Pregnant and Children

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I had a picture of Henry holding a baby from a mission so I figured it fit this chapter.

Charlotte's POV:

It's been five years since Henry and I have been together. We recently got married and went on a honeymoon with Jasper and Cami, who got married before us but came on our honeymoon. I haven't been feeling so well these past few days, I'm sure I'm just tired from partying but Henry and I did have a bit of fun at night a few weeks ago. I missed my period so if I'm pregnant, I'll be glad since Henry and I really want children. I didn't know we get this far in our relationship. I didn't even think we would get married. I remember when Henry, Jasper and I were all locked in the man cave. It's been five years since kid Danger died'. Bianca and Drake Parker are married and have twins named a boy named Evan and a girl named Evelyn.

~Present time~

Henry and I are in bed sleeping together. I just woke up with a pounding headache and I feel nauseous.  I shake Henry's shoulders lightly and he wakes up.

"Morning Char," He smiles at me but it changes to a concerned look, "you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I just have a pounding headache, I'm going to text Cami really quick," I tell him and he nods.

Cami told me the other day she wasn't feeling well and missed her period so I'm going to ask her some pregnant questions. 

"Hey Cami, I haven't been feeling well I missed my period, I feel really nauseous, pounding headaches and cramps." I text her.

"Hey Char, I've been also feeling those symptoms too, Jasper and I did try to have 'you know what' and it wasn't protected. So Jasper has a feeling I might be pregnant," she texts me back.

"Yeah, Henry thinks that too," I say over text.

She doesn't respond but I figured she might be having morning sickness right now. As soon as I think of that, I feel a warm, rising sensation and run into the bathroom. I start throwing up. Cami and I might be pregnant.

"Char, you okay?" I hear my husband say, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, just a little morning sickness," I say and continue to throw up.

"Okay, I think you're pregnant, I promise you, these kids will be amazing," He says and I stand up, drinking some mouthwash.

(This is kinda awkward to write ngl)

"I mean we did 'do it' during our honeymoon," I say  walks into the bedroom.

"I'll make you some breakfast, just take a test okay?" He smiles and walks downstairs.

I go to the medicine cabinet and grab a pregnancy test. I text Cami and tell her to take one.

"Hey Cami, taking a pregnancy test, take one too and wait five minutes and then we'll tell each other the results," I text her.

"I am doing that as you text me :)"

Five minutes later.

After waiting, I check the results and it's positive. I cry tears of joy and text Cami.

"Cami, it's positive, I'm pregnant, what about you?" I text cami and wait when she responds quickly.

"Positive too, we're having children, I'm going to go tell Jasp, he's making me breakfast," She texts and I smile.

I walk downstairs to see Henry making bacon and eggs. I breathe and walk over to him.

"Hey Char, I made- why you crying sweetie?" He asks, cupping my face.

I show him the test and he cries tears of happiness.

"Your pregnant?" He smiles.

"Yes, Hen, we're going to have a baby," I smile and kiss his cheek.

We sit down to eat breakfast. I'm glad I don't have cravings because that would be a disaster.

"Cami is also pregnant, Jasper told me over text, he said that we should go to the doctors together and get you girls checked out," Henry says and we begin to eat.

Cami's POV

I walk down the stairs to see Jasper cooking breakfast. I smile and show him my test.

"You're pregnant?" He asks and I smile.

"Yes, Babe, we're having a baby," I smile and he hugs me.

"We should definitely go to the doctors with Charlotte and Henry. Our child can become best friends with Charlotte and Henry's child." Jasper says.

"Good idea," I smile and we start eating breakfast.

Charlotte's POV

I had to throw up my breakfast due to morning sickness. Cami told me that happened to her. And if your wondering, no we aren't twins we just experience the same symptoms. Henry and I are heading to the Maternity doctor. Henry is taking a break from being a hero in dystopia along with Jasper and I.

"Hey, there they are," Cami says, walking up to Henry and I.

"Hey Jasper," Henry says, hugging Jasper.

"Hey, we made a appointment so that we could be together although Henry and I have to go in first," I explain.

"That's fine with me,"  Cami smiles.

The doctor then comes in.

"Charlotte Hart?"

I walk into the room and I lay on a stretcher. Henry squeezes my hands and I smile.

"Okay, so you did a pregnancy test correct?" The doctor asks me.

"Yes, I also had morning sickness after I woke up and after we ate breakfast. I missed my period and had a  pounding headache this morning." I explain and she she writes it down.

"Okay, we are going to run some gel on your belly and even though it's early, we're going to look at the baby,"  She says and puts some cold gel on this sensor and rubs it against my stomach.

"Okay, looks fine, come back in five months if you want your gender. We can give it to you in case you wanna throw a gender reveal party," She says.

"We are planning on to do that with our friend who also got pregnant today," I explain.

"Nice, see you in five months," she smiles.

Jasper and Cami then walk in. They stay in there longer because cami things she might be having twins.

~a few minutes later~

Cami comes out and tells us that she is having twins.

"That's amazing!!!" I smile.

(Next chapter will be the gender reveal party, just comment what the twins names should be and charlotte and Henry's childs name, pick both a boy and girl name)

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