Chapter 36

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*Okay so I embarrassed myself in front of my favorite professor.. the answer I blurted was immensely wrong..and I friggin knew it.. but I was too nervous because she asked me.. ME OUT OF SO MANY PEOPLE??!! I'm practically in love with her.. but now......*

Also, you guys are so silent.. make some noise....please🥺

"Wait..WHAT?" Taehyung looked at you as if you had murdered somebody, "MAIA'S PREGNANT?"

Thankfully everything was back to normal with Taehyung, everything was natural. It had been almost a week and you guys hung out everyday.. and Jungkook seemed to be the happiest about it.

"You're giggling like a maniac" you told Jungkook.

"Yes and y/n and I are literally hitting each other" Taehyung said.

"Yes that's because I don't have to juggle between the both of you anymore.. one less person to lie" he giggled again, "plus, it's exhausting.. also, I'm just happy to see you two back together."

"Yes she's pregnant" you said.

"Well, whose is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Diego's of course" you said, almost taking offense, "dude, you saw them getting together. Plus the baby is due next month."

"Wow...I need to congratulate them" Taehyung said, "give me your phone."

"Congratulate Eric and Jake while you're at it" Jungkook said.

"Don't tell me. My two favorite gays got married?" Taehyung asked.

"No.. you know how allergic Eric is to marriage" Jungkook said, "they adopted a girl.. and she's the most precious little thing in the world."

"Hey, I'm sure she's adorable but at least cover Tannie's ears when you call someone else a precious little thing" Taehyung covered Yeontan's ears who was peacefully sleeping in your lap.

"He's asleep" you said.

"So what? He can still hear me. Can't you Kim Yeontan?" Taehyung asked and Yeontan actually smiled in his sleep.

"See?" Taehyung now had a smug smile planted on his face, "okay but, WHEN DID THEY ADOPT A CHILD?"

"Some time before I came to Seoul" you said.

"And it's been more than what? Five months since you came?" he asked.

"Six" you corrected him.


"Hyung, you never really stopped talking" Jungkook said.

Taehyung looked down, "I was just making sure y/n didn't miss out on anything."

"Stop acting cute" you said.

"Yes please" Jungkook said, "it's not easy for me" he said, barely audible.. but you heard him and passed a quick smirk.

"Oh but hung, you know what? They named the little angel after Jin hyung" Jungkook clapped excitedly, looking extremely cute with his sweater paws.

"They did what?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes.

"They named her Jina" you smiled, "okay now I miss her.. I'm gonna call them.. I'm calling Maia first, you can congratulate her. And then Eric."

Taehyung asked you to give him the phone because he wanted to surprise Maia.

"Don't scare her.. she's pregnant" you said.

"Yeah don't worry" Taehyung said.

While the phone rang, you couldn't help but think how much of a roller coaster had the previous week been..

From finally accepting that Jimin had a beautiful girlfriend who hopefully loved him and getting your closure (it was weird but you were always looking for closure.. well, hopefully this was should start dating too) to getting Taehyung back in your life. From succeeding a difficult trial in the first go to failing repeatedly in the next part which was supposed to be the easiest.

And the most hectic thing had been the excuses you gave about your encounter with Yeonjun and Taehyun.

"Oh they mistook me as an old friend" you tried to laugh it off, "and I didn't try to clear their doubt because... well.. because they're handsome. haha.

"And it's not like I'm ever gonna see them again right? Haha. And when they did realize, they asked me to leave."

"They didn't even ask you how and why the security let you sneak in?" someone asked, "we literally saw how the security greeted you."

"Yeaaaaa. I'm confused about that too.. I'm not sure why they let me roam around the building." you said and then asked everyone to drop the topic and get back to work. You realized you could always play the 'I'm your boss' card.

After what seemed like ages, Maia picked up;

"I was just about to sleep-"

"HEY MAIA" Taehyung chirped excitedly, "OH MY GOD HOW ARE YOU? AND HOW'S THE BABY? I leave your life for two years and you decide to marry another man? I thought you loved me. Not done" he pouted.

"I knew it was a bad idea giving you the phone" you said as you fought with him to take your phone back.

"LET ME AT LEAST LOOK AT HER" Taehyung said and you stopped struggling.

"You look beautiful.. it's so good to see you" he smiled at Maia.

Maia, however, was frozen in position. At first you thought it was a glitch in the screen but then Diego's face appeared and you realized that she had, in fact, stopped functioning.

"Hi Taehyung, I'm really happy that you're back in y/n's life but please don't say such things to my wife.. I'm certain she still loves you more than she loves me and she might leave me" Diego looked genuinely worried.

You couldn't help but laugh at the man's adorable reaction.

Taehyung let out a hearty laugh, "naw dude, I have no intensions of taking your wife away from you.. I'm fully aware of how much she loves you.. and she definitely loves you more than she loves me. Don't you Maia?"

That seemed to break her trance, "you-um- I- uh- what?"

"You love Diego more than you love me don't you?" he asked, smirking.

Taehyung.. you bitch.....

Maia stared at Taehyung, then looked at the father of her unborn child who was looking at her with pleading eyes and then pouted and kissed Diego.

"Yes, of course I love Diego" she said and Diego relaxed, "but you'll still be my first love" she told Taehyung.

Taehyung laughed again, joined by Jungkook who was enjoying Diego's reactions.

"You need to stop messing with my best friend's household" you elbow butted Taehyung.

"Ow" he said in pain, "okay but back to normal.. how're you guys?"

Maia smiled widely, "I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that you guys are talking again. When y/n told me, I almost screamed in delight but then this little devil kicked me" she pointed to her protruding belly.

Taehyung giggled, "I'm coming to meet the baby soon."

Maia smiled sadly.. sadly? Her eyes looked sad, "yes you should."

Why is she sad? Is everything okay?

You decided to call her later and talk to her. You hadn't really spoken to her in quite long.

"And how have you been Diego?" Taehyung asked.

"Great" he smiled, "it's really good to see you Taehyung."

"But enough about us.. tell us how you've been?" Maia chimed in.

After about thirty minutes, you cut the call and face timed Eric.

He picked up in one ring;

"Please tell me you're finally making me talk to Taehyung? I really can't wait anymore." he said.

"Yeah.. hi Eric. Honestly, do you ever even wanna talk to me?" you said, "plus I wanted to talk to Jina"

"Oh my god KIM TAEHYUNG" Eric shouted.

"Shut up Eric, you'll wake Jina up" you heard Jake.

"Seriously Taehyung, let me have my moment here" you told the guy who had appeared behind you and was frantically waving to Eric.

"HOW ARE YOU ERIC? AND HOW'S JAKE? AND PLEASE SHOW ME LITTLE JINA!!" Taehyung was squealing like a little school girl.

"I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH TAEHYUNG.. AND I'VE BEEN WELL!! AND SO HAS JAKE! AND JINA.. well" he looked back, probably to see his husband.

"Yeah yeah, come on.. you've woken her up anyway" you could 'feel' that Jake was scowling at Eric. But Eric just jumped on the bed and showed everyone Jin and Jake.

"OH MY GOD! SHE REALLY IS THE -" Taehyung started, "wait-" he covered Yeontan's ears, "SHE REALLY IS THE MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE THING"

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