Chapter 20

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Your second anniversary with Jimin was coming up. You wanted to do something for him ,preferably by surprising him with a trip, just the two of you.

But you had been too busy to even begin to plan something. Despite that, you had been trying.

On top of that Jimin had been ignoring you for almost two weeks. He barely spoke to you, avoided video calls, didn't pick up the calls, answered your texts briefly.
In two weeks you had spoken to him for 20 minutes in total. It was immensely annoying.

You had accepted this before agreeing to be his girlfriend. Jimin is a celebrity, a busy person, this was bound to happen but for some reason you kept thinking he was done with you and was ignoring you because he wanted to break up. You kept thinking that you had annoyed him to the point that he wanted nothing to do with you. You felt that you had scared him away by being weird.
So you spent most of your time drowned in anxiety.

If that wasn't enough, all the seven members were ignoring you. EVEN JUNGKOOK!! Maybe it was because they were busy but they won't even tell you where they were, what they were doing, where Jimin particularly was. You had no idea what was going on in their lives.

"Hey Jimin" you were in a particularly romantic mood that day.

"Hey Angel, I'm a little busy, can I call you later?"

But he never did.

This happened almost everyday. So you stopped trying to call him, and texted him instead. The replies were mostly bland.

You did not know what to think of it. Out of 24 hours, you spent 13 hours working. The rest of the time you were worrying about your relationship, you were constantly anxiety stricken.

Ugh, what did I do for him to behave this way?!!!!

"Sooo, what're you doing for your anniversary?" Maia asked.

"Nothing" you replied, not looking at her.

"Why? What do you mean?" She asked.

"He's still ignoring me" you said.

"I'm sure he's not ignoring you" Maia said, "he must be busy or something"

"Yeah I hope so too" you said, "and not because he has finally decided I'm not worthy of the Park Jimin"

"Shut up y/n" Maia said, "have you ever seen how much the boy loves you?"

"Maia, we haven't gone beyond 'hi' in fifteen days." You sighed, "and it's our fucking anniversary in two days"

"Okay first of all, stop overthinking" Maia said.

"Too late" you said, "even Jungkook won't talk to me.. he's supposed to be my friend"

"I'm sure they're just busy" she said.

"Fuck you, I'm going" you left.

You spent the entire next day sulking about how your boyfriend won't talk to you.
You decided not to text Jimin at all. Even on the day of your anniversary you didn't bother wishing him.
You had planned on sitting in your room in pyjamas,  eating ice cream while binge watching The office.

It was all going pretty well, you were crying in the most normal scenes but you realised that was because you felt abandoned by your boyfriend and not because Jim put Dwight's stapler in Jell-O.
But then Jungkook texted;

Jungkook: wyd

y/n: dying

Jungkook: how does it feel?

y/n: fuck off jungkook, don't talk to me

Jungkook: but what did I do?

y/n: exactly, that is the reason. Goodbye

You didn't bother replying to the multiple texts he sent later, you didn't even read what he sent. You just lay on your bed, watching the show.

It felt like nothing could bother you anymore, not even the person who rang the bell at least five times. You knew that you should open the door but you didn't feel like getting up.
When the bell finally stopped ringing you realised your mom would've opened the door.

After a minute or so she knocked at your door;

"Honey there's someone for you" she said, sounding excited.

"Just ask them to go away, I'm not in a mood to hang out" you said, assuming it was either Eric or Maia.

But then the door opened, "I hope you're not naked, I won't mind if you were but your mom's here too" Jimin stepped in and gave you a big innocent smile, "oh you're not naked" he fake pouted.
He was holding a very beautiful bouquet and... chicken nuggets....

Your mom seemed flustered, "I'll let you two be" she left before she could turn redder.

You were too shocked to react to any of this. You were definitely not expecting Jimin to show up in your room. But you still managed to throw a pillow at him which hit him in the face.
"Go away" you shouted and lay back down while covering your face with your blanket.

"You know I won't mind getting under those covers with you right?"  He said and you heard him moving towards you.

He climbed your bed and poked you, "y/n-ieee"
You didn't answer.
"At least let me look at you" he was literally whining, "I've missed your face"

"Well then you should've tried to talk to me" you put emphasis on 'tried'. But you were still under your blanket.

He pushed the blanket off you and you saw him pout. You made a weird face at him.

"Happy anniversary" he said in a baby voice, still pouting.

"Oh is it today?" You rolled your eyes, "I'm sleepy Jimin, good night" you turned the other way.

"Come on now y/n" he pulled you so you would look at him, "I'm sorry"

"I don't understand" you said, "what are you sorry for?" You asked, not even looking at him.

He sighed, "for ignoring you"

You didn't say anything.

He sighed again, "I felt really bad when I couldn't give you time for an entire week-" he started.

"Two weeks" you interrupted.

"So I decided I should do something for you"  he said and you looked up.
He did look genuinely apologetic.
"So I spent the entire next week planning my visit and a special evening for us..  to show how sorry I was and also for our anniversary"

"But no one was talking to me" you said in a low voice.

"I asked them not to, they would've blurted out everything and then spoiled the surprise" he said, "especially Jungkook"

"I thought you wanted to leave me" you said, still not meeting his eye.

He lifted your chin up for you to look at him and you saw how hurt he looked at that.
"How could you think that?" He asked.

You didn't say anything.

"I love you y/n, why would I ever even think to leave someone who makes me so happy, someone who makes me feel alive, someone who gives me more purpose than anything in the world, someone who means everything to me?" He asked.

Okay, I don't deserve this boy. I should dig my own grave and die.

"I'm sorry" you said, almost whispering.

"You don't have to apologise angel" he said, "it is my mistake, I should've spoken to you.. but honestly, I was scared I would spoil the surprise"

"I love you Jimin" you said, "and I'm sorry for thinking that"

"Well, you'll have to go out with me now, or I won't accept your apology" he said, suddenly brightening up.

"You just said I don't have to apologise" you said.

"I changed my mind, come on now" he said.

"Let me change, I'm in a fucking nightsuit" you said.

"You look gorgeous, let's go"

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