Epilogue- Part II

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I should've probably posted this chapter before but I guess part one gave more or less an overview.. so it's okay..

This chapter would basically cover the reactions of the people close to Jimin and y/n.

Dont forget to vote and comment lovelies.. (I will shamelessly ask you to make some noise in the comments.. thank you🌝😚)💜


Jungkook was feeling immensely euphoric looking at y/n and Jimin trying to make conversation. They almost looked like the y/n and Jimin from five years ago when it was all new.

They had all gotten wet due to the snow, and y/n had already started sneezing so they had to come back to Taehyung's place.

"I'm not giving three of you my clothes." He whined, pointing at Jungkook, Jimin and y/n.
"Okay maybe to Jungkook because I have to 'woo' him and he's always wearing my clothes ... but not the two of you" he said.

"Fine.. I'm leaving anyway." Y/n announced.

"I'm not gonna come and take care of you again when you're sick" Jungkook said.

"I never asked you to come." Y/n said.

Jungkook pouted, "I'm kidding.. of course I'll take care of you.. but you don't have to go right now in those wet clothes or-"

She sneezed.

"Exactly" Jungkook said.

"Yes y/n" Jimin said, "Taehyung will give us clothes, won't you Tae?" He glared at Taehyung.

"I hate it when you play the 'I'm elder to you' card." Taehyung said and rolled his eyes, "fine.. I was gonna give clothes to y/n anyway.. I would've refused you"

"Shut up" Jimin pushed past Taehyung into his room, "as if half those clothes aren't mine already.. soulmate" he smiled at him.

True enough, Taehyung's wardrobe had a lot of Jimin's clothes because Jimin stayed there quite often, so after showering y/n ended up wearing Jimin's hoodie because it 'fit her better' and not because Jimin threatened Jungkook to casually slide it to y/n...

Of course she noticed it was Jimin's because every so often she would smell it and smile to herself.

"What do you wanna eat?" Jimin asked y/n while sitting down on the couch.

"Nothing at Tae's place... he doesn't have food." she said, sitting opposite Jimin.

Jimin pouted and then regained his composure, "I completely agree with you.. let's order something."

Jimin remembered y/n's favorite restaurant, so he got up, sat beside y/n, showed her the menu and asked her what she wanted to eat.

Jungkook giggled at Jimin's actions and secretly took a picture of the two of them sitting alongside each other. He sent it to the group chat he had with Maia, Eric, Mia and Mrs. L/n and they replied almost instantly;

y/n protection squad

Jungkook: *photo attached*


Mia: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

Eric: I know that's not an old pic.. IM FREAKING OUT AND MY BOYFRIEND JUST WOKE UP




Jungkook chuckled looking at the responses and decided to trouble them a little more.. This group chat was basically made after y/n flew to Korea and it had the people who were closest to her and those who cared about her and would often think about her poor life decisions..and of course, Y/n had no idea.

Mrs. L/n: Jungkook, you know you'll always remain my favorite but if you don't get your ass here in 5 seconds....

Jungkook: I wasn't gonna reply but I love Mrs. L/n and I'm genuinely terrified..

Jungkook: I replied in less that 5 seconds, please don't complete that threat

Mrs. L/n: good, now explain

Jungkook: They're starting afresh

Jungkook: they want to begin again.. as friends.

Maia: wait so..?

Eric: I think I'm missing out on something..

Mia: HE KNOWS???

Eric: yep, that's what I'm missing out on..

Jungkook: yeah.. she didn't tell you??

Maia: NO???!!!


Jungkook: well, food is here.. I promise I'll send a voice note when no one's around. I'm sorry, I'll be back soon

Jungkook didn't break his promise, once they were done eating all of them continued sitting in the living area talking about what they had missed in each other's life..Well, it was mostly Jimin and Y/n talking and Taehyung on the verge of dozing off. So Jungkook excused himself and went to the balcony up front and told everyone everything there was to tell.

Maia: that's...

Mia: so awesome

Eric: I'm crying

Mrs. L/n: oh that's such good news.. no wonder she looks so happy... That smile had been missing from her face.. it's back with Jimin, I'm so happy

Mia: mom is sitting next to me and she's crying

Mrs. L/n: that's because im happy.. and now even you are crying

Mia: that's because I can't see anyone cry in front of me

Maia: that is so unbelievably cute and emotional, I cant believe he remembered the chicken nuggets

Jungkook: do you know the story behind it?

Maia: no

Mrs. L/n: I do.. Jimin told me when he came to surprise y/n a few years back

Jungkook: could you PLEASE tell me?

Eric: okay but- are they like chill with each other now?

Jungkook: yes.. all good

They went on talking about how happy everyone was and how they were sure that Y/n and Jimin were meant to be..

It was after two days that everyone in BTS sat together.. the hyung line had been very busy so when they finally got together Jungkook decided along with Taehyung to reveal their relationship to the members along with the news of Y/n's arrival.

"I have news" he announced, "two actually."

"Did you two finally get together?" Yoongi asked, looking from Taehyung to Jungkook.

"How did you-"

"We're not blind" he snickered, "I'm happy for you."

"Oh my god that is so cute you guys" Hoseok got up and hugged both Jungkook and Taehyung, "I always knew you had something going on."

"Finally" Jin got up and hugged Jungkook, then Taehyung, "I really thought you were gonna let it go.. the way you two are always acting so obvious"

"Who said it first?" Namjoon asked.

"I asked if I could kiss him" Taehyung smirked.

Hoseok aw-ed and Yoongi shook his head, "so cheesy" he said.

"Yes that was after I had been trying to tell him all night but Jimin kept interrupting." Taehyung said.

"Excuse me?" Jimin said, "I didn't even do anything."

"And that brings me to the second news" Jungkook said, "y/n and Jimin are back together."

"What?" Jin jumped up.

"You're like- back back?" Hoseok asked.

"She had vanished for so long- what? I'm confused." Yoongi said.

"So you finally spoke to her?" Namjoon asked Jimin.

"We're not back together.." Jimin said, "we're friends"

"What is going on?" Jin asked.

"Okay allow me to explain-" Namjoon said and went on explaining everything to everyone.

Everyone took it surprisingly well and then hugged Jimin and told him how happy they were for him and y/n.. then they went on praising y/n for being strong and started asking about her.

"Why don't you call her over." Yoongi said, "we havent met her in so long."

"Oh, should I?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah of course." Namjoon said.

"You don't have to ask." Jin said.

"I missed her so much." Hoseok said.

"I'll call her" Taehyung said.

Jimin got up and rushed to the washroom;

"Are you finally gonna take a shower Jiminah?" Hoseok asked while laughing.


"Oh thank god.. you were sweating all over my cushions" Jin said.

"If Jimin's gonna shower because y/n's coming, we should call her everyday as soon as he gets back from working out." Yoongi said.

"I was gonna shower anyway" he said.

"Yeah sure" Taehyung said.

If it is still Valentine's Day in your country, happy Valentine's Day from Jimin ;

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net