Show Choir Peformance

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AN: The gif is from henry danger: The musical and its with henry and charlotte so that's all i could find 😂. Also in the next book there will be a Reader x Henry.  But Henry/Jace normans hair is 😍❤️. But i will explain the story at the end of this chapter. I might make an Author Note chapter so i can explain it more. 

Charlottes POV: 

We wake up to a beeping where the lockdown mode is turned off. Ray and Schouz arrive and Jasper and Henry run and hug them. I fold my clothes and pack my bag.

"You guys were trapped here?!" Ray says.

"We were also sick with food poisoning," I say, packing my things up.

"Oh, that's awful!" Schouz says

"Well, Henry and I gotta get to his house for our online class. We are in show choir so we get to do online classes. 

"Yeah and I am coming too," Jasper says.

"Yes because of our science homework," Henry says.

"I have to work on my novel homework," I say walking to the elevator.

"Well see you guys later." Jasper.

We go up the elevator and walk to Henrys house. Its like 5 blocks but we take a special shortcut.

"Ok let us get logged on to see our online agenda," I say as i set down my stuff on Henrys kitchen counter.

"It looks like for 1st Period Science we have to work on our online lab for the online kids. 2nd period is my free period, 3rd-period gym we have free workout day, 4th period is our lunch, 5th period we have to study for our math test, no study group because only seniors have online classes when in show choir, 6th period honors English I have to read chapter 11, 7th period we have to read about Alexander Hamiton and 8th period we have to practice choreography and maybe vocals." I say.

Our choreography is with the lyrics written down.

Bold= Henry Ittalics= Charlotte Bold and ittalics: Both Underlined = Choreography

Ohh yeah yeah

Char is spun by Henry

The situations turn around enough to figure out    

Charlotte and Henry do a double spin

That someone else has let you down

Charlotte sits on the bench and Henry acts sad with his arm crossed

So many times I don't know why
But I know we can make it as long as you say it

Charlotte jumps off a box into henrys arms

So tell me that you love me yeah

a background dancer brings out a heart and puts it between henry and Charlotte

And tell me that I take your breath away

Henry blows a kiss

And maybe if you take one more then I would know for sure

There's nothing left to say
Tell me that you love me anyway

Tell me that you love me anyway

Char walks alone

Waking up beside yourself and what you feel inside

Henry is walking the opposite way

Is being shared with someone else
Nowhere to hide I don't know why

They both look at each other

But I know we can make it
As long as you say itSo tell me that you love me yeah
And tell me that I take your breath away
And maybe if you take one more than I would know for sure
There's nothing left to say
Tell me that you love me anyway 

A stage dancer blows a confetti cannon with hearts coming out

show me look what we found

  turn it around every day

They both turn around

I can hear what you say

Charlotte puts a hand to her ear

now I know why now we can make it
If tell me that you love me yeah
And tell me that I take your breath away
And maybe if you take one more 

 They walk close as they sing

So tell me that you love me yeah
And tell me that I take your breath away

They dance together and spin around

Maybe if you take one more than I would know for sure

There's nothing left to say

Charlotte looks at henry and smiles
Tell me that you love me anyway

Then they kiss at the end

"Wow! That was amazing!" Jasper says.

"Now I am going to drink some water and work on school homework," I say (It is still charlottes pov)

I work for a couple of hours. We take a lunch break to watch some TV and eat. We watch some Drake and Josh.  But then i return to my online class. Once I'm done, I walk and put my stuff in henrys room. My mom is out of town for business and my dad left us a long time ago. 

"Tell me that you love me. Yeah tell me that i take your breath away." I sing 

"Maybe if you take one more." Henry walks in singing.

"Oh Hey Henry!" I say, Laughing nervously

"Hey, We have to go to school to reherse on the stage." Henry says. 
"Piper just texted me about that. She is going to drive us there." I say.

"GUYS! PIPER IS HONKING THE CAR" Jasper yells from downstairs.

"Coming," Henry says as we walk down the stairs.

At School

While Piper and Jasper do their garden song and train station dance.

I am getting my hair braided by Bianca. She is a hairstyling person backstage for performances and plays.

