Once they got all the candles in the cart, they decided it was time to teleport back home. Saskatchewan had teleported elsewhere anyway, so it wouldn't be as interesting for them. After they got back (with the help of present narrator), they needed a way to get him out of the room so they could set up the candles properly.

Yukon decided the best idea was to wake him up because he "needed help making waffles." He wasn't sure if Ontario would buy it since they all know how to do that, but it seemed to work. As Yukon and Ontario went to the kitchen, Northwest and Nunavut set up the candles. It was going perfect.

At least, until their dad woke up.

"What are you doing? Surely you can wait for breakfast?" he said groggily.
"Yukon wanted my help. I dunno why," Ontario said.

"I..." Yukon could tell he was about to get in trouble so he quickly spat out, "Saska broke the 4th wall and went to IKEA."

"Uhhhhh, I have pictures."
He then showed Canada the pictures of SK in the restaurant, looking at the food in the dark and yelling into nothingness before disappearing.

Canada then went to yell at SK as the rules he'd previously put in place explicitly said not to break the 4th wall. He was suspicious of how Yukon got the pictures, but decided to address that after.

Once Ontario turned his back and Canada left for the twins' room, Yukon silently prayed that Northwest and Nunavut were done and bonked Ontario on the back of his head with a frying pan, Tangled style.

Thankfully, Northwest and Nunavut were just barely done so they were able to get Ontario in the chair. After they tied him to the chair, they lit all the candles and closed the door, giggling at how mad he'd be.

Now that you're all caught up, let's go to present time.


Ontario could tell he was in his own room and could hear his family outside so he figured it'd be okay to break the rope and get out. His head hurt badly, and he felt all light headed, but figured he should figure out what the hell happened.

He was able to break the rope, though it was a bit harder due to him not feeling well. He tried to stand up, but almost fell over and had to use the chair as support. His dizziness was going to make breaking out of his room difficult because he had to step over allllll the candles. He couldn't tell exactly how many, but there were well over a hundred.

Somehow, (as the narrator, I don't even know how cause I turn into Jello when I'm lightheaded) he was able to step over the candles without losing his balance and open the door. When he came out, he found a random-ass pink couch infront of SK and Alberta's room, with SK, Alberta, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, and Nunavut sitting on it while looking at a phone and laughing.

"Wha-What happened?" Ontario asked, incredibly confused.
The territories then told him about how they followed Saskatchewan to an IKEA and stole 6969 candles purely to spite him. They also talked about how they knocked him out and how they helped SK set up the couch (obviously, after Canada finished yelling at her and subsequently the territories for following SK).
Saskatchewan told him about how she broke the 4th wall and went on her "IKEA rampage", looking for plant balls to yell dishonor on.

Ontario was completely speechless.
1, at how they'd all done that in one night.
2, how they had pictures of everything that happened. Yukon proudly claimed ownership of said pictures.
And 3, at their confession of how they want to do it again.

You'd better bet Ontario slept with one eye open for the next few nights.


BOOM part 2

So funny-ish story: I was at my grandparent's house today and so was my aunt and her spawns
My aunt and her family are a different religion which is totally fine but they're kinda pushy about it
Pushy as in my 8yo cousin said "You don't know God and you're going to hell" cause I'm not the same religion
Like, okayyyy I saw you make your barbies and kens naked so they'd "make more babies" but okayyyy

Anyway, I hope this was good
I tried to parallel part 1 in this so it seemed more accurate but it was also kinda random lol

Also, for those of you who are in the US, I hope you have a good time at the solar eclipse on Monday and see you around!


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