Chapter 49

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okay soooo, we're close....

"Are you coming?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not sure" you said, "I might drop by."

"You have to" Jungkook said, "we had to talk to you yesterday but you didn't really get free."

"Okay I'll try. Bye"

You still needed an explanation from Jungkook and Taehyung and apparently they had to talk to you about something very important. On top of that you still weren't sure how to approach Jimin. You had to say so much to him but you had absolutely no idea how to go about it. It felt as if that one night turned your entire life upside down.. if it was in a good way or a bad way you couldn't tell.

You got free from work earlier than you expected and you weren't exactly in a mood to go back home just yet. So you went over to Taehyung's. You knew Jungkook would be there.. they were always together..

You were greeted by a shirtless Jungkook at the door, with his tattoos on full display, "you came!!"

"That's what she said" you said, "I'm glad to see that things are finally moving forward with Taehyung."

"It's not like that-"

"Save it." you said, smirking, "put on some clothes. It's not like I don't like seeing you shirtless but it's cold. Might snow today."

"Oh so you like seeing me shirtless?" he grinned.

"Forget it." you pushed past him and entered.

Yeontan was hopping all around you as you sat down. You picked him up and kept him on your lap.

"Where's Taehyung?" you asked.

"He's taking a shower" Jungkook said, putting on a t-shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry.. were you planning to join him? Is that why you were shirtless?" you asked.

He threw a pillow at you, "no bitch. I slept over here last night. And we had been playing video games all day so none of us got time to shower.. I had just come out and you rang the bell."

"I smell lies." you said.

"Who's lying?" Taehyung asked, a towel wrapped around his lower body and his torso bare.

You sighed, "love the view but it is really cold."

Taehyung flexed his muscles, "I knew you always had the hots for me."

"Hyung that towel is pretty loose" Jungkook said.

"I know you love the view too Jungkookie." Taehyung said, smirking and Jungkook turned red as a tomato.

"Oh yes he does." you said.

Taehyung smirked again, "hey I was gonna wear that t-shirt" he told Jungkook.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook smiled with his bunny teeth showing, "I liked this one more."

Taehyung shook his head, "I'm never giving you my clothes again." and walked back towards his room.

"He's lying, he loves giving me his clothes." Jungkook whispered to you.

"I heard that" Taehyung shouted shutting the door and then opened it again, "I do like seeing you in my clothes though." he said and Jungkook turned red again.


"Are you gonna say whatever you were gonna say?" y/n asked for the tenth time in the past 20 minutes.

"Yes" Jungkook shouted from the kitchen, "but we haven't eaten anything since morning."

"Yo Jungkook, what are you making anyway?" Taehyung asked.

"Hyung you barely have anything in your fridge.. so I'm mixing together whatever I find." Jungkook said.

"That's the perfect dish." Taehyung said, "a mixture of whatever you can find."

"I'm never eating at your place.. ever." y/n said, "I can't afford getting diarrhea"

"Oh please y/n, I don't have expired products." Taehyung said.

"Oh I'm so grateful to you for that." y/n rolled her eyes.

"Hyung remind me to get you some groceries.. you don't even take care of yourself." Jungkook said, still in the kitchen.

"Why do I need to take care of myself Jungkookie? I have you" Taehyung said in a low voice and blushed.

"So whipped....Just ask him out already." y/n whispered to Taehyung.

"No" Taehyung said, "I'm not whipped."

"I'm not blind." y/n said.

"What if he doesn't feel the same?" he asked.

"Can I punch you? " y/n asked.

"Do you think he'll say yes? If I ask him to go on a date with me?" he asked.

"He's too shy to ask you out or he would've done it already." y/n said, "there's no way he's saying no."

"Well.. okay then.. let's get this bread." Taehyung said.

"Oh oh, do it now!!" y/n said, "I'll go out."

"No, stay.. we have to talk to you" he said.

"I'll be back.. I'll take Tannie out for a walk." y/n said, picking Yeontan up.

"He hasn't gone for a walk today.. you could take him.." he said.

"Aye aye captain. Where's his leash?" y/n asked and Taehyung pointed to the leash on the side table, "go get your man."

"Shut up" he hit y/n on the shoulder, then giggled and blushed like a teenager.

"Where did she go?" Jungkook asked as he came out 5 minutes after y/n left.

"Come here" Taehyung patted the empty spot next to him.

Jungkook gave him a confused look but did as Taehyung said, "where is y/n?" he asked again.

"Oh.. um.. she wanted to get some air.. so she took Tannie out.. They'll be back." Taehyung said, "so what did you make?"

"Oh this-" Jungkook looked at his bizarre creation excitedly, "I call it Jungkook's bowl of trash-"

"Where is she?" they snapped their heads in the direction of the door where a very heavily panting Jimin was standing.

"Uh you didn't have to come now.. what happened?" Taehyung whined.

"Hyung? Have you been running?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin waved away their questions, "where is she?" he asked again.

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a small glance, they didn't want y/n to meet Jimin until they told her each and everything.

"Not here" Jungkook said.

"But she was here." Jimin said.

"Nope." Taehyung said, "why would you even guess that?"

"I saw Jungkook's story" Jimin said.

"That was a picture of Taehyungie hyung with Yeontan." Jungkook said, "that's it."

"Aw, you put a picture of me?" Taehyung pouted, "cute."

"Yeah and on top of Yeontan's head was y/n's hand." Jimin said.

Jungkook looked taken aback, "that could've been anyone's hand" he said.

"I know what her hands look like" Jimin said.

"Creep" Taehyung scoffed.

"She literally recognizes us from our butts and I'm the creep?" Jimin asked.

"Fair point." Jungkook said.

"And that's her bag.. over there" Jimin pointed to the bag on the coffee table.

"No.. that's mine" Jungkook said.

"I don't remember gifting you that keychain" Jimin said, "I gave it to y/n." he smiled.

"Why does she still have it?" Taehyung whispered, "as if there aren't more keychains like that" he said loudly.

"Just shut the fuck up and tell me where she is." Jimin snapped.

"Alright fine.. you win" Taehyung said, "she left five minutes ago.. with Yeontan.. they must've gone to the park nearby."

"See, that wasn't so difficult was it?" Jimin asked, "thanks. Bye." he ran out.

"Am I hallucinating or-" Taehyung said.

"Did he really have chicken nuggets in his hand?" Jungkook asked, still looking in the direction of the door from which Jimin just left.

"Okay so I'm not hallucinating?" Taehyung asked, looking the same way.

"Is he really here to make up with y/n?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, considering the fact that he got chicken nuggets-"

"I still don't get it.. why does Jimin hyung always bring chicken nuggets with him whenever he meets y/n?" Jungkook asked.

" I have no idea.. it's some sort of weird ritual of theirs.. they probably run a chicken nugget cult or something" Taehyung said.

"Y/n could do that" Jungkook said, "she does love chicken nuggets a lot."

"Should we follow him?" Taehyung asked, still looking out.

"Totally." Jungkook got up and ran, followed by Taehyung.

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