"I can't believe you and henry are a thing!" Bianca says, Brushing my hair.

"Yea we were at work and we got stuck there for a few days so he asked me to be his girlfriend," I say

"I can't wait to see the show Friday! But that's amazing!" She says, now braiding from my scalp.

"I can't wait to see Drake Parker," I say.

"Oh my gosh! His new song is amazing!" She says, doing the other braid on the right side.

"I know right! But I really like I found a way." I say.

Henry comes in and smiles at me.

"Wow! Charlotte! You look beautiful!" Henry says.

"Isn't she amazing at hair!" I say

"Yes she  is!" Henry says.

Bianca's POV

While Henry and Charlotte did their dance. I thought about them being a thing forever. Friday is the actual show but this is rehearsal. After their dance a bunch of girls congraduate my best friend and some boys congraduate henry.

Henrys POV

The part at the end of the song where i kiss charlotte, When we did it today. The teacher and the other students from our show choir class cheered. Some girls and Piper came up to Charlotte and gave her hugs. Jasper and some other boys from our class gave me bro hugs. I guess everyone is happy that we are dating.

Later after rehearsal, Piper is in the car and Jasper and I are in the Back. Charlotte went out with Bianca to hangout.

Once we get home, Piper goes to her room since she is on a call. Jasper and I hangout and watch Drake and Josh. 

Charlottes POV

Bianca wanted me to hangout with her so we decided to go to her house to hangout. We catched up a LOT! She told me all about Kids in the woods and I told her about school life. She knew about Henrys secret but promised to never say Henry told her when we were 16.

"Wow! Thats crazy! I'm so sorry that you got sick." Bianca says. I told her about how we got sick in the man cave.

"Yeah well I gotta get to henrys house. My mom is on a buisness trip and I have to spend the night at his house." I say

"Well I'll see you on Friday, Maybe tommorow at dress rehearsal ." Bianca says, opening her front door.

"Bye Boo." I say, hugging my bestie

"Bye Char!" She says

I get a text from piper as I was saying goodbye to Bianca               

From Piper🍉❤️ To Charlotte🌺           

Hey Char, Just got here, Let me know when you're ready. But Henry isn't with me because he and Jasper are watching a drake and josh marathon. 

To Piper🍉❤️ from Charlotte🌺

Hey Pipes! Just was getting ready to leave as you texted me

To Charlotte🌺 from Piper🍉❤️

Thats So funny

read 7:00 pm

Charlotte walks to Pipers car and they drive home.

Henry's Pov:

Piper just left to pick up Charlotte while Jasper and I watch the drake and josh marathon. We are watching the episode "Drivers License" .

Charlotte and Piper then arrive together in the house.

"Hey Gentelman" Charlotte says.

"Hey charlotte" We say to her.

"I'm going to order us some Pizza." Says Piper.

"Why?" Jasper asks.

"My parents are out of town with Charlottes mom for buisness and my mom told me that I have to order a pizza." Piper explains.

"Wait how are they gong to watch the show choir music Compettion?" Jasper asks

"Oh they are streaming it live for those who can't see it or for those who travel." Charlotte explains, cuddling close under the blanket.

Later around 8:30, We are enjoying Pizza and watching more Drake and Josh. The episode is where AN: Lets just say the episodes are in random order in the marathon Megan has a boyfriend. It was so funny seeing that Megan looks just like Carly. Like Megan ran away and spencer adopted her and she changed her name to Carly. But Megan was 13 in the last season of Drake&Josh and there's no way she would've ran away because drake would've tried to stop her. Anyway, I'll make a theory later on.

"Well its almost 9:30 and I have In-Person school since i'm a freshman, almost a sophomore," Piper says, walking upstairs.

"I told my mom that I'll be staying the night here and she doesn't care." Jaspe explains

"That's fine but we have to sleep on the floor," I explain, grabbing 2 air mattresses for us.

"Why?" Jasper asks

"Piper and My mom love charlotte as a daughter/Sister and if Piper came in and found Charlotte sleeping on the floor. I'll be In big trouble." I say, putting the mattress down on the side next to the other mattresses.

"Oh, that's true. Piper and Char act like sisters." Jasper says, grabbing some extra blankets from my closet.

