❥ Chapter 45.

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hii! i'm literally sitting in my lesson in college ahahhaa but here's a new chapter!

The hum of the car fills the silence. We're on our way home from this horrific weekend, I feel bad for being thankful. We haven't spoken a word to each other all morning, I'm still angry with him.

I'm not backing down from this one, I know he's lying to me. I've known Issac for a while now and in the space of those months, we've grown close quite fast.

He's never lied to me before, or maybe he has and I've never noticed. He's a good liar, he has that powerful talent which scares me sickly.

I hear music flow softly through the air and breath relief when I don't have to sit in this tension anymore, it's unbearable.

I need to talk to someone, but I don't know who. I'm not seeing Louie until Thursday, I can't talk to Amelia because Issac is her brother, even though I doubt she'd tell him about our conversation. I can't talk to Ellie because the situation involves her. I could talk to Henry. I sigh and rest my head back, slowly letting my eyes drop.

When I reopen them we're home, well nearly, I recognise the streets, we're coming past college. I stretch my arms out, I must've dozed off for a while.

Soon my house comes in to view and for the first time in - I can't even remember - I find myself smiling. I gather my things ready to get out.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Issac's attempt at lifting the mood doesn't work, I glare at him.

"Liars don't get kisses" I mumble and get out the car, without looking back I walk straight into my house.

Once the door is closed I sigh and blink away the tears, I hear Issac's car roar off. I'm fed up of crying, I won't let them win me over again.

I throw my stuff on the floor not caring, looking for Romeo. "Romeooo, Ro?" I look around, my heart filling up when I hear his little paws on the floor.

"Beautiful boy! Hi" I scoop him up, getting attacked with kisses.

"Hi sweetie, how was your weekend?" Mom comes downstairs, dressed in blue with her hair pinned back.

I frown, the tears coming again at the thought of it but I blink them furiously away, "Not good" I sit down with Romeo.

Today I've woken up feeling defeated, I've tried to shake out of it but with everything happening with Issac I can't. Feeling like this is so exhausting because I simply have no energy, no excitement.

"What happened?" Mom sits down next to me, eyes full of concern. I look down at Romeo whose staring back up at me.

I tell her everything, and I mean, everything. I tell her how Issac has previously slept with Ellie and what happened on the night of my birthday, all of it pours out of me like a broken tap that won't stop running.

I don't tell my mom anything really so she looks surprised when I finally look up at her, "I see" She takes it all in.

"I don't know whether to believe him or not" I tuck my hair behind my ears, scared at the response I'll get. I don't want the same old you're overreacting, because people don't know exactly what I'm feeling there just outsiders looking in, they think it's not a big deal.

"Has Issac ever given you a reason not to trust his word?" My moms frame relaxes, gently leaning back onto the sofa.

"No, never" I shake my head. Issas has always been honest with me, even sometimes to honest. "Then maybe trust him. As a parent I can't say I've made the best judgments, I can't say I'm perfect but don't just run away, trust him until he gives you a reason not to, if you do find out he's lying then you can run for the hills because at least you'll know what you're running from, instead of running from something you'll possibly never find out. I know it will be hard but he loves you, just from the way he looks at you, I can tell. You have something real good there darling" She takes my hand.

I blink at her feeling unable to speak, letting her words sink in. I reach over and hug her, she wraps her arms around me in a tight embrace and her scent feels me with comfort.

I've never been close with my mom but right now, I feel the closest I ever have felt. I pull away, "Thank you" I nod, she smiles squeezing my hand.

"How about we stay in, Joseph is out for the night so we have the place to ourselves. We can order takeaway? Watch some movies do facemasks?" She smiles, excitement building in her voice.

I did want to go see Ellie but I think time with mom would be nice right now, "Sounds amazing" I smile.

Romeo climbs onto my lap, "You've never told me the story about how you and dad met" I take more of my food, sitting next to mom on our long sofa.

"I've known your father for years, where to start" she blows out air in thought, "We first met in high school, two complete opposites but some how we came together" She shakes her head with a laugh.

"We shared an English lesson, we sat at opposite ends of the classroom to one another. When I was little my parents - your grandparents - were quite wealthy, we lived in the nice end of town, we owned nice cars and posh clothes, where as your father, he lived in a caravan on a caravan park in the rough end of town, drug dealers, robberies, the lot. So obviously my parents always told me to stay away from that side of town and the people who lived in it" She pauses for breath, "But one day the teacher gave us an English project and out of all people she picked me and your father as partners, it wasn't a massive project, very small but we needed a partner, something to do with creative writing. He knew where I came from and I knew were he came from so we kept it brief but even then, we were infectious to each other, after those two english lessons working together that was it" She smiles.

I don't say anything, eager for her to carry on, "Lunches spent with my friends were abandoned just to see your father at the back of the library, sharing odd kisses and giggles. We slowly moved around the classroom each lesson, until we'd worked a seat next to one another, holding hands under the table, your typical good girl meets the bad boy" She quotes, "Except your father was no bad boy at all, he was made out to be one from his background, he never touched drugs, he never fought, stole, he spent his days drawing, painting, just like you" She smiles looking into my eyes, "He wanted to go to college, travel the world, explore all the different museums and art that wasn't in museums. He never wanted any part of his background" She frowns.

