Epilogue- Part V

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This idea came to me after SaeeKatkar  mentioned something like that in the comments of the last chapter..
I wasn't really planning to do anything like this.. but this spiced things up so okay🤣❤️
So this is for you🤣❤️❤️❤️


"I'll pick you up at 12 then." he told y/n on the phone.

"About that" she said, "slight change of plans. Can we meet at 2 instead?"

Jimin and y/n were supposed to go on a little getaway along with Taehyung and Jungkook. They were going to the house in 'In the Soop'. Jimin was euphoric.. He had already instructed Taekook to stay away from both y/n and Jimin and had told them to let them spend maximum time together.

"Why? What happened?" Jimin asked.

"I've got to meet Liam" she said.

As much as he wanted to say this normally, it came out harsher than expected, "what is he doing here?"

If she didn't like his tone, she didn't really show it, "well, he has a connecting flight.. a stopover in Seoul for four hours so he asked if we could meet."

"I could join you" Jimin suggested.

"No, it's okay" she said.

"But I want to." at this point he didn't even care that he was appearing clingy, this guy was literally after Jimin's girl.

"And all of a sudden you like Liam?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"Well, I haven't really met him for quite long." Jimin said.

She laughed, "sure then, why not. Pick me up at 12, we'll meet Liam before leaving."

As promised, Jimin reached outside y/n's apartment by 11:55. She came out wearing casual clothes, shorts and a t-shirt, with a cap- in a mood for vacation. He helped her keep her bags in the car and told her that Taehyung and Jungkook had left already.

Liam had already reached the cafe they were supposed to meet in.
He stood up as soon as they reached, clearly not expecting Jimin. He hugged y/n and shook hands with Jimin, his grip very tight. Jimin gave him a tighter grip.

They sat down, Y/n beside Jimin and Liam in front of them. She seemed very happy to meet Liam. And so did he.

There seemed to be no end to their conversations. Every now and then Liam would tell her how much he had been missing her and how glad he was to meet her after so long and she would smile and hold his hand telling him that she missed him too.

Jimin was feeling so hot and uncomfortable that he just wanted to get out of this place and take y/n along.. or throw Liam out of here. He knew this was toxic behaviour, and even more since he wasn't even dating y/n but he hated that Liam was currently closer to her than he was.

What he hated more was that y/n was completely ignoring Jimin's presence. Almost an hour had gone by without her acknowledging him.

Jimin coughed loudly to get any sort of attention from y/n. When she looked at him, he asked her if she wanted something to eat;

"I'm gonna get coffee for myself, do you want anything?" He asked her while smiling.

"Nah I'm good" she said. When Jimin was about to leave she asked, "well, Liam do you want something?"

Liam looked like he wanted to say something but then he looked at Jimin who was glaring at him, daring Liam to ask him to bring anything for him.

"No, it's okay" Liam said.

Jimin thought it'd be weird for him to sit back down since he had already said that he wanted to get coffee because he really didn't want to leave Liam with Y/n but then he got coffee anyway.

It was almost time for Liam's flight so he was about to leave, y/n hugged him again and wished him luck for his flight. While he was leaving Jimin said, "I hope there's never a need to see you again." under his breath but y/n heard him and raised her eyebrows.

Jimin kept ignoring y/n the entire time he drove to their vacation house. After about half an hour y/n spoke up;

"Well, are you planning to ignore me the entire time?" She asked.

"Well ,you ignored me for over an hour, it's only normal that I ignore you too" Jimin said.

"Stop acting like a baby Jiminah" she said, "I didn't meet him for over a year."

"You didn't meet me for almost three years." He said.

"And I've been spending every second in the past eleven months trying to make up for the lost time." She said, "stop acting like a jealous teenager. You were rude to him."

"I'm not jealous.. he looked like a lovesick puppy in front of you..." Jimin mumbled angrily, knowing very well that whatever y/n was saying was true.

"Yeah right." She said. He saw her rolling her eyes in the mirror.

"Stop rolling your eyes at me" Jimin said.

"I will roll my eyes at you." She said and rolled her eyes again.

Jimin stopped the car towards the side, turned to face her, looked at her right in the eyes and asked, "you wanna say that again?"

She looked at him, trying to act hard but gulped. Tried to say something but let out just a shaky breath.

Jimin's gaze softened, he looked from her eyes to her lips;

Should I? I want to kiss her so bad.. but what if I ruin whatever we have going on? And what if she hates me forever after that...I shouldn't take a chance.. but then.. I would leave for a year next month right after we disband.. and then I'll be left with only regrets for one full year.. should I ? I'm scared..

While Jimin was lost in his thoughts, y/n kept searching his face.. looking down from his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes;

"Fuck this" she said and kissed Jimin without warning.

Jimin was taken aback for a second, unsure of what was happening, but then without wasting any more time he kissed her back.
She held his arm for support as she leaned more and more into the kiss. Jimin leaned in too, deepening the kiss when she abruptly broke it and held Jimin's chin gently.

"Stop acting like a jealous baby, I'm not going anywhere" she said and looked at Jimin's face, clearly amused.
Jimin's cheeks, ears and nose had turned beet red as he smiled shyly.

For five continuous minutes, neither of them said anything about the not-so-sudden sudden kiss.
Jimin was so shaken up by it that when y/n offered to drive, he gladly gave the wheel to her.

He was just looking at her drive, thinking of something to say, he still had goosebumps all over, his skin still very sensitive from where she touched him, "you know, I've been wanting to kiss you for very long-"

"Shut up" she said, "little baby"  he saw her bite her lip to prevent herself from smiling, but ended up smiling anyway.. she too, was blushing.

Jimin smiled the entire way, one line replaying in his head, 'I'm not going anywhere.'

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