CH-3: Break

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3rd Person's POV:

Hyunjin vibed with the music playing. He was currently at a birthday party, with his friends, except Minho and Felix. He soon spotted his two friends walking towards the others. "Hey!!" He cheered and then hugged Minho and the Felix along with the others.

"Ahh! You missed how Jisung slipped and fell in front of Aera's mom." Changbin laughed while telling him about it and pointed at Jisung, who hid his face behind Aera, and the girl was laughing as well and gave Changbin a high-five. "Wait! Are you my girlfriend or his? Why are you supporting him?" Jisung pouted and whined to Aera.

"Because he is my favorite Oppa." She said, making Changbin cheer in happiness. "Okay, now stop being lovey-dovey and Aera come with me. I want to hang out with you. Ever since you started dating him, you didn't give me time." Eunji pouted and whined. Aera chuckled and then kissed Jisung softly on his forehead and went away with her friend to where Jia and Minju were.

Jisung was eyeing her every movement like a lovestruck puppy. Hyunjin shook his head and his gaze landed on Minho, who was talking to Minyoung, his girlfriend on the phone. And then Felix, who was texting Heeji, his crush. He again shook his head and tched. Now the others looked at him. "How can you guys commit to someone?" He chuckled, making some of them scowl.

"Being single is the best thing." He said and relaxed. He winked at the girl who was eyeing him, and she looked away, flustered. "You get to do whatever you want to do." Chan shook his head and poured himself a drink. "Well, it is true that you can do anything you want to do. But I think committing to someone isn't bad if the person is right. You should never let good opportunities slip away."

Hyunjin scoffed. "But I pushed the right person away. And now I'm suffering because of them. No thanks, no committing for me." Now everyone's attention was on him. Hyunjin pushed someone away? And is afraid of committing to someone? This doesn't sounds like him.

"Who was it?" Seungmin questioned taking note that alcohol has started to kick in his system and now they can try to get some information out of him. Hyunjin snapped his head at him. "I'm not telling you the name! You would make fun of me." Seungmin sighed and the others also shook their head that they won't be knowing about this person.

"But I can tell you she was beautiful." He looked at the ceiling, smiling softly at the thought of the small girl he met in middle school. "Shy." He recalled how introverted she was and had a lot of trouble in making any conversation longer that 30 seconds. "Cute." He giggled when he remembered how her confused face would look with those big round glasses, how her cheeks puffed when she ate and laughed. "Perfect in my eyes."

Hyunjin was lost in the memories of his first love but the some were looking at him weirdly and some with confusion. "We all met when we were in middle school, how come he liked someone, but never told anyone of us?" Chan said wondering and Minho nodded. "Yeah. There were so many girls around him, that is why we didn't get to know whom he had a crush on."

"Hyung, what happened next?" Jeongin asked him carefully and Hyunjin suddenly started to cry, alerting the others. "Then she left me." He sobbed. "It was my fault, I hurt her because of some reasons but I tried to confess and make it up to her. I was a kid back then and my image in other eyes was my top priority. Although it seems nothing but childish to me now, but I was stupid back then. I thought she would be a bad image for me, and I hurt her. I tried to confess and apologize, but she left me forever. She left me and my world forever."

Hyunjin broke down and his friends looked at him shocked. They all scurried to him and hugged him. "D-did she died?" Changbin asked while controlling his own tears. Hyunjin shook his head in a 'no'. "She didn't. My leaving my world means, she left me, this place forever. Her friend told me that she would not return back. I don't even have a way to contact her. Even if I had, she would just hate me." He sobbed and hugged Chan tightly, who rubbed his back soothingly.

"You would meet her. If she is the one the universe has chosen for you, then you would meet her again." Minho patted him. "Hyung is right. And I wish that there would be no barriers between you and her." Felix said and patted his friend. Hyunjin scoffed, "Even if that happens, the family would be the first to separate us." He spat bitterly.

"We would help you, if that happens. We would do anything possible in our hands to get you with your first love." Felix said. "Yes, we would absolutely want you to be happy and we would break the barrier between you and her." Minho smiled making Hyunjin nod, not after throwing both of them a glare.

This small action of him didn't went unnoticed by Seungmin and Jisung. They both looked at each other in wonder, before widening their eyes. Both of them choked on their drink and sprinted away from there, making the other look at them in confusion.

"What happened to them?" Changbin questioned making the others shrug. "Well, whatever happened to them can be dealt later. First let us drag Hyunjin's drunk ass home. It's Saturday, and College is starting from next week." Chan said and stood up while holding on to Hyunjin, who seemed out of his mind and was wobbling.

He looked at Felix and Minho, "Call Aera, Eunji, Seungmin and Jisung and Inform them that I'm dropping Changbin, Jeongin and Hyunjin home. Minho, drop Aera home and bring the other kids at the dorm. Don't be late." He turned and walked away, not before reminding them.

"Don't forget that Iseul is coming to the dorm tomorrow."


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-Hyunjin's Lost Tooth

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