"Hey, guys," Char says, walking in and laying her blankets on My bed.

"Hey, Charlotte," Jasper says

"Sup Baby," I say

"Do you mind laying your blankets on the mattress next to the bed?" Charlotte says

"Sure" I say laying my blankets on the matress while charlotte lays her blankets.

"Wanna do some vocal warmups?" Jasper asks

"My throat is kinda sore from that solo at the end of the song." Charlotte explains.

"Do you want some honey water?" I ask her

"Yeah That might help. I''ll be getting changed in here while you and Jasper go downstairs

worriedCharlottes POV

I got ready for bed while henry and jasper went to get honey water ad other stuff. I hear a strange noise by the window. I put my sweats on and look to see who it is. Then i feel a han on my mouth and I scream. 

"Henry! Jasper! Help!" I scream as everything goes black.

Henrys POV

"That was so funny when you were a bucketeer" I say

"Yeah and-" Jasper stops talking because he hears a scream that sounds like charlottes.

"Henry! Jasper! Help!" I hear and then  hear a thud from my room with a muffled scream

Jasper and I look at each other alarmed. "Charlotte!" We say and rush up the stairs.

We open the door and see charlotte tied up with tape on her mouth.

"Char!" I scream, as i untie her and take the tape off her mouth.

"What happened? You ok?" Jasper asks while we help her to sit on the bed.

"Well I was getting dressed and this girl tied me up and said something like, "You will never win with your song! Jaspers Mine!" She says, Jasper and I sit on both sides of her.

"Wait what did she look like? Wait Do you think that Courtney came back and was Jealous? Or Cami did say she was close to someone named Courtney." Jasper says.

"Oh No! Does Courtney think I was with Jasper because I have the same sweats as him and I was talking about Jasper and how he is a great Loyal best friend to us? Piper and i were talking about him over text and she must've saw."

"Let me call Cami and see if she knows the same Courtney that was my ex-girlfriend who hated Charlotte." Jasper says.

"I'm going to Bed" Says Charlotte, getting under her covers. "Wait who stole my fuzzy blanket?" Charlotte asks.

"I may have hehe," I say, handing over the blanket. I steal her blanket whenever I stay at her house if my parents are out with Piper or if we have to study and Piper can't pick me up. But She did always steal my hoodies before we were a thing together.

"Yeah I am going to bed too," I say

"Maybe I can text her." Jaser says

"Texting would be easier,"  I say. Jasper Nods

"I'll be getting dressed," I say, grabbing some pajama pants and going to the bathroom. I take a quick warm shower and change into some blue sweats with a grey shirt. I then brush my fluffy blonde hair and laugh at the little pony charlotte did when we were watching the Drake and Josh marathon. I brush my teeth and face and head into my bedroom where charlotte faces the door side and is sleeping soundly. I smile and kiss her on the head and get comfortable on my mattress. Jasper is awake facing me and texting Cami.

"Hey Jasp! What did cami say about Courtney (I don't know her last name)?" I ask.

"She said Courtney wanted to get revenge and wants her, (Cami), To win the singing competition but She, (cami), doesn't really be competitive)." Jasper explains.

"Well at rehearsal I'll make sure that Bianca doens't let charlotte get hurt. It'll be dress rehersal so Bianca will be helping char get into her dress." I say 

"Well Goodnight Dude!" Jasper says.

"Goodnight Bud." I say

The next day

Charlottes POV

The next morning I wake up to my alarm that plays the Drake and Josh theme song. "Over your shoulder you know i told you i'll always be pickin' you up when your down. So Just turn around." I sing along as i wake up towards the end.

"Morning Babe," I say to Henry as he comes by me.

"Morning!" I say to him

"Hey, Char! Cami texted me last night and told me Courtney wants, her (Cami), to win the competition." Jasper says.

"Yeah, so I'll make sure Bianca doesn't let you get hurt. It's our last dress rehearsal but we have to do costumes and makeup today. Yesterday we only did hair due to time." Henry explains. 

"Thats a good idea in case courtney tries to make me drink some weird potion or something." I say.

"Lets get downstairs for breakfast." Jasper says.