"What happened?" I'm practically on the end of my chair, "My father happened, after months of me and your father sneaking around, being the loved up couple we were my dad found out. I'd already met your grandad, your fathers dad. I'd seen the caravan your dad lived in and even though those people on that site did bad things I've never met sweeter people, they made me feel at home, that doesn't justify what they did but that's what they were used to, that's what they'd been brought up into, they'd never experienced the fine life like I did, they had to survive any way they could. But one day my dad found out after I'd accidentally left my diary open on my bed, he torn down to the campsite and ripped me away by the clothes on my back, he had a massive fight with your other grandad, punches and cuts, words that I don't want to repeat were thrown and my dad told them he didn't want me hanging round with the likes of them and that was it, your grandad and your father moved on, never to be seen again. I was forced to move on and be with someone appropriate but your dad was my first love and I never felt the same after he left" She frowns down at her food.

"So what happened then?" My wide eyes peer at her as I shove more food into my mouth.

She smiles over at me, "A few years past and we still lived in the same town, same house, I was then 18, working in a coffee shop trying to get my hands on as much money as possible so I could move out. Ever since that day me and your grandad never really got on, I would have done anything, anything, to have moved out" She shakes her head, "And one day I was just about to finish my shift, I was exhausted. It was a summers day and I was sweating after having to run around the busy cafe so I was a mess, hair stuck to my head - the lot, and all of a sudden there he was, your father just standing in the door way, we stared at each other for what felt like years but, it was only a few seconds. He made the first move to make his way over to me and asked me if I'd have a coffee with him and from there we were inseparable" A small smile crawls on her lips.

"Wow" I eat my food my eyes wider then ever, "Did you move in together?"

She laughs, "We did more then that, we run away together, into London" wow, colour me impressed "I didn't see my dad for years after that, then when I did hear from him it was in his last few days, he held my hands and said how deeply sorry he was, that he'd ruined our relationship by making a huge mistake and I forgave him. I was just glad to say goodbye to him. Even though I hadn't seen/spoke to him in years he was still my dad" She takes a sip of her drink.

"That's so, so.." I'm lost for words, "I didn't expect that" I shake my head.

"We have a wild story" She laughs, "But unfortunately we didn't last, it was a mutual decision but it still heartbreaks me now. I'm glad your fathers happy" She smiles a sad smile, she tries to make it a happy one but doesn't succeed.

I suddenly realise my mom must feel quite alone, isolated. Ezra has moved out, Joseph is only ever here briefly, popping in and out and I'm, well I never wanna be here.

I frown frustrated with myself for leaving mom on her own. I've been so selfish always wanting to escape this house when mom makes it nice for us.

"Are you interested in meeting someone else?" I look over at her, she's transfixed on the tv.

"I would yes but I've been on my own for so long now, I've got used to being on my own" She folds her legs under herself.

"We can sign you up for a dating website!" I perk up, excited. "I'm more concerned about your relationship right now, never mind my none-existent one" She tucks her blonde hair behind an ear.

"I think you're right about Issac, I'll see where it leads to" I nod.

"Moms are always right" She winks.

The following week me, Amelia, Henry and Yasmine go shopping for my holiday, we're so close to my holiday now it's amazing.

I buy bikini after bikini, I just can't decide which ones so I buy them all. I've saved all my money for this holiday so I intend to buy the cutest clothes I can find.

"So, how was your week?" I sit opposite Louise after my shopping trip, my lesson was cancelled today due to Kate being ill but I still came to see Louise.

"Pretty good!" I beam, "I haven't felt this good in a while" I sit back in the white chair.

"That's good, I'm glad to hear it" She matches my smile sitting back herself. "What's happened?"

"Me and Issac sorted everything out. I've been going to hospital appointments with Ellie, spending some time with my mom and me and Ezra have packed for our holiday and put the Christmas decks up" I smile.

I only have a few more days of college and then it's Christmas! Me and Issac went to a Christmas market last night in town, it was so pretty. Then in the new year we're jetting off to majorca.

"I told you you'd keep up traditions" She smiles, "Our sessions are almost up" She frowns.

"Really?" I frown also, "Can't we have more?" I lean forward feeling anxious. I've had such a good week but I'm scared that when I'm not having a good week, I won't have Louise to talk to.

"Do you feel like you need more?" She raises her eyebrows, I nod furiously. "Okay" She nods, "We'll have ten more sessions and see how you feel" She nods.

We talk for the rest of the hour before I arrive home, Joseph is in. "Darc! Come help make mince pies" He calls from the kitchen.

I smile and drop my bags running into the kitchen, "Wow, it smells soooo good" I look at mom and Joseph who are covered in flour.

"What's gone on?" I giggle, "It's mom, she's not a very good baker" Joseph shakes his head.

"Well you always tell me how good Sam is and that you're always baking so I thought we could" She smiles hopefully.

"Aww mom" I wrap my arms around her, "They're looking good so far" I look at all the mixed ingredients.

"Want to help?" Joseph smiles handing me a apron, "Of course"

I tug the apron on and that's it, we're all off making mince pies, not many get made over the fun we're havin. Flour goes everywhere and I mean, everywhere, but we don't care, I haven't laughed that much at home in years.

After the mince pies are in the oven we sit down to watch a Christmas movie trying to forget about the washing up and the cleaning to do and all snuggle up together.

When everyone journeys to bed I go through my nightly routine before cuddling into bed with Romeo with the biggest smile on my face.

this chapter is more of building a connection between you and darcy's mom because she's very much in the background! and it's about darcy being a relationship with her family.

also i want to say i'm so sorry for the whole adelaide thing! her name is adelaide for anyone wondering and i'm so so sorry that her name isn't spelt right in most chapters! i'm so disappointed with myself that i haven't checked my writing properly! i'm on the work to change it!

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