Chosen - chapter thirty-seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Cassius ushered me into the great hall. As the herald announced us the entire court grew quiet and turned to look. Who could be escorted by the English king? I held tight to his arm as we entered the mass of lords and ladies who were invited to the masque. I looked around in amazement at the transformation of the hall. Normally sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating everything. Today though the windows were covered by heavy, purple drapes emblazoned with the French crest in gold. The light wood tables were replaced by dark oak. Minstrels stood high above the rest of us playing the most beautiful music. Lords and ladies leaped and spun in the middle of the room. Others gathered around a table full of magnificent foods.

"Wow. This is amazing."

"Francis always has to show off when I'm here." Cassius shook his head.

"Stop it. Enjoy yourself."

He pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.

Everyone looked amazing. Ladies gowns swished about their feet as they ran from here to there, the delicate masks forming to their faces. Long, elaborate plumes jutted from the masks of men, bobbing as they danced and spun about the room with their partners.

"What do you want to do first?" Cassius asked.

"I'm rather hungry."

I scanned the room looking for Angeline or Jonathan.

Will he recognize me? Of course, he will, who else would be on the arm of the king? Cassius is obvious with his crest on his doublet.

"Do you see Jonathan or Angeline?" I asked.

"No," Cassius mumbled, staring at the vast array of meats and fruits before him.

"Are you even paying attention?" I asked.

"To the food I am."

"Cassius, you're an impossible man."

He shrugged his shoulders and piled his plate high with food. I continued scanning the room. I caught a glimpse of a woman in magnificent purple. A large ostrich feather stood high in her hair and she laughed with a group of gentlemen.

Angeline. Okay, so where is Jonathan.

"Joselyn, now it's my turn to tell you to relax. Nothing is going to happen with so many people around."

"You don't know that. This would be the perfect time for someone to attack. Nobody would suspect it," I said, catching Angeline's eye. She nodded and slowly made her way from group to group. "I found her."

Cassius didn't respond. He handed me a plate and directed me to the food. I slowly put a few pieces of delicious smelling meat on the plate along with cheese and bread. Francis waved toward us, motioning to the seats beside him and the queen. We obliged and headed for the raised table.

"Ah, you look lovely!" Queen Claude said as we approached.

"Thank you."

"You two will make a fabulous couple," Francis said, eyeing me.

"Oh, we're simply friends. I'm helping the king find a wife. I'm not available," I muttered, knowing they would not approve of the relationship. Plus, I had no idea how close they were to the Guild.

What if they are the ones who told Jonathan? What if they have a spy for the Guild amongst their court or servants?

Angeline approached as we sat down and curtsied. "Your majesties. Lady Joselyn. I cannot thank you enough for allowing me the chance to be here."

"Angeline, of course, you are welcome here. Always. For all you've done for us and those around us, we are eternally grateful as are Joselyn's benefactors. I'm sure," Francis replied.

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. He does know who they are!

"This is a most wonderful and successful masque, sire."

"Yes. We did have quite a wonderful turnout."

Angeline curtsied once again and vanished into the throng of people. I picked at the food before me, continuing to scan the room for any sign of Jonathan. I stopped, my heart skipping a beat when I spotted a mysterious man standing in the shadows toward the back.

"I shall be back. I would like to say my greetings to a few of the lords and ladies." I stood and abandoned my seat amongst the royalty.

I couldn't take my eyes of the man. His dark hair fell to the side of the greenish, bronze mask. His piercing eyes never leaving my own. His broad shoulders stretched the black doublet he wore. Knee-high black boots shined against the dull material of his black breeches. As I approached, he turned and vanished behind a crimson curtain. Looking around me, I quickly ducked behind. He stood at the end of the hall, leaning against one of the stone walls

"Who are you?" I called to him.

"You know," he responded.

"Jonathan?" I asked, stitching my brows together in confusion.

He turned the corner and continued moving away from me.

"Wait!" I called, running after him.

I turned the corner and ran right into his arms. My breath caught in my throat and my heart slammed against my chest.

"I knew you'd run back into my arms."

"I am not running into your arms. That will never happen again."

"Are you ready to tell me the truth?"

"The truth about what?" I asked.

"You and the king."

"Jonathan, you know I'm his assassin. There is nothing more going on."

"See you're still lying to me." He grabbed my arm and twisted, pulling a dagger from his belt. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't."

He pressed the dagger into my cheek, I grimaced as the point pierced my skin. "You know I have no choice."

"You always have a choice, Jonathan."

"I don't understand why you betrayed me. You know how I feel about you."

"I have told you more than once. I'm finished, Jonathan. End of story. End of discussion."

He leaned in close to my ear, breathing heavily, and moved to the puncture on my face. I closed my eyes tight as he licked the blood off my skin. "You taste so good."

"My God, Jonathan, what happened to you?"


"Is this how you've always been? You're acting insane."

"You are just blind to everything, Joselyn."

"What's going on here?" Cassius asked behind us.

"Nothing," Jonathan snapped.

"How about you let Joselyn go."

"You know I can't do that. She broke her oath. You're making me do this." He waved the dagger at Cassius completely crazy and irate.

"I'm not making you do anything. You can let her go." Cassius slowly approached us.

I chewed my bottom lip hard enough to taste the metallic blood.

I'm bleeding everywhere.

"No. She's not yours. She's mine."

I closed my eyes and tried thinking of a way to get out of the situation. I couldn't reach for my dagger. He'd know exactly what I was doing. I opened my eyes, breathing steadily. I knew what to do.

I became dead weight in his arms, throwing him off balance. Jonathan stumbled, loosening his grip on me enough that I could wrench my arm free. I turned on him and grabbed the blade of the dagger. The blade dug into the soft flesh of my hand, blood dripping down it.

More blood? Come on. Angeline is going to be so angry if any gets on the gown.

I elbowed his arm as hard as I could before leaning down and biting his wrist. Not my usual means of fighting, but it was effective. He yelled out and released the dagger. I rushed him into a wall, holding the blade to his throat.

"Do not think for a minute you can control me, Jonathan. You have lost your mind."

"I'm going to get the guard, do not let him go."

"I don't plan on it," I muttered.

The sound of his boots running down the hall diminished, leaving me alone with Jonathan.

"You're going to regret this, Joselyn."

"I don't think so."

"Do you honestly think I'll stay in prison for long? I'll be released the moment you leave."

"Fine. But if you come near me or Cassius I will kill you, Jonathan. I will not be punished for something ridiculous."

"You took an oath."

"I was six. You cannot help who you fall in love with."

Three guards came running towards us, seizing Jonathan. He smiled wickedly as they led him away. I knew he was right. The moment we left the palace he would be released, and my life was in danger.

Cassius took a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around my hand, smiling softly. Our problems were only beginning. 

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