"Yeah because Henry has to make us breakfast." I say, smiling.

"True dat." He says.

We walk downstairs to see that Piper is watching iCarly. I sit next to her and we watch the episode, iGet Banned. We are on the part where Freddie and Gibby overhear the girls talk about the fake band playing at the groovy smoothie.

"Lets see! Bacon and Eggs for breakfast." Henry says.

(Fun fact: Yesterday, Feb 14 2021, I'm saying the year in case you see this in the future, Anyway  I already watched Henry Danger the musical but I love it so much that i wanted to watch it again. Whats your favorite song(s) from the musical? I really like the beggining one, The song about char and scouz, the bro song and the last one.) 

"Yay!" Jasper says, sitting next to me.

We watch TV untill its time for Piper to leave. She wears a striped shirt with Jean overalls and her har in a ponytail. She wears her whte vans. She gets to school later since she is a freshman. She eats a few bites of bacon since she can't have dairy (Pretend she can't). 
"Bye everyone! see you at dress rehearsal!" Piper says walking out the door.

After we enjoy some delicious breakfast, we get online for classes.  1st Period science: No homework

2nd Period: Study period

3rd Period Gym: Yoga workout

5th Period Math: Online Tests for seniors

6th Period Honnors english: Chapter 10-11 Quiz

7th Period History: We have to write a mini story using our vocab

8th Period Show Choir: Last Dress rehearsal before the show tommorow so we have to practice at home if we are online. Those at school have to work on vocals.

"we have our test today." I say.

"Well lets hope we can do a good job so we can get our credits." Jasper says. Henry and I nod in agreement.

"I like to do my classes in order but i'll do the ones without charlotte first so we can do the classes we have together and work on our show choir dance and song." Henry says

Henrys POV

Jasper and Charlotte and I all work on our Online work. When its time for us to work on choir project. We play the original song and work on our dance. At the part of my solo where Charlotte sings, "There's nothing left to say!"  She gives me the best smile that after the last verse when we kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck..

"Aww you guys are going to do Amazing!" Jasper says.

"I have to call Bianca and tell her that I may need help with my dress." Charlotte says.

"Good Idea. I'll beep Ray and tell him that he should come to the show to make sure courtney doesn't try to show up and do anything suspicious." I say.

I walk on the porch and beep ray.

"Hey Hen wats up?" Ray says on the Hollogram.

"You know how tomorrow is my show choir competition or performance" i say

"Yeah I remember you saying you are performing with Charlotte." Ray says

"Well Jaspers ex girlfriend, Courtney, hates Charlotte because I told her that Jasper "Loves" Char on accident when  meant as a friend. But last night courtney tied char up and Threated her." I explain

"Isn't that the girl you pushed out of the window?" Ray asks.

"Yes, Anyway, Jaspers friend Cami, is a famly member of courtney and she said courtney wan going to try to make us lose so that cami can win, but cami isn't competitive." I explain.

"Wow! Thats not very nice of her!" Ray says.

"So will you come to the show, watch charlotte and I perform and make sure nothing suspicious happens. My friend Bianca is going to watch charlotte by the girls dressing room and Jasper will be watching me." I explain

"Yes and after you and charlotte perform, I will go backstage and make sure ntohing suspicious happens. You know, dressed as Captin Man." Ray says

"Good idea and I'll bring my gum in case something goes wrong." I say.

"Click" He says

"Clickidy Click" Ray says before he hangs up. I walk inside seeing charlotte on the computer and Jasper also on the computer.

"Ray is coming to the show." I explain.

"Are you brining your gum?" Charlotte asks while typing.

"yes and after we perform, He is going to turn into Captin Man after char and I perform." I explain.

"In case anything suspicious happens?" Jasper says

"Yes exactly. But I won't be able to turn into kid danger because people will be looking for me. But if something does happen, I will say I have to pee bad and turn into Kid danger and then I will change back into my normal self." I explain

Later we head to school.

Bianca helps charlotte get into her dress. She wears braids ad a pretty sparkly dress. We practice our song. But the kiss made me feel happy at the end. Jasper and Piper Perform, "Our love is like a burning garden." They are not dating but they are best